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General Yuzuru Chat

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Hi guys, I made a general news and updates thread in the media links and translation section -->http://www.planethanyu.com/topic38.html


Feel free to post latest news and updates about Yuzuru here. It is meant to be archived thread and source for his updates/news articles (and not encouraged to be a discussion thread). In the past many has complained about how difficult it is to find stuff in the FF thread and thus the media thread is made, this thread will serve similar purposes. I will try to update it regularly, maybe daily or maybe every 2-3 days, for those who just want to check on his updates but are not interested in looking at the random discussion on the general thread, you can check everything there :D

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Hannah said:

Eii you're here too! :yay:Welcome, welcome!

Thank you! Maybe we should invite Zhenya to our fan fest ;)  She's Yuzuru's veteran fan already. And she obviously should never visit GS.

she would be a great addition :rofl: and also max ambesi because we all know he's yuzu's no. 1 fanboy hahaha

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Hello everyone! I'm mabel


im a frequent lurker on hanyu GS thread for a year, last night i was so tired because of work so i tried to access GS as usual to read y'all funny interactions(esp the invisible talk lOL) & informative post but i was so shocked the thread got deleted, i nearly DIED.... lol

i would like to say thank you for making this site, this is a lot of work but you guys made it possible, its so sad that a 6 yr-o thread with +4,7k pages got deleted, but anyway.. THANK YOU!


english is not my native language so I'm sorry if i said something weird lol, anyway.. nice to meet you all!

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Hi everyone, I have been lurking on the other site for months but never posted. I think it is the time to start posting because we get a safe home! Planet Hanyu is a great name!!!


Thank you for putting up this great platform and thank you for all the amazing works you have done. What happened on the other site was sad, but it could also be a great start.

BTW, do we have a mobile site/app? Our forum would be hard to read in mobile if we have something similar to FF here.

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This is bibi(=bibi1899=Frances)


First of all, I have to thank all the members who build up this site for us.

It is so good to have our own place.

I hope we can stay here and support yuzu together in the next season and .....Celebrate the final VICTORY!!!!

Nice to meet everyone here.

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aiyuzu said:
hello guys!! first, let me introduce myself


I was a lurker in gs (like the other) before and too shy to came up (forgive me) haha

im from indonesia (emm, theres another indonesian here right? and (s)he want to make indonesian thread, iirc, let me know cause I want to join it pls hehe)


bcs english is not my first language, it may be weird and I'm sorry. Actually English is my weakness. so, i cannot post often.. :cry: I'd love to read all the thread here :yes: 


im so sad when 'that' happaned in gs, but you guys are crazy, so fast!! :clap: 


Ps. Can i join a purple church as well? pretty please?? :bow: 


hello there! I'm indonesian, not sure about making indonesian thread actually, nice to meet you! please post often :clap: :clap:

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Hey guys!

It's so cool to see many GS lurkers deciding to be more active here :yay:


what a difference it makes once we have a place we can freely share ideas and discuss without being attacked by trolls


i know there were many lurkers back at the GS fanfest who are shy


i can't blame them for wanting to lurk! i used to lurk for a long time before finally deciding to join in the discussion with u guys!

Yeah for many it might me intimidating so I'm glad they feel more comfortable here :)

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Good morning everyone. Welcome to all the old GS members, all the new members, all the past lurkers and all the future fans. :yay:


Edit: Also, I approve of the new banner. It's very... fitting... :rofl:

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