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I don't think there's many benefits to doing the team event other than getting some competition mileage, but the thing I'm most worried about is knowing Yuzu, I'm not sure he is the type to say "Well skating for team japan is not convenient for me right now even though I could, so I guess I'll skip it." So I just hope he's feeling okay.

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I think Yuzu is not in Peak-form yet, that's why he skipped the team event. As all of you know, he can peak in like 2 weeks, so he's using one more week time. If he competes in team event, he has to be there 1 week or a bit more earlier without a rink to practise. so.. yeah.. he's good with this decision. :) I am sticking to my no-panic rule. 

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1 minute ago, sallycinnamon said:


As the host nation Korea has a spot in the Team Event, so I guess Brian will be there earlier.


if it is true then we saw it coming didn't we..

Brian with Junhwan

Tracy with Javi

Briand with Yuzu


TCC must've planned that earlier

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I was surprised that they announced it early since I thought Japan might use it as an inside advantage, but perhaps it is because Yuzu will not be in PC early for practice that will make it obvious that he won't do TE anyway.


Also us previously worrying about the Opening lol. He won't be there.


3 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

if it is true then we saw it coming didn't we..

Brian with Junhwan

Tracy with Javi

Briand with Yuzu


TCC must've planned that earlier





Cue more people outside Yuzu fandom leaving Yuzu off the podium predictions.

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8 minutes ago, ThiriYuzu said:

I think Yuzu is not in Peak-form yet, that's why he skipped the team event. As all of you know, he can peak in like 2 weeks, so he's using one more week time. If he competes in team event, he has to be there 1 week or a bit more earlier without a rink to practise. so.. yeah.. he's good with this decision. :) I am sticking to my no-panic rule. 


I think you're right and I'm not at all surprised by this decision. He would lose too much precious training time to do the team event. He also would increase his risk of getting one of those nasty flu viruses. I'm actually feeling relieved about this. 

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As far as I am concerned this is not the best of news. Nothing is going to replace actual competitions; we've seen this time and time again, with Yuzuru as well and I do think it would have been easier to 'break the ice' because now everything is focused on having just "one" shot at it. On the other hand, it's good they're not forcing the Team considering he's obviously not ready which is a big benefit as he can hopefully further push his form up. But it does give a wide open door for massive momentum to both Nathan and Shoma, but particularly Nathan who is by now being pushed by the US PR machine with everything they have.


No, I'm not panicking before someone goes down that road because honestly, I don't see the point of that. I'm actually perfectly calm. I'm neither optimistic nor pessimistic; it's just my look on the situation. Things are how they are and there's literally nothing to be done about it. They are making the best of a bad situation, and that's all they can do. In the end, hopefully it'll be enough that he gets to the individual in the best possible physical state and hopefully the team can get him mentally ready. If anything, I think the latter will be essential here considering what has happened this season. Anyway, everything crossed and hoping for the best!

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(Sorry for spam)


Me at some of the naysayers non-fans who rolled their eyes at Yuzu doing Seimei and Chopin again saying that they'd have to relive his programs a millions times this season + previous seasons: :animated-smileys-angry-035:


Me also when the casual viewers ask why the Team Event skaters are redoing their Team programs for the singles and Yuzu brings his "new" programs to the singles event and wows the crowd: :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:


Just something unfunny, but the irony is sad its funny.




Also, day-um, the stock up of Poohs. What's bigger than a Poohavalanche?

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