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After today, I'm so glad Yuzu chose Chopin and Seimei. He can just concentrate on his own performance and not worry about other competitors, as with both he is chasing after his own shadow, not another skater.  I'm not sure what to make of them men on the GPF so far- solidarity in errors seems to be the theme so far, so hopefully they're all trying to fill up their popping and splatting quotas early to reduce the errors later on. Otherwise...ugh, I don't know if I want to watch the men's this season, hopefully our over-meme-lord Yuzu will heal us at NHK (after we all birth kittens due to nerves before and during his skate).

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1 hour ago, xeyra said:


The thing about Mikhail's 4Lz is that when everything aligns he has so much height he can check out with a lot of control to land it cleanly (when he lands it). If you notice, he seems to open rotation before he lands (so his knee bend is a bit less than Yuzu's who checks out a bit lower). He gives the feeling he could tack another rotation there. Almost. :laughing:

That is the old style of Russian's way of jumping (especially the men), go back to Plushenko, Kulik, Gachinski, Menshov, Voronov... they jumped very high and technically the way they unwrap their free legs are very much alike. 

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45 minutes ago, Xen said:

After today, I'm so glad Yuzu chose Chopin and Seimei. He can just concentrate on his own performance and not worry about other competitors, as with both he is chasing after his own shadow, not another skater.  I'm not sure what to make of them men on the GPF so far- solidarity in errors seems to be the theme so far, so hopefully they're all trying to fill up their popping and splatting quotas early to reduce the errors later on. Otherwise...ugh, I don't know if I want to watch the men's this season, hopefully our over-meme-lord Yuzu will heal us at NHK (after we all birth kittens due to nerves before and during his skate).

Don't kill me again with your ankle avatar:facepalm:

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Bringing the lutz talk back to Yuzu though, I think one of the most aesthetically pleasing thing about his jumps is that they look like they have the perfect height and distance when he lands. His triple axel for instance is high and travels far, but I’m sure if he wanted to he could jump it higher but it may not make the trajectory look as beautiful. Yuzu’s lutz in Russia looked like it had close to an ideal ratio of height and distance to make it look effortless, he just needs to control the tilt of the axis more and I think the landing will be smooth and it’ll look seamless. 

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17 minutes ago, kiches said:

Bringing the lutz talk back to Yuzu though, I think one of the most aesthetically pleasing thing about his jumps is that they look like they have the perfect height and distance when he lands. His triple axel for instance is high and travels far, but I’m sure if he wanted to he could jump it higher but it may not make the trajectory look as beautiful. Yuzu’s lutz in Russia looked like it had close to an ideal ratio of height and distance to make it look effortless, he just needs to control the tilt of the axis more and I think the landing will be smooth and it’ll look seamless. 

You know, when the man says 'Beautiful jumps' he means buisness. I'm pretty sure that's why his 4Lz got an etiquette of 'Could've been better' at its' first outing, despite other skaters probably going nuts with 'WHAT THE HELL, I LANDED IT' in their own first landed competition jumps... (The WTH is probably their reaction every time Yuzu skates cleanly, tbh. One of the reasons I want Javi in GPF regardless of the standings, threats, etc.- his reactions to Yuzuru going cosmic/IceSuperSaiyan/Whatever-Yuzuru-is, they're so accurate. Kolyada was close to the same level of accuracy in the Green Room at Worlds, tho).


Patrick drama sounds like Plushy's pre-Sochi tactic (save the best for Olys) minus thirteen back operations (hopefully), and withdrawal mid-competition (also hopefully not *knocks wood*). He has Kevin and Keegan to hold back at Nats, so maybe polishing a bit without competitions inbetween is a good tactic?

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2 hours ago, micaelis said:

Some thoughts now that Cup of China is history - First is that Javi may not make the GPF.  He finished seventh in China, which means that he has to win in France to even have a chance to make the GPF.  A second observation - A new name enters into the ranks of those who threaten Yuzu's plans - Mikhail Kolyada turned in a very good performance in China, placing 1st in the SP and third in the FS, more significantly besting 2nd place finisher Boyang Jin by some fifteen points in a situation where Boyang had home ice advantage.  I think we might have to place Kolyada amongst the potential spoilers come February.  We'll know at the GPF where he will once again face Yuzu in head to head competition.  Just so some don't get the wrong idea, I'm not yet ready to drop Javi from the list of those I feel threaten Yuzu at PC but I now am ranking him at outlier status with Chan and Kolyada.  I'm almost tempted to put Boyang there, also, since he didn't do so well when he had home-ice advantage.  Right now, as I see it, Yuzu's chief threats are Shoma and Nathan with my feeling that Shoma is the greater threat of those two.  In any case we'll have two oppurtunities before PC to see Yuzu and Shoma facing off against each other - the GPF and Japanese Nationals.  What happens there will give us strong indications of how the podium might look like come February.

I read somewhere that Shoma is now the favorite for PC (let me jinx it...). JSF must be happy now...GPF and Nationals will be tough...


I just recovered from CoC due to the awesome medicine called CoR Seimei.

Yes, Yuzu was fast. I tried to focus on the blurry background audience. OMG I felt dizzy :bow:


Patrick and Javi won over SEIMEI before...and

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