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15 minutes ago, kaeryth said:


He doesn't like talking about it and feels that they are 'excuses'. He feels that a top athlete can perform under any circumstance. Fans find out about injuries, I think, only after the fact. It took an almost career ending injury for him to realise how important it is to keep healthy and injury free. Honestly, the more you read about him the more emo you're gonna get.

you are completely right. I'm happy that he is taking care of himself now 

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4 minutes ago, OhYuzu said:

all these information are new to me. I knew he was injured but I never actually read articles about it.  :13877886: 

I remember I once read a chronicle of all the health issues he's had over the years, and the issues themselves are still in my mind, but sometimes I fail to relate them to the skating events they took place around, so I end up surprised as well. Now seeing those excerpts, I remember having read about that before, I just didn't realize when it was.


In a way, all this makes him even more incredible. It's not just that he's crazy talented and a skating genius by many people's opinions, it's not just that he survived the disaster in Tohoku and was able to pick himself up and carry on, despite who knows what trauma, and he it's not just that he's been battling asthma for 20 years, but he also gets injured a lot and never complains, never uses it as an excuse and keeps putting in amazing performances, despite what must be considerable amounts of pain. Alien indeed...

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3 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

I remember I once read a chronicle of all the health issues he's had over the years, and the issues themselves are still in my mind, but sometimes I fail to relate them to the skating events they took place around, so I end up surprised as well. Now seeing those excerpts, I remember having read about that before, I just didn't realize when it was.


In a way, all this makes him even more incredible. It's not just that he's crazy talented and a skating genius by many people's opinions, it's not just that he survived the disaster in Tohoku and was able to pick himself up and carry on, despite who knows what trauma, and he it's not just that he's been battling asthma for 20 years, but he also gets injured a lot and never complains, never uses it as an excuse and keeps putting in amazing performances, despite what must be considerable amounts of pain. Alien indeed...

I recalled one gif of him being interviewed during nhk 2014 where he ended up fourth and he was saying that people may think it was because of his injury but he said it wasn't the case. I think he mentioned it was mental weakness? he doesn't like excuses and goodness I always end up admiring him even more, every time I discover new things about him.

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He's undoubtedly an inspiration and a fantastic success story but that kind of recklessness doesn't work out so well for everyone. There are a lot of names we will never hear, not for lack of talent or determination but because of illness and injury. We're just never told those stories. I think after Boston he's come to realise how lucky he is he hasn't done any permanent damage and I hope his health remains a top priority. Even though I also get carried away with the tales of his epic battles against the odds, I sincerely hope it doesn't set an example for younger athletes (or even regular people struggling with illness and injury) because a lot of damage can be done when you lack balance and don't listen to your body. I'm glad Tracy and Brian stepped in and prevented him from over-training this past season. That's the lesson I hope people take away from this. 

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4 minutes ago, OhYuzu said:

I recalled one gif of him being interviewed during nhk 2014 where he ended up fourth and he was saying that people may think it was because of his injury but he said it wasn't the case. I think he mentioned it was mental weakness? he doesn't like excuses and goodness I always end up admiring him even more, every time I discover new things about him.

Well, if the Boston stuff is anything to go by, he said he was frustrated by his injury, that his body didn't move as he wanted it to and that the painkillers didn't work, so he was still in pain. I think he probably has a very high threshold for pain, so pain itself doesn't bother him that much, he can more or less live with it. (And in all fairness, as an athlete, it's probably better to live with the pain than take enough painkillers to mask it, because pain is there for a reason and if you mask it, the chances of getting even more injured are even greater. That goes for everyone, but I think especially for athletes.) But when pain combined with other things interferes and he can't block it out, that's when he talks about weakness. I think if it were just pain, with the adrenaline effect and such, he'd be able to block it out and still do well. Worlds 2012, 2014 GPF and Japan Nationals, and I think likely even NHK 2015 and GPF 2015 are all proof of it. But when there's added stuff, additional stress and overthinking, that's when what he calls 'mental weakness' comes into play. At NHK 2014 he was probably frustrated by the physical limitation of his still not fully healed body. Plus probably dealing with some psychological trauma from the crash. (He did mention feeling afraid, but I'm not sure he'd ever use the word trauma.)

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2 hours ago, kaeryth said:

He's been skating injured at Worlds since his debut in 2012. I was happy he was finally injury free in 2017 but then he said he had an asthma attack 2 weeks prior to worlds and there were reports that it happened during practice as well. But... past is past. I'm just glad he's finally looking after his health now (and I believe him this time).


Well, asthma attacks are not exactly something he can control, and it's not like he wasn't taking care of his health this past season just because of that, so all in all 2017 Worlds was really his best condition! 

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24 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

He's undoubtedly an inspiration and a fantastic success story but that kind of recklessness doesn't work out so well for everyone. There are a lot of names we will never hear, not for lack of talent or determination but because of illness and injury. We're just never told those stories. I think after Boston he's come to realise how lucky he is he hasn't done any permanent damage and I hope his health remains a top priority. Even though I also get carried away with the tales of his epic battles against the odds, I sincerely hope it doesn't set an example for younger athletes (or even regular people struggling with illness and injury) because a lot of damage can be done when you lack balance and don't listen to your body. I'm glad Tracy and Brian stepped in and prevented him from over-training this past season. That's the lesson I hope people take away from this. 

While I agree with you, I also tend to think he might be more prone to injury than others naturally, even leaving aside overtraining. He's definitely made some stupid choices and I think he knows that now and has learned from it.


However, this also reminds me of the scandal after COC '14, and people fearing more skaters would skate around with such injuries. And admittedly that, as well as other skaters taking Yuzu's bad example of ignoring his injuries, is a possibility. However, I don't think it's likely to be a regular thing because I'm not sure how many people actually could do it. Different people experience pain in different ways and, like I said, Yuzu seems to have a very high pain threshold. So I think it'd be only people with a similarly high pain threshold that could do what he does. Of course, it's entirely possible that includes most skaters, since falling is a part of their sport and getting hurt is kind of a daily thing. But it's not a given that if he did it, anyone can do it.


13 minutes ago, Floria said:


Best news today so far! :knc_yuzu2:

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55 minutes ago, OhYuzu said:

I recalled one gif of him being interviewed during nhk 2014 where he ended up fourth and he was saying that people may think it was because of his injury but he said it wasn't the case. I think he mentioned it was mental weakness? he doesn't like excuses and goodness I always end up admiring him even more, every time I discover new things about him.


The fact that he never looks for excuses whenever he falls short of his goals is one of his most admirable qualities. He refuses to make excuses even when there is a legitimate reason for failure, like being injured. Yuzuru owns his failures and shares his successes.

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6 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

While I agree with you, I also tend to think he might be more prone to injury than others naturally, even leaving aside overtraining. He's definitely made some stupid choices and I think he knows that now and has learned from it.


However, this also reminds me of the scandal after COC '14, and people fearing more skaters would skate around with such injuries. And admittedly that, as well as other skaters taking Yuzu's bad example of ignoring his injuries, is a possibility. However, I don't think it's likely to be a regular thing because I'm not sure how many people actually could do it. Different people experience pain in different ways and, like I said, Yuzu seems to have a very high pain threshold. So I think it'd be only people with a similarly high pain threshold that could do what he does. Of course, it's entirely possible that includes most skaters, since falling is a part of their sport and getting hurt is kind of a daily thing. But it's not a given that if he did it, anyone can do it.


I have a similar mix of being almost (tragi)comically prone to injury and having a high pain threshold which is actually a really friggin' bad design for a human being (thanks, cosmic creator) because it increases the danger of doing serious damage. I'm not so concerned about pro athletes because they have a lot of medical and psychological support to deal with those sort of things but the younger ones who have the illusion of invinsibility and don't yet know their limits. 


Just imagine the quality of his performances had he been more open about his injuries or had the proper guidance to prevent them. We got H&L from that approach. 

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You know, on one hand, there's something to admire about someone who gets the job done as best they can despite pain or poor physical condition.

On the other, I feel like I want to strangle athletes who risk their bodies like that.

I'm afraid I'm one of those people who found Yuzu doing the FS at COC seriously reckless instead of admirable and I'm happy that made ISU change some guidelines surrounding similar circumstances. I'm glad I wasn't around back then to witness it. 

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