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Thank you so much for the links to all these great videos. Is there anywhere here on the Planet where these videos are all put together and separated by events or something? Like sometimes I can't watch them immediately or want to go back to see something again but at the rate this thread moves, it's impossible to find the specific posts containing these videos again. I'd bookmark them but they're too numerous. And when the videos are duplicated in quotes, the hunt becomes that much more difficult as it becomes confusing. Also, downloads, especially the pino ones, are set to private (for good reason I suppose) so I can't find them on my own on dm...

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I'm not fluent in Japanese, but I always got the perception that Japanese media (at least on TV/News) were always gracious of him.  Like morning news shows and TV programs would always describe him as a god or prince.  Even when he has a bad outing, they typically show support and compliment his good jumps and how he will do better at the next comp.  Especially Kiritoru which has done a good job at catching all his polite moments.  Is it just the newspapers that bad mouth him?  


But I do get the feeling sometimes that they are making way for Shoma to take over when Yuzu decides to leave.  Kind of like what Yuzu had to go through with Daichan.  But tbh, next to Mao (in FS), I don't think Japan will get another star as famous and popular, both in Japan and worldwide as Yuzu for awhile

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8 minutes ago, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ said:

Thank you so much for the links to all these great videos. Is there anywhere here on the Planet where these videos are all put together and separated by events or something? Like sometimes I can't watch them immediately or want to go back to see something again but at the rate this thread moves, it's impossible to find the specific posts containing these videos again. I'd bookmark them but they're too numerous. And when the videos are duplicated in quotes, the hunt becomes that much more difficult as it becomes confusing. Also, downloads, especially the pino ones, are set to private (for good reason I suppose) so I can't find them on my own on dm...


There's a thread that's only for Yuzu news/updates for people who can't keep up with the threads. No specific thread for the vids though. I would try to consolidate like I did with the comps and ice shows but there's too many of them and I don't know how to categorise them since I don't know Japanese.



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47 minutes ago, kaerb said:

This is going to have to be a two parter because the last bits really defeated me (I got the general idea of what he's trying to convey but am struggling with the kanji and precise wording and he also gets really metaphorical) and I have assignments to finish but I just wanted to speed translate the key part of Yuzu reacting to Seimei.


Usual disclaimers apply: I'm only translating the main gist of things so people more proficient in Japanese are welcome to correct me, especially the parts where I marked. Also if anyone can think of a more elegant translation for 世界最高の自分, that would be great because there kind of isn't really a good way to translate in English and they use it a lot. I'm going with 'the version of himself that stood on top of the world' but it's pretty damn unwieldy. 


Key takeaways

  • This program is brutal for showing ACI at the start lol #TOOSOON
  • Yuzu has an incredible will to dominate and command the spotlight but works best against adversity/when pissed off and is extremely sensitive to nerves (even if he doesn't appear so on the outside), which is likely why he struggles so much when he's leading after the short and in a situation like today. It's true, he needs to skate last or immediately after a rival who's performed beautifully/perfectly and ideally when everyone's ignoring him
  • His attitude to injuries......... .. .. .. please have learned from it yuzu :13877886:
  • Landing the first jump is crucial to the program
  • Kill me three times over with the sealing gesture (HQ multiple angle shots of the sealing gesture after Seimei!)

Under the spoiler because it's kinda long. 

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From 11:53

After surpassing the world records at NHK… amidst the celebration, there was this thought in Hanyu’s head:

Y: What should I do? I can’t surpass my current self!

2 weeks later, he begun the fight to surpass the version of himself that stood on top of the world.

Y: It was probably the first time I started to feel fear. There was a feeling like I had finally accomplished (the pinnacle) at the NHK Trophy. It was the first time I felt the pressure of ‘how do I do something better’ along with all the expectation.


At Grand Prix Final in Barcelona (Narrator): At the practice, a camera caught a rare sight: Yuzuru failing his 4T. And failing again. The truth of that…

Interviewer: We heard in April about your lisfranc injury. What was its impact at this point?

Y: It wasn’t there… hmm… 'Let’s do without this. Let’s not talk about this' (*note: I can’t tell if he was referring to his attitude towards the injury at the time - like ‘it’s nothing, let’s disregard this’ or if he means let’s not talk about this in the interview. I’d say it’s the former because he goes on to talk about it).

Narrator: The truth of this was the lisfranc injury on the left foot (goes on to introduce what the lisfranc is). When jumping the toe loop, there is a huge burden placed on the left foot.

Y: The impact of the 4T was honestly a large burden on my foot. It did restrict how frequently I could practise and how many times I could jump the 4T.

Interviewer: This was something we didn’t know…

Y: Well, I didn’t say anything. I didn’t want to say anything.


At the time of the FS in Barcelona, backstage while preparing. 

Y: At that time, I was very angry. I was very angry with myself. I was fighting with the anxiety of ‘what should I do now?’ at the time.


The person before Hanyu was Spain’s own, Javier Fernandez. At the time, Hanyu was waiting backstage for his turn and did not watch the performance...

Y (looking at himself backstage): I was sooo nervous. Can we stop this for a second?

Y: At the time, ((the crowd's excitement/voices was already at fever pitch* - I took creative liberties with translation because vocab referred to something that translated into 'establishment'. Based on context, I think this is what they mean)). From above and below, there was incredible voices and I could hear their standing ovation. If I were to guess from the number (of voices), I thought it must have been a clean performance. Because of that, my nervousness increased exponentially.


The home crowd’s excitement only grew with Javier’s score announcement. And then… chants of ‘Javi!’


Y: It was probably from here that the calls of Javi stopped and just became one ‘waaaa’.


Exactly what happened to make the Javi calls turn into applause?


Yuzu jumped a 3A to shut them up (WHAT A TROLL).


Y: I was feeling the frustration of ‘I’m warming up but no one is watching me.’ So really remember I jumped a beautiful 3A with all my might like ‘now I’m the one skating’.

Q: Was that 3A to change the mood?

Y: Of course, I wanted to change the mood/atmosphere. You could say in a way, I was asserting my dominance.


2min before the performance, Hanyu dominated the stage with a 3A. 

Y: They were clapping to the beat. It’s not an easy or natural thing to have people clapping for me before my performance ((T/N: I think he means it's a rare thing for people to be clapping in expectation and as one but open to being corrected here)). 


Narration (dramatic AF): The battle with his own ‘world’s best’. His left leg’s injury. The legendary 4min 40sec starts now!




After the first perfect 4T.

Y: For me, this was the most important entry point into the performance. If I hadn’t landed the 4T there successfully, the entire structure of the program would have collapsed.


Y: I was thinking here that I must get a Lvl 4 in my Step Sequence. If I didn’t, it would become hard to surpass my scores at the NHK as all my scores (GOEs?) were high in the previous performance. I was thinking ‘I must get Lvl 4’ while controlling my stamina/body and breathing, I was thinking about it all.


Narration: But at the end of the performance, there was no explosion of feeling (like at the NHK Trophy). Why was that?

Y: I did have a sense of 'the world' ((either the world record or the 'world' of Onmyouji. Based on what he says after this, I'm going to go with the latter. It gets very spiritual and interesting)). After my performance, I closed my hands (in the sealing gesture). I probably only did it at this competition. 




For why he did it.......stay tuned for next time when I am better able to translate his words :xD:




You're a life saver :bow:

:thanks: for translate. 


As I guess, yuzu is the person who will do best after the other did great! He just like to be dominant and in the spotlight! 

I hope he learned from today competition. It doesn't matter wether the other did great or not before him. The most important is focus, relax and have fun/enjoy (remember Dick Button's message for yuzu). He did great with H&L as the first skater in the group. I'm sure he can do it again. 'Just trust your training' as Brian says. I hope yuzu enjoy his time on the ice. 


Yuzu, if you find this site and read this, please 'Just trust your training '.:tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

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I just watched the FS again and it was really weird. Watching live, even before the first jump, I could tell he was off because his arm movements were so weak. Even his ending pose his arms weren't straight out or held evenly and for the seal pose he only used one arm. I wonder if we'll find out anything from interviews once the season is over.

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23 minutes ago, meoima said:

Reading his interview, It's indeed a good move of Orser to stop Yuzuru from doing 4lz and 4lo for this competition. 

Knowing Yuzuru, I am afraid had Orser not been there, Yuzuru might have jumped 4lz and 4lo in the beginning and won this competition with a bang. The media hype will be much much bigger and it's no good for the long run.

He might push himself too much and it might affect his knee. 

No one wants a bad free skate, of course everyone prefers that he wins but after all this is just a senior B, this messy skate also means it delays his peak then I am all good. 

He will bring 4lz and 4Lo to CoR because that's what he is!!

I think Brian did a great job at protecting Yuzu from media this time. He often goes all out, saying he's in perfect condition, and then he mess up the FS after great SP, people will bash him way more than this. And after everything's done, they reveal the reason behind and its too late, no one beside his fans care. And Yuzu himself took the result easier than he was in the past. Of course, he's disappointed and regretted, who's isn't but I think this might be good for him in the long run Last year after ACI, he promised he would do great/perfect performance at next event again and again and its scary. He's mature than before, and he get over a bad skate faster too. 


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Just now, SparkleSalad said:

I just watched the FS again and it was really weird. Watching live, even before the first jump, I could tell he was off because his arm movements were so weak. Even his ending pose his arms weren't straight out or held evenly and for the seal pose he only used one arm. I wonder if we'll find out anything from interviews once the season is over.

I believe he was a bit surprised after the WR for SP. I'm sure that put the pressure on him. And he expects to do perfect for LP but turns out not so good in Run Through and perhaps it builds up the nervousness. Also, he used different layout for this competition. I was sure that made him cautious and overthinking. Not to mention he also had knee pain going into this competition.. so... 

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9 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

I just watched the FS again and it was really weird. Watching live, even before the first jump, I could tell he was off because his arm movements were so weak. Even his ending pose his arms weren't straight out or held evenly and for the seal pose he only used one arm. I wonder if we'll find out anything from interviews once the season is over.

(forgive me for linking my own tweet, I don't have an imgur to upload pics otherwise).

But yes, things were off from the start. I'm sure the 1Lz made things worse but I don't think it was the cause. I wonder what he was thinking at this point. Maybe just thinking too much? (looks distracted)

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15 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


There's a thread that's only for Yuzu news/updates for people who can't keep up with the threads. No specific thread for the vids though. I would try to consolidate like I did with the comps and ice shows but there's too many of them and I don't know how to categorise them since I don't know Japanese.



I can help to make a list of links of clips from Japanese TV. Should we have a video thread for each competition or is it better to post such list in competition-discussion thread?

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