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9 minutes ago, Yoa said:

And TSL called her scary yesterday... Like what? 

I will fight them >:) 

7 minutes ago, kamotejojo said:

Seems to be the wrong pair? Doesn't seem damaged to me. :confused:

And I'm so happy you've made many beautiful memories! :smiley-love017: Being squished was worth it! :2thumbsup:

Yeah, my impression was that it was the wrong pair too. He tried to put them on and was like "no. it'S WRONG"

And it was totally worth it. 

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18 minutes ago, Yoa said:

 And they need to figure out how to smuggle Pooh-san to Olympics :POOH:


We were talking about giving Brian pooh gloves, the type where there's a pooh head type of mitten, so he can fold it over his hands when he shakes Yuzu's hand before Yuzu skates to the center. Automatically allows Yuzu to squish Pooh's head. :laughing:

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19 minutes ago, Yuazz said:

Oh Please translate it for the poor soul who doesn't understand Japanese :sadPooh:

He did not want to talk about injury.

He did 3A to get the audience back from Javi right before GPF FS. He said he controlled the crowd.

He did not like the landing of 4T3T and thought that was not perfect :(

In op, the 4T he failed was due to injury, they showed his painful face.

He watched the himself singing in backstage and feeling nervous and impatient.

He felt the fear of NHK score. He was in the zone? but not in the zone in GPF. Everything in GPF was based on his calculation. :devilYuzu:

The closing pose of GPF after the FS ending pose was extra. It means he came back from SEIMEI's world. He only did it in GPF.

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4 minutes ago, SSS said:

He did not want to talk about injury.

He did 3A to get the audience back from Javi before GPF

He did not like the landing of 4T3T and thought that was not perfect :(

In op, the 4T he failed was due to injury, they showed his painful face.

He watched the himself singing in backstage and feeling nervous and impatient.

He felt the fear of NHK score. He was in the zone? but not in the zone in GPF. Everything in GPF was based on his calculation. :devilYuzu:


I knew the world records just put the pressure on him but if he pass it well he'll be stronger. 

He can with H&L and Chopin 3.0 now wait for SEIMEI 2.0:snonegai:

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1小时前, ICeleste说:


i used to kind of blame myself for Yuzu's flops too because every program i'd been able to stream live turned out disappointing... :smiley-dance018:i even avoided watching Worlds LP live for this reason and i still regret having missed such greatness.. because of that i decided i'd never miss a live performance again.. then the recent Chopin WR happened and i realized that being a fanyu is a rollercoaster of emotions but in the end the ride is totally worth it- so i think you should definitely watch the next competitions live :happy:

Thank you soooooo much~:10742288:

I guess I just need practice to get used to the rollercoasters. At least I managed Worlds LP live~:tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:  And you're right, it's worth it, what's life without a few up and downs~


一小时前, SSS说:

@norwhite and you need some poohs to hit during live competitions:sadPooh:

I bought a pooh at the local Disney store after Worlds in case I ever get a chance to watch him in person, then I realized I can't even survive WTT stream and it got squished already...Guess I'll need to get a couple more to live through the Olympics:13877886:


一小时前, Xen说:

That's why we have streaming parties, so you don't have to be alone with the emotional rollercoasters.  They are very helpful until you attain Meoima-level of zen....


Thank you~:10742289:

I always admire those of you who can type while watching a stream, reading the posts is such a pleasure... I did try to catch up with that thread but it moved too fast for my English writing abilities. :13877886: 

I wish I could learn sorcery from Meoima, as someone who actually believes in kototama, I trust her magical words.

I also think the problem with the media hype is not training domestically or abroad, it's about different characteristics, and who fits better into the cultural criteria. The media don't consist of skating experts, which is why they tend to focus on "creating drama", where people with strong minds always get nitpicked. Yuzu's very opinionated and has his own ideals, so it's understandable some people dislike him, but he will eventually shut them up with another OGM.

Not going to linger on this topic for like Yoa said, Brian and Tracy know how to deal with it.


Sorry for going back to the topic a few pages before... Why am I always behind on this planet...:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

Thanks to everyone sharing on site reports and videos and pictures. You are amazing! :tumblr_inline_nhkezsTB3v1qid2nw:

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Well, now that I recollected my thoughts, took a bath, ate and had a coffee, I gotta say that watching a comp in real time is quite an experience. And a rollercoaster. But maybe now that I've seen Yuzu at his best and not so best I'm prepared for the nerves of more important comps? (lol, who am I kidding, I'm gonna die once the Olys come :smiley-laughing021:)


Also, thanks to all the zen people around here for keeping me sane :grouphug:. May we see many delicious :pancake: this season :tumblr_inline_mzx8xsVPrg1r8msi5:


(And slightly :offtopic:, but the pumpkin king deserved better!)

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Translation credit to @yude at GS




-Was it hard in terms of stamina?

I thought it was difficult to do two triple jumps at first. Because no one has done this kind of (high-level) layout. It was unexperienced territory."

-You muttered something after the performance.

"It couldn't be helped". It was the first competition (in this season). I could get big harvest called "the regret". By the score and the performance contents in SP, I think I could manage to give the image that I was strong, "I will win the Olympics". I will chase strong myself and surpass with more difficult layout."

-Compared to yesterday, was there difference in both mental and physical states?
Not specially. Of course, I know doing FS after good SP is hard. I had too unnecessary stress."

-Having high-level layout, you focused more than yesterday (SP).

It's over if I say it was difficult. It was definitely my own lack of ability. I have to train more. I had discomfort in my (right) knee and I got messed up in the lower-level layout and it ended. I've been training uncomfortably and it was my lack of adjustment. This is the season I have to keep having good competitions building up my body for the Olympics. It was good first competition.

-You had regretful experiences before. What's the level of regret today? 

It is the frustrated regret. I think I should have attempted 4Lo after all. Doing 4Lz was also not impossible. In that point, I am frustrated.

-Do you prefer(enjoy) challenging?

I am a competitor. I can never perform like myself without challenging. 

-You tried to overcome the performance with your will.

I popped 3Lz at first, and I thought a lot, and my concentration was gone. My lack of focus is eternal subject in my skating life. The gap between good time and bad time is intense. 


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