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Yuzuru arrived in Toronto on September 24. He has been practicing only one 4Lo a day in order not to burden the knee.


And from here:



"I did SP yesterday, and I don't know if all our team members felt this way, but the audience must have nearly felt "Salchow is good enough"". 

When Hanyu talked in a frank tone, laughter came out among reporters.


"If I'll be able to get this score steadily with 4S (in SP), I could put more emphasis on LP. It's vexing I had a little bit of that feeling in myself. But after ending (LP or the competition) like this, I thought I would never be able to perform like myself unless challenging."


Thanks to @yude at GS again for these tidbits.

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*fidgets uncontrollably*....HHHnnNNnnNghH! Sorry guys! I tried. I really did. But I'm a big fat liar and I just have to do this! >.< So have an epic word vomit, courtesy of me! xP


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

I said, I'd stop, but I can't help saying a couple more things ^_^;


No problems!!1! *^___^* Always happy to continue an interesting thread of conversation, or debate. :smile: I'm actually highly appreciative of the fact that you read what I wrote and responded to them so meticulously. Of course, I'm very sorry to everyone else who's tired of this topic, or thought it safe to come out of cover thinking it's over, but I do think this discussion is actually beyond simply Sochi accommodations right now and has gone into Hanyu's character, which is something I simply adore discussing because it's what's gotten me so deeply invested in him, even more than his skating. His skating only opened up the doors to his incredible character, so I'm interested in hashing this topic out. I don't jump into all the convos here without looking like that awkward person trying really hard to fit in so when I find a thread I can naturally follow, I'll trail it like a hound because I like to see it to the end. ^.^


Also, it gives me something to do on an otherwise slow Tuesday. Thanks @kaeryth, for starting it, although I'm sorry if you're regretting it. But I'm very much  enjoying myself, lol. 


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

First, I don't see why things have to be completely black or white. He can be strong and have a health problem he can't help. He can have a team that knows how to handle that problem, and still have others interfere. (Though I really only mentioned JSF or JOC because in my view they're the only ones who could take such measures). I don't think any of this contradicts itself and that's probably where the point we fail to agree upon is.


(Omitted for later)


Lastly, it's not that I'm trying to hold on to a theory that makes him seem a little more fragile, though I guess I made it sound like that. As someone said there is contradicting information, I just wanted to argue that this other theory is not that implausible, to me. (And even explained why he would 'lie' about it - he doesn't have a great record of admitting to health issues and I personally cringe a little every time he says he's in good shape, though I choose to believe him, because he's said that every time he wasn't, too - though also agreed his talking about staying with Machida in detail also made it more unlikely it was a lie). I guess people who argue both sides of a story are more unusual, so it seems I'm contradicting myself ^_^;


I'm a very shades of gray kind of person, really. I often find grays making more sense than stubborn black and white in a lot of things, but I don't see any reason for this to be gray in the manner you speak of because, like you've acknowledged, the guy had pretty much put it out there which makes it pretty black and white. Any reason for it to be seen as not would be way too convoluted, which I'll attempt to muddle through later below.


I also understand arguing for both sides but they each have to make sense without negating the other and I think the problem was that I kept seeing each side of yours, those two points I mentioned you made, as countering the other. If I didn't, I'd get it completely but they just seem that way to me. Why I see it as that is part of the convoluted bit I was talking about earlier, which I'll elaborate on soon enough. But for this subject on the whole, I'll just chalk it up to our minds working very differently and, like I promised in my post before this, accept your logic for what it is. You won't hear a thing about it from me from here on out, not explicitly anyway, except for in that little PM I sent you, though I'd recommend you finish reading all of this before you read that one. As for the rest of this post, this discussion has other fun parts so let's move on to those instead. :biggrin:


I've also got more to say in regards to the non-bolded parts of the above quote but to present my case clearer, I'll have to get back to it later and start with this bit first:


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

However, I really don't see how you can compare rooms at the Olympics with the refugee shelter. It's not like on March 11th he could waltz in, cutely scrunch up his nose and say "Sorry, I can't stay here, it's bad for my asthma." And I'm not sure JSF even knew he was alive at that point, so they couldn't do it either. So to me, that comparison is WAY off. He didn't have a choice with the shelter. There might have been one in Sochi (whether his or not is a different topic.)


I can't fault you for thinking this because I wasn't clear enough in what I wanted to say. I had elaborated a little but then deleted it thinking it wasn't necessary and would only serve to make a long-winded post longer. I took it for granted that what I was trying to say was clear but I guess I overestimated  my communication skills a little bit there. Lol. Sorry. 


What I meant by that was, if most other athletes were toughing it out at the Village where it's rumored to have dismal conditions, it would be very OOC for Hanyu to not do the same, because he's survived tougher conditions. He may have a choice about it now, but taking the easier one would seem quite...ungrateful? I mean if he hadn't gone through and survived what he did, it wouldn't be as such. I wouldn't have thought twice if it were someone else but that kind of experience changes a person and from what Hanyu has shown of his character,  he doesn't seem like the sort to complain when he's given something, anything. He'll make do and he'll bring contingencies to avoid complications. If external authorities were kind enough to offer him different accommodations, which we don't know whether or not they did,  based on his account of having stayed at the Village, he'd politely declined it. 


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

First, I don't see why things have to be completely black or white. He can be strong and have a health problem he can't help. He can have a team that knows how to handle that problem, and still have others interfere. (Though I really only mentioned JSF or JOC because in my view they're the only ones who could take such measures). I don't think any of this contradicts itself and that's probably where the point we fail to agree upon is.



Lastly, it's not that I'm trying to hold on to a theory that makes him seem a little more fragile, though I guess I made it sound like that. As someone said there is contradicting information, I just wanted to argue that this other theory is not that implausible, to me. (And even explained why he would 'lie' about it - he doesn't have a great record of admitting to health issues and I personally cringe a little every time he says he's in good shape, though I choose to believe him, because he's said that every time he wasn't, too - though also agreed his talking about staying with Machida in detail also made it more unlikely it was a lie). I guess people who argue both sides of a story are more unusual, so it seems I'm contradicting myself ^_^;


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

Anyway, my ultimate point is even if it happened like that, it's not a big deal. It doesn't mean he's fine china. It doesn't mean he needs special treatment.


Now here's the convoluted bit. It *would* be a big deal. And I can't understand how you aren't able see it. I know you've agreed that the scenario is unlikely seeing as you've acknowledged his words (so we both agree that there's nothing gray about the situation at all, regardless of whatever inexplicable lingering doubt you may harbor), but here's why I find this whole thing about them going against his wishes and making him stay at separate, more viable facilities and the whole thing being kept under wraps with a different story offered up as truth so very unfeasible. Because it's a huge deal if it were.


First, in light of what I just hashed out in the section above this one, the action itself seems rude and disrespectful and it completely overshadows all the good intentions behind it. They'd essentially be going against his wishes and disregarding his reasons behind them while brushing aside all the measures he and his own team, everyone who knows best what he needs, had set in place in favor of what *they* an external authority, think is best. No, just. No. I sincerely don't think JSF works that way. Also, this theory also basically implies (or accuses, if I'm blunt about it) Hanyu of lying to cover the whole thing up and the reason he'd do that being that he wanted to project a more favorable image of himself (especially to those who know of his asthma) as not having received special treatment and toughing it out with other athletes despite his handicap. 


Lying about who he really is is clearly OOC for Hanyu, unless everything he's shown us until now has been nothing but a lie. It basically opens up a whole other can of worms and possibly gives way to endless negative conjecturing. It's all just too far-fetched to be reality, which is why I find this scenario so implausible. It might work in fictional theory but I highly doubt this was how it panned out in real life. It's just not consistent with his character.


Because if circumstances really had played out this way, even though there isn't even the slightest confirmed circumstantial evidence for it, he would've just been upfront about it and said as much. Now *that* is the Hanyu I know and it's a big part of what I admire about him. He doesn't like to admit his weaknesses, yes, but when cornered, he doesn't resort to outright lying about it. He would just straight up admit it and then put a positive spin to it. He'd make it sound like an advantage instead and make everyone think they're the ones who are really losing out with their infinite amount of health, because he makes us realize we take what we have for granted, even if we can't help it. I'm no masochist, far from it--I apparently register more as a sadist according to friends and family, usually with a judgmental look on their faces, but that's beside the point-- but it takes a very special person to make me feel like shit about myself and love them for it still. Also, while he's doing all that, he'd paint JSF in a positive light and thank them over and over for their kindness. Since he never said anything like that, it didn't happen. 


Anyway, it's not like he would have to lie or cover his condition up in the first place because like I said, it has always been public knowledge. If people don't know, they just haven't been paying attention.


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

If anything, it'd just mean the conditions really were very bad - or JSF/JOC/whoever are extremely nosy. Whatever. But it doesn't really make a difference as far as he's concerned. And I guess it bugs me that if some day this - or something like this - was proven to be true, some people would think it makes him a special bunny in need of protection. He's not. It'd just be a more extreme way of dealing with his problem. That's it.


It won't be because I believe it isn't. Due to reasons and evidence (i.e.: what we know of Hanyu's character based on what he's shown the world) presented above.


6 時間前, KatjaTheraさんが言いました:

That said, I'll be happy to believe he roomed with Machida and they maybe had some fun together, too.  :snpeace:


It's probably better that you are because I really do believe that's the truth. The bit about him and Machida being roomies, anyway. Unless the boy was so hard up for friends he completely deluded himself. I mean, *I* haven't heard Machida confirming his claim xD.


Jokes aside though, he didn't make it out to be a fun experience for either of them due to the pressure and by the time everything was over, Hanyu was too busy with media commitments and recovering from his bout of illness. The bit of unverified info where he was staying elsewhere fits very nicely in here, where he moved housing to recuperate faster since each and every Japanese media outlet wanted a piece of him, though that remains a hypothesis because we'll never  know for sure and it really doesn't matter whether or not we do anyway.


But no problem if a small part of you wants to remain doubtful. I'll respect that because I understand there  must be some to make room for creative licenses*. 


*Please see PM for clarification.

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Takeshi Honda from now on you are on my good-people list. Takahiko Kozuka got one spot too. I hope that my list will expand :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw: And the black list will be kept to minimum...

Actually media reaction isn't as bad as I thought it would be. But it's probably because they knew about Yuzu's knee beforehand

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