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5 hours ago, ralucutzagy said:

:tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw: :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg: :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:





4 hours ago, MrPudding said:

Yuzu wanted to use hairspray so he went behind the curtains but Kikuchi-san didn't manage to close it properly :smiley-laughing021:

don't let Zuzu do his own hair in the future :xD:why did he need to hide...

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21 minutes ago, Sammie said:

I'm an Asian living in the US. My mom saw me watching Yuzu skate on my phone. She asked me if he was a girl ... I said No. Then she asked if he was gay...I said No. :slinkaway:

that was what happened when I showed someone

swan -> girl

LGC -> gay...

tbh, Yuzu is Yuzu, if he is a girl, I still love him..her..?:xD:

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tbh I've never looked at Yuzuru ad particularly thought he looked like a girl. He looks boyish and has soft/more delicate features and can be a bit androgynous but he always still looks clearly like a guy.  One of the things I really liked about him from Sochi was how he embraced it and played with it going from a more masculine program to a more feminine one. But. He's a guy playing with gender expectations.

Idk I never found it that hard to get that there's not just one type of masculinity. I think Yuzuru is plenty masculine. Just maybe not in the same way as some other guys...



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33 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

. . . . I have no idea then lol. :smiley-laughing021:


Lol I wish there was some way to poll us satellites on PH haha. Now I'm curious! How many of us, the very first time we saw Yuzu, thought he was a girl??

I never thought he was a girl. Lol. He look like a man to me. A young man with soft features and a slim body who is graceful with his movements. 

To be fair my mom doesn't know a thing about figure skating (never knew it existed at all) and never seen it until she saw it on my phone. All the graceful movement of his arms and fingers might threw her off. :shrug:

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12 hours ago, kaeryth said:

! ! ! ! ! ! !





25 minutes ago, ruruzest said:

The news that he may continues after Pyeongchang fills me with hope and love !

that means I can make plan for GPF in Vancouver and SA or ACI :sadPooh:


I feel you. A -pretty- strong hint to continue skating from himself ?! And so many other things being said this season really... what's going on?

Already sitting here for 40 minutes wanting to contribute something constructive, but no

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43 minutes ago, Sammie said:

I'm an Asian living in the US. My mom saw me watching Yuzu skate on my phone. She asked me if he was a girl ... I said No. Then she asked if he was gay...I said No. :slinkaway:

First time I saw him skate, I also thought he was a girl. But that's cos I wasn't paying tons of attention to his face and his figure is so slender. I also didn't know female skaters don't wear pants. =S   The more I know Yuzu, the more manly he becomes. :embSwan:


Isn't it annoying that people make assumptions about a person's sexuality based on physical appearance alone? :yznotimpressed:

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All this talk about Yuzu's masculinity (or supposedly lack of) has everybody trying to decide what a masculine person looks like.  The person who talked about how Asian males are frequently seen as feminine by Westerners raises a point, but with Yuzu specifically, I think another thing might be contributing.  In all the close-ups I've seen of him from his early teens to approaching his mid-20s I have never seen even the slightest hint of beard.  I can't think he's wearing makeup because in even the most unscripted moments the beard remains hidden.  I don't think it's a lack of testosterone because I remember seeing a brief scene (in either a show or a gala) where he doffed his shirt and while Yuzu didn't have great bulk he definitely had definition.  I remember something I read (exactly where I can't say) in which the speculation was that Yuzu, in order to do the things he does on the ice, must have one of the lowest body-fat percentages of any prominent athlete.  I could believe that.  I remember one of the British Eurosport commentators in Yuzu's very early days, remarking how 'pencil-thin' he was and wondering where his obvious strength came from.  All I can say is that if any person decided to take Yuzu on physically, that person would probably be in for a very painful surprise.  But in any case, I think the controversy we're dealing with right now (the sister who just couldn't see Yuzu as manly) is one that could easily be resolved if instead of showing Yuzu ON the ice, showing him instead OFF the ice.  See him as he totes his luggage or acts in some of those interviews where he's not just parked behind a mic and a desk, and there's no trace of feminine mannerisms there.  If that doesn't work, then just mark the sister's attitude as one that even in the face of all the evidence still maintains the world is flat.

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53 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

. . . . I have no idea then lol. :smiley-laughing021:


Lol I wish there was some way to poll us satellites on PH haha. Now I'm curious! How many of us, the very first time we saw Yuzu, thought he was a girl??

I definitely didn't, but I'm spoiled,my first really watched program of his was Chopin, and you know, his music just comes off as a soft fighter and not fightress? Then there was Seimei, jump to R&J1, then current season...yeah,but then again, I always had sporty slender/gymnastic and not packed guys as my stereotype for men (volleyballers in the family do NOT help to change this, neither do background in the Japanese stageplay fandom...), so I shouldn't count :biggrin:


As for stereotypizing people based on physical appearance-somebody already said that but isn't it the effect of Yuzuru having some taste in actual costumes in manliness-challenging colors and rocking in them? You know,straight men aren't supposed to be this confident and all that no offense meant to you guys...

I always just found him aesthetically pleasing, so did my mom when I showed her SEIMEI...but then again, she's an older generation :biggrin:

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