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General Yuzuru Chat

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They do these "new" features on Yuzu especially since he's now a part of the Olys team, but with no new material from him. Is he going to stay in Canada up until Olys, or does he have an obligation to return to Japan to be part of new Olys promos or take part in a team building event or something, I wonder. Anyway, I wouldn't think we're not going to be kept in the dark until February since by then I bet even the rest of the world will be asking, "Where's Yuzu?"


Anyway, I always get chills when I remember/hear that quote from Yuzu during Sochi about the next Olys, (not an exact quote), "The strength of the athletes of our generation determines the change of the next Olympics." It may have been one of his goals to be a part of spurring that growth towards the next Olys and I do think he is one of the biggest contributor to the men's rapid growth which no one had seen coming and this Olys will be nail-biting asf.



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Personally I hope he has no contractual obligation to return to Japan for promos or any other reason... or if he does, I hope they send a camera to Toronto instead ...They need him to be prepared and ready to compete, imho, so if that means being in Toronto right up until the last week before competition, that's what it means. I can last.. if he can stay off the ice for weeks to get better, I can survive too. 

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3 минуты назад, liv сказал:

Personally I hope he has no contractual obligation to return to Japan for promos or any other reason... or if he does, I hope they send a camera to Toronto instead ...They need him to be prepared and ready to compete, imho, so if that means being in Toronto right up until the last week before competition, that's what it means. I can last.. if he can stay off the ice for weeks to get better, I can survive too. 

I agree. He will have time for TV after Olys (and Worlds), no need to distract him now.

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9 minutes ago, liv said:

Personally I hope he has no contractual obligation to return to Japan for promos or any other reason... or if he does, I hope they send a camera to Toronto instead ...They need him to be prepared and ready to compete, imho, so if that means being in Toronto right up until the last week before competition, that's what it means. I can last.. if he can stay off the ice for weeks to get better, I can survive too. 


Yea, mte. But time zone wise, wouldn't it be better if the TCC Olys team actually head to Japan early and just train at a rink there? Heard that it might be what Russia may be doing for their team, and if JSF can't rent out an entire rink for their own skaters at home it's a damn shame.


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1 минуту назад, Forcefield сказал:


Yea, mte. But time zone wise, wouldn't it be better if the TCC Olys team actually head to Japan early and just train at a rink there? Heard that it might be what Russia may be doing for their team, and if JSF can't rent out an entire rink for their own skaters it's a damn shame.


I think there could be a financial problem cuz in Russia there will be RusFed that most likely will pay for the team. But TCC is international team and I don't think JSF will pay for the skaters from other countries and Yuzu can't go alone with Brian. Brian said in the interview that they will try to adapt to the schedule while in Canada, so we must trust him.

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