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General Yuzuru Chat

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Finally, we get the official announcement.

I was thinking it would come tomorrow or on the 20th, since it was already afternoon in Japan.


I'm glad we've already had time to adjust to the idea of him WD from Nationals.

Just take it easy and heal well Yuzu. We will all be here supporting you.


33 minutes ago, Floria said:

WD news?




13 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

I can breathe now. Heal up well and unleash that kuyashii at the Olympics dear boy!




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This WD news is one less thing to worry about for sure. I know everyone expected him to withdraw but there was still that small chance that he might go (I mean, it's him... so anything's possible). That ankle has had injuries in 2012 and 2013 (and who knows if there was any other time... you never know with him). I'm glad he's taking his time to heal now.


Sidenote: I'm kinda salty about everyone that made fun of him when he said before the start of the season that first "he needs to get chosen for the Olympic Team to represent Japan".

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I got up today with a feeling that there will be WD news today. Good thing there was a statment a week ago so we kinda expected it and it's not a shock. I just hope he will slowly come back to ice and regain his top form and mental conditions. :snonegai:*there better be a skating God out there in the Universe to gather all the best wishes for Yuzu  from all over the world*

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