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24 分ぐらい, Hydrobladeさんが言いました:

Lol i was talking about the guilt tripping.  Convincing him to do ice shows won't be an issue, as it allows him to experiment with stuff he can't do at competitions.

I know he loves attention, that won't be a problem. The problem would be convincing him to do it for the foreign fans. There are so many japanese dying to see him, why would he think of us when he has an entire country to please.

I might have an inferiority complex compared to the japanese fans, but i know we're not as important


Ahhh. The guilt-tripping bit was a joke. Especially since no one would have do it to him. He'd do it to himself first, if what he's shown of his character is anything to go by. >_< I think he's probably the sort who needs to have some sort of expectation hanging over him at all times to function so if noone's going to put any on him, which is unlikely, he'll put it on himself. So really, I don't think you need feel bad for wanting what you do. ^^ But it's good that you do. Though, if the guy knows that he has fans feeling like you, *he's* gonna feel bad and the cycle will be endless. Best if he just does a few international shows and gets paid for it. He doesn't even have to do too many of it. Just a few here and there and the rest of the time, he can stick to the Japanese ones.


He knows and acknowledges his international fan base. If he's the Yuzuru Hanyu we all know and love, he's going to want to make these fans happy as well. And he'll do what he can to make that happen. Because then he'll be happy, too, I'm sure. :)

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9 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


Ahhh. The guilt-tripping bit was a joke. Especially since no one would have do it to him. He'd do it to himself first, if what he's shown of his character is anything to go by. >_< I think he's probably the sort who needs to have some sort of expectation hanging over him at all times to function so if noone's going to put any on him, which is unlikely, he'll put it on himself. So really, I don't think you need feel bad for wanting what you do. ^^

And a bit of what I said Pooh knows how many pages ago comes back: it is heartbreaking to see how much pressure he puts on himself/how hard he is with himself, but if he changed that, he wouldn't be what he is now. So as painful as it is to see him like that, that's the way he operates and as long as he has a healthy way to deal with it and gives himself time to be human, it's fine I and I won't wish for him to change that.

But I'm still not sure he would entertain his foreign fans. I'm not sure if he would want to go back overseas after retiring. In case he does it I feel it would be after a long time performing only in Japan. Boy must miss his home, his culture, everything... And he gets a bunch of love there. 


I have to stop, I feel like I'm bringing down the thread. Please proceed to the nearest happy Pooh rain

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4 分ぐらい, Hydrobladeさんが言いました:

And a bit of what I said Pooh knows how many pages ago comes back: it is heartbreaking to see how much pressure he puts on himself/how hard he is with himself, but if he changed that, he wouldn't be what he is now. So as painful as it is to see him like that, that's the way he operates and as long as he has a healthy way to deal with it and gives himself time to be human, it's fine I and I won't wish for him to change that.

But I'm still not sure he would entertain his foreign fans. I'm not sure if he would want to go back overseas after retiring. In case he does it I feel it would be after a long time performing only in Japan. Boy must miss his home, his culture, everything... And he gets a bunch of love there. 


I have to stop, I feel like I'm bringing down the thread. Please proceed to the nearest happy Pooh rain 



Well, it *is* best to keep your expectations on the down low. This way you won't be too disappointed if you don't get your wish and be very pleasantly surprised when you do. :)

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17 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:



Well, it *is* best to keep your expectations on the down low. This way you won't be too disappointed if you don't get your wish and be very pleasantly surprised when you do. :)

Like I said before, I'm used to not being taken into account by all the Japanese bands/authors/actors I follow because I'm not from Japan. That's another reason why being at ACI was so special to me: In 18 years, he is the first Japanese I admire that I was able to support directly and made me feel closer to Japan because I was surrounded by Japanese aunties and got to practice the language a lot but that's another thing and being acknowledged was... Way more than I expected. 

So will I feel bad of he decides to never go out of Japan again? Yes, but... Story of my life! I should be grateful that I got to see him once already. I think wishing for more is just being greedy under my peculiar circumstances :sadPooh:

ETA: I think it's pretty evident by now that I've had my heart broken by many Japanese at this point hahahahaha 

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43 minutes ago, singcarcom said:


I just can't imagine Yuzu married in 3-4 years time. He's so adorable that I can't imagine him as the head of a household, let alone a dad. XD  

It's weird, cos I'm only slightly older than Yuzu, so while I view him as a young man some times, at other times he's just a cute little boy whom you want to pamper. 


Other than his mum, I'm not sure if anyone else can take care of Yuzu, especially when he seems so hopeless in that aspect himself. Yumi-san is so great I don't know if anyone close to Yuzu's age can ever reach her standards. Since it's Japan, I wouldn't be too surprised if Yuzu will still live with his parents after marriage. 



tbh i think yuzu suffers a bit from age distortion. like when you're 20, 25-26 seems kinda old and like an age you should totally be ready to marry and have kids at but then time flies and you turn 26 and you realise there is no way in hell. Yuzuru seems very intelligent and mature but whenever he lets slip his age-related expectations/ attitude towards age some of his immaturity slips out :P he thinks 30 is a super old guy etc. because he's still a baby XD

*i say as a 26 year old who has not got my life together at all and only recently formed some kind of vague idea of what i want to do and a long-term plan. i'm barely ready to have a pet never mind a child*

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13 分ぐらい, Hydrobladeさんが言いました:

So will I feel bad of he decides to never go out of Japan again? 


I...really don't think you need to worry about that. Japan will always come first but he is also a big picture person with a wide open mind so I *really* don't think he'd be the sort to confine himself to simply Japan. Not when he can do so much good on a global basis. He may want to give a bit more focus to Japan, or mainly his hometown of Sendai, but ultimately, he's mind is too big to force himself into one small corner of the world. And Sendai is too small a place to accept all that he has to offer. Before long it'll overflow and he'll have to bring his talents to the world.  Sides, if his professional services (and I don't just mean performing) are required outside of it, he'd be too generous to not provide it. If Orser and TCC had been that way, Hanyu wouldn't have been the skater he is now. I'm sure he'll be taking a page of their books. =)

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1 minute ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:


I...really don't think you'll have to worry about that. Japan will always come first but he is also a big picture person with a wide open mind so I *really* don't think he'd be the sort to confine himself to simply Japan. Not when he can do so much good on a global basis. He may want to give a bit more focus to Japan, or mainly his hometown of Sendai, but ultimately, he's mind is too big to force himself into one small corner of the world. And Sendai is too small a place to accept all that he has to offer. Before long it'll overflow and he'll have to bring his talents to the world.  Sides, if his services are required outside of it, he'd be too generous to not provide it. If Orser and TCC had been that way, Hanyu wouldn't have been the skater he is now. I'm sure he'll be taking a page of their books. =)

I was talking about a worst case scenario :P then again, I think it also depends on his plans after retiring. If he becomes a coach how likely it is that he neglects his students for fanservice lol

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:

Soooo... who’s excited for CoR and all these other competitions this season? (Spoiler alert: me. I am.)

I am, can't wait for Finlandia too! I get this entire week off and I have 2 competitions to watch (1 JPG and 1 Challenger)!

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