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Just now, Fay said:

Yeah, but then later they did add he didn't really say that, but that they are training alongside now. 

personally I felt that the decision to separate Javi-yuzu training was a bad one. I hope they changed it and is training together again. They need each other to keep on their toes

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14 minutes ago, Fay said:

Well, my impression is that CoR was the only competition the writer bothered studying and watching, so s/he has no idea why on earth Yuzu is so popular. But shading him and the fans? They failed then. 

I think this writer really only did see CoR. 


Jack Gallagher of Japan Times has tweeted about this article being written earlier. The author was supposed to see him at NHK too but because he WD... Anyway, I think the tone of this article was originally meant to be a bit different when they first gave it the green light, but after the injury and WD at NHK it became what it is. 

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Kinda happy NYT covered him because they're also covering some other parts of FS and other skaters. Although I'm kinda salty about some things and still happy about some others, but conclusively I guess any media attention is better than none especially that he is still in ninja mode. I think the author may have wanted to follow him through NHK and even Nats as well but now he has an article and not much to write about this season and decided to bring in the fan worship with some extra focus on it. Eta: Just checked and yes it is front page! *o* How long will that last? lol


OT: I was listening to my usual radio show this morning and the two hosts were talking about how after the holidays and with decorations coming down and with their favorite football team not making the playoffs its a tedious and boring 2018. I'm listening like, wtf I'm biting my nails off everyday as Olys gets closer. Then the hosts asked listeners to call in to reveal any cool personal stuff happening to them in 2018 that might make this winter better. I had to stop myself from calling to remind them that there is the Winter Olys. Lucky, the 2nd caller did! And the hosts were like, Oh yea! Shows how little we care about this Olys. Oh sad.

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Just now, SparkleSalad said:


Haha, I was wondering why I was watching him tell me his favourite animals and bands etc. It was cute to watch, anyway. :)


I got confused because the twitter user is watching and translating different videos and I didn't catch when they changed. :laughing:

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1 minute ago, xeyra said:

Actually it's this one instead. Around 11:00.


Ahhh yes, he did say he has recovered. Brilliant :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


Honestly, that is the most important thing. That his health is fine. His talent will take over then. 


OT but goodness, the way Spanish speak is always so fast for me. I can understand it but I really have to try. It's so much easier with the Argentinians for me!

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5 minutes ago, kiches said:

I actually had the same reading as xeyra. 


The author even says “this is a story about obsession” and that’s not exactly a flattering line. Couple that with Jackie’s quote (which I’m sure was half joking) and I think it’s more an article about how his fans are obsessed with him. I do like that they put what country each fan they quoted was from to show not every one of his fans were Japanese, but it’s obvious they cherry-picked the more extreme examples to include. 


They also got some techcnical details wrong and I’m not a fan of how they framed his drive to up his tech, as I think he would’ve done it anyway even without his competitors competing the harder jumps. 


I AM surprised however that this is front page. 


Hmmm, he is obsessive, though. Unbelievably, cartoon genius level obsessive. How else do you achieve perfection? I don't see it as bad.


Maybe because my quest to see him has so far been quite extreme given that I have to travel intercontinentally no matter where he competes but I didn't think those fans were anything but sensible human beings who have realised that such miraculous beauty is essential for a healthy soul. :P

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5 minutes ago, kiches said:

I actually had the same reading as xeyra. 


The author even says “this is a story about obsession” and that’s not exactly a flattering line. Couple that with Jackie’s quote (which I’m sure was half joking) and I think it’s more an article about how his fans are obsessed with him. I do like that they put what country each fan they quoted was from to show not every one of his fans were Japanese, but it’s obvious they cherry-picked the more extreme examples to include. 


They also got some techcnical details wrong and I’m not a fan of how they framed his drive to up his tech, as I think he would’ve done it anyway even without his competitors competing the harder jumps. 


I AM surprised however that this is front page. 

I agree with both of you and xeyra, there is some shade there, though not as bad as some other articles. It is a bit shallow with no real analysis or even research.


Also, Yuzuru is "fixated" on quads and Nathan who was the first to land five different quads in the same program is not :rolleyes:

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34 minutes ago, xeyra said:

Actually it's this one instead. Around 11:00.


Literally he said "Yuzuru, well, Yuzuru has been injured but he has already recovered and, well, we're training again"

( @Yatagarasu i am sorry, i speak very fast too hahaha)


Also uhhh


Hanyu’s fans wrote thousands of letters to him, made dolls in his likeness and sent him origami

Did our swans somehow made it into the NYT too

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4 minutes ago, Neenah said:

I agree with both of you and xeyra, there is some shade there, though not as bad as some other articles. It is a bit shallow with no real analysis or even research.


Also, Yuzuru is "fixated" on quads and Nathan who was the first to land five different quads in the same program is not :rolleyes:


Also the Boyang erasure continues... 

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7 minutes ago, kiches said:

The author even says “this is a story about obsession”


But it is a story about obsession. Only legends have this kind of following, which I think in a way was brought up through the mention of him being akin to an idol. The Michael Jackson reference is spot on; even now he inspires similar things but back in his glory day it was utter madness. It's what follows those who are greats. Yuzuru does have an almost fanatical fan base, a large one and that is exactly the short hand that you use to try and to explain just how great he is. Jackie's quote is also all right because notice he says they see Yuzuru for the first time. 
The whole thing sets the tone of just how much of a legend he is, starting from Lambiel's greatest ever, to finding the mooks in Manhattan, not Japan, to the atmosphere surrounding him, coupled with the he's that good he can win with reduced content, to Carroll's words being placed in such a way that it's obviously a salty outlier. We'll agree to disagree I guess because for me, it's excellent, minor wobbles aside.

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