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14 minutes ago, CupidsBow said:


'gag order' lmao seems a bit exaggerated. there's a difference between the overlord requesting no information be shared about his condition so he isn't hassled and Yuzu got a legal injunction against talking about his ankle.....  

lolol 'gag order' almost certainly used in the lay sense, though unnecessarily dramatic as usual. 


I do wonder what people comprise the 'yuzu side' team... I'm sure it's a bunch of people (though he...doesn't have a manager iirc? so I suppose his sponsor's reps???) but I'd laugh if it was just Mama Hanyu being badass on her own

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2 hours ago, kaerb said:

I do wonder what people comprise the 'yuzu side' team... I'm sure it's a bunch of people (though he...doesn't have a manager iirc? so I suppose his sponsor's reps???) but I'd laugh if it was just Mama Hanyu being badass on her own

I wouldn't even be surprised tbh. Remember, this is a woman who singlehandedly maintained both the kid and his wardrobe choices till he was 15 (while possibly not neglecting her other child!), then survived earthquake, and raised from it with her family intact, only to have said family split for the sake of moving to the other side of the globe, so that her youngest can spread his wings comfortably. All this, while managing his diet and health-related issues (which is pain in the rear when you do it for yourself and I'm not even asthmatic), and keeping him away from slacking off on his studies and other responsibilities...and now apparently she is still his only manager. All hail Yuzu-mama, indeed.


On a sidenote, Olympic channel released (almost funnily uneducated) vid on the FS and its' people to look out for at PC, and guess who's still the favorite (and first featured competitor)? You guessed it right, yours truly:




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18 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

On a sidenote, Olympic channel released (almost funnily uneducated) vid on the FS and its' people to look out for at PC, and guess who's still the favorite (and first featured competitor)? You guessed it right, yours truly:

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The photos they used. :facepalm:


OT Lol they showed a picture of ramen when talking about Javi's mother's home cooking. :biggrin:

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38 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

On a sidenote, Olympic channel released (almost funnily uneducated) vid on the FS and its' people to look out for at PC, and guess who's still the favorite (and first featured competitor)? You guessed it right, yours truly:

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Also weird that they'd feature a fan page for his SNS, why not just skip it entirely since he doesn't have one 😕

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8 minutes ago, Anony said:



Also weird that they'd feature a fan page for his SNS, why not just skip it entirely since he doesn't have one 😕


I don't think they have to bother asking permission to use photos posted on social media so I think they're just being lazy. All the photos were from the same account. They probably spent about 5 seconds putting it together. Is that photo of him in a suit even real or is it one of those photoshops? 

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22 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


I don't think they have to bother asking permission to use photos posted on social media so I think they're just being lazy. All the photos were from the same account. They probably spent about 5 seconds putting it together. Is that photo of him in a suit even real or is it one of those photoshops? 



I'm amused! :laughing:

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1 hour ago, Aotoshiro said:

On a sidenote, Olympic channel released (almost funnily uneducated) vid on the FS and its' people to look out for at PC, and guess who's still the favorite (and first featured competitor)? You guessed it right, yours truly:

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The sound of "the reigning world aand Olympic champion" :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:

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