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2 hours ago, kaerb said:

Brian's face did what my dad's did with age and grew horizontally - I usually can't believe it when he shows me photos of him when he was younger. Given Yuzu seems to be a pretty classic ectomorph, my hunch is that he'll stay relatively similar to how he is now. Or I mean...he could turn into Tsuzuki-sensei/Kikuchi-san, who knows :laughing:


I wouldn't mind if he turns into Kenji too, "the super old man" Yuzu referred to when "making the biggest mistake in his life". :laughing:

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27 minutes ago, kaeryth said:

! ! ! ! ! ! !





I want to learn English through Japanese!!!


26 minutes ago, yuzuuu said:

about yuzu and ageing well. I think yuzu is really the type to increase in fatty tissue (esp at his chin) at the speed of light the moment he pause any bit of physical activity. Rmb when he went back to Sendai for the monument thing.:laughing:


Well, if his body fat percentage is 3-5% when competitive, going up to 10% isn't that bad. His baby fats are adorable too. :laughing:

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Ahora, katonice said:

Just please don't overexert yourself Yuzu... Take your time. But it's good that his recovery is progressing. 

I feel much better now than in summer of 2016 with no news at all. 

So I understand that he can skate on the right foot already but has not resumed practice on ice. And still thinking of Nationals...

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Sounds like Yuzu is planning to go back on ice and slowly increase the load on his right foot. I'm ok even if he doesn't go to Nationals, but I think he wants it more than any of us. Under Brian's and team TCC's watchful eye, I trust that Yuzu will know not to overtrain.


I think perhaps one day we should send Brian a wig as a present to appreciate what he has done for Yuzu. :knc_brian1:

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1 hour ago, Xen said:

Since he takes after his mother, he'll be prettiest dad at the parent-teacher conference.


You are not the only salty one, I am low key smirking in a corner. Though I really wonder how long the appreciation will last. My faith in humans is quite low.

I don't expect it to last too long either. I think grumbling about Yuzu is many True Figure Skating FansTM's comfort zone.


Ah well, they miss him when he's gone, at least.


I had coffee so I'm less petty now. Still smirking though.

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