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From Iron Klaus twitter




I would love it if all 3 of them were in a competition together again. Yuzu was so happy, giggly, and huggy (is that even a word? haha) at the NHK Trophy last year. And I think Fei and Keiji get less pessimistic when Yuzu is around.

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From Iron Klaus twitter



Yeah, Yuzu is the type of person who'll keep racing even though he said he'll wait, haha. They are so sweet, but so self-depreciating.. :grin:

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Pomelo Pooh---did you take the photo? Impressive number of Chinese fans and great banners too!


I wasn't there, because I was a new fan and didn't find out about the tickets in time :cry: It's from one of my friends on weibo. (Ah, I forgot the picture doesn't link to the source - going to add it now!) A nice girl shared her artworks online and said people were free to use them to make banners, and I saw quite a few of them in the pic!

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From Iron Klaus twitter



"It's not just the skating. His thinking and thoughts are world class." I'm really curious what Yuzu is like in Keiji's eyes... They grew up competing together, and Yuzu talks non-stop around him :D Though it's a bit sad to read about Ryuju reacting not well to pressure... Don't let the negative vibe come from inside of you, Ryuju-kun!

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Yeah, Yuzu is the type of person who'll keep racing even though he said he'll wait, haha. They are so sweet, but so self-depreciating.. :grin:


Yes, it's beautiful but there's something clearly bittersweet in this interview... as if they felt like crysalids watching their friend the butterfly, flying further and further from them. :cry:

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From Iron Klaus twitter



"Ryuju: He's the type who says 'i'll be waiting for you'... and at the same time goes right ahead (running off)"


Yuzu has great sportsmanship towards other skaters but at the same time he is also working hard to improve himself too.. and he just keeps growing :goe:

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uuuuuuhhhh I've ordered a bunch of yuzu magazines from amazon and they're already here and there's sooo many pretty pictures and I have officially died and gone to heaven :love: :love: :love: excuse me while I dive into a pile of paper and never come out again! (I'm gonna need ice packs for my scanner so it doesn't overheat)

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May I ask how to watch this video Weibo? Where to click because I don't read Chinese.

Thank you


Hi Vadrouille, :) I think you have to have a weibo account to watch it. Sorry, I also don't read Chinese. Maybe someone can help?


Another Fanyus :laugh: 2-in-1 :smile: I like the purple Chopin. :love:

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