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7 hours ago, kaerb said:

Oh, I definitely would agree with the EX being much easier but it is Yuzu and he operates kind of differently from others, especially this season. Given what he's said about the Olympic season, I doubt he'd invest significant time into creating an EX, especially at this stage where he has a brand new jump layout and a brand new jump to master which is, in bulk, like learning a new program. He doesn't seem like the type who needs/wants variety of programs to take his mind off his competitive programs nor the type who might get super bored of his programs enough to start working on an EX (partly because he tends to treat his EX as programs anyway, they're not really 'throwaways').  


YMMV of course, I'd be delighted if he pulls something new out but I am definitely not expecting it. 



Sigh, what has his EXes not being 'throaways' to do with it? Where did I say they were, or anyone elses? Of course he treats them like programs that mean something to him, but no, he doesn't treat them like competitive programs. Not at all. He shouldn't either, EXes are flat out there for a different 'purpose' in the first place. And why would he put more time in then necessary, just to proof something? If it doesn't take him more time, then it doesn't.

It's also not comparable to get a new EX (or re-use some other old programs as EX) to getting a new jump. That's fundamentally different in how it affects what he does. New jump/new jump layout happens on the ice, learning new choreo, especially for an EX, potentially in it's majority does not. It's usual to practice choreo off ice as well. And the mainly limited time factor is the on ice training (especially in Yuzus case, due to his asthma). Plus it's about not tiring yourself out, and practicing jumps is also a lot more taxing then practicing choreo. You know what would majorily affect his training time for the new jump? 'Playing around with the 4A', like he himself said he did this off season. Even better, remember when we heard the frist rumors about the 4A? From Max Ambesi, smack in the middle of last season as well. He's not doing it now, according to him, becasue of the injury risk, not beacuse he doesn't have the time (and new choreo/a new EX/old programs re-sued as EX don't have the same problem). I honestly don't see why he would have the 'resources' (like time, stamina) to play around with the 4A in the off season but not the resources to get a new EX, or practice a few other old programs again (that he just wouldn't have used because Tat at CoR). I'm not saying he should have, if he didn't that's fine, I'm just majorily confused at the assumptions that new/different EX programs "would take to much time" :scratch2:


Additionally, yes repeating Chopin & Seimei grants him more time to focus on the other stuff compared to learning new choreo - but has he said himself that this is at least partly the reason as to why he's repeating? I'd think it was in line of "programs he's comfortable with" more then anything else, and nothing like "I don't have the time to learn new choreo" (also, with the changes they made to both programs, I'm sure he's put more time into getting choreo then a lot of others with "new programs" anyway). Honestly, Seimei is his baby, I have rarely seen anyone so invested and connected to a program. He'd re-use it anyway no matter what the jumping content is, and said himself he decided on Seimei for Olys in 2015. Chopin OTOH doesn't really have a new jumping layout (maybe yet), so not really a good reason to repeat it, isn't it?

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My two cents on EXes:


I would be surprised if he did something completely new, because I think that does take time and energy he might prefer to put into perfecting his SP and FS.


But I would actually like him re-doing various EXes, instead of using just NS for the whole season. Partly because, like others, while I like NS, I'm not THAT fond of it, but also because I think practicing for something other than his competitive programs would be good for him. It'd be easier - well, easier by Yuzu standards :P - programs, that he doesn't have to stress over as much and that he can fully enjoy and maybe it'd help him relax a bit and tone down that intensity that Brian always thinks he has too much of. Whether he will or not... no idea. I won't be surprised either way. But I think like that 'teaching others to hydroblade' fun thing Brian (or was it Tracy?) mentioned in an interview about the off-season, I think working on other EXes would give him a little break, without actually having to take a break from skating itself.


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57 minutes ago, Joey said:

Chopin OTOH doesn't really have a new jumping layout (maybe yet), so not really a good reason to repeat it, isn't it?


If he did it like ACI everytime, I'd assume that would be the reason (a reliable SP so he doesn't have the issues he had last season with LGC). But then COR happened and I just :facepalm:. So here's hoping NHK's SP is more like ACI's than COR's SP. :laughing:

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