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hace 1 minuto , liv said:

Yeah, no 4A this year. He would have tried it in public somewhere if it was worth showing... like he has the 4lutz. 


I really have my doubts about quints. Yes, only 1 more rotation, but that person would have to be skinnier than yuzu or boyang, and get higher lift... possible but doubtful...

Unless he wants to keep secret 4A success rate. He said he could land 4Lz, but so far we haven't got any footage of it. 

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1 minute ago, liv said:

I thought we did see his 4lutz, just not the best version of it...


We did, at WTT (there is the old video of a 4Lz fall from 2015 too).

The Lz is not something he started doing this off season. During Europeans last season, Max said his success rate was around 60% with it, so this has been cooking for a while. He's started fiddling with the Lz a good while ago, so it's coming. And the 4A is especially difficult, it's a Loch Ness jump for a reason so really, it's not happening now. It's simply too soon for it to be competition ready.

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hace 2 minutos , Murieleirum said:


He is keeping it a secret since then. He didn't even jump a single 3Lz during the 2 media days coverage... 

Actually there are only two 4Lz videos iirc.

And there were many successfull 4Lo before ACI2016. But does it mean that 4Lz will go the same way? 

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1 minute ago, Floria said:

Actually there are only two 4Lz videos iirc.

And there were many successfull 4Lo before ACI2016. But does it mean that 4Lz will go the same way? 


I think Yuzu was just always eager to show off his 4Lo bc no one else had it! Different story with 4Lz

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7 minutes ago, MrPudding said:

He'll probably aim to show the best 4Lz technique since a lot of people are jumping it

Something like that....won't show it until he thinks it can match Boyang's....but I thought he's been fooling around with all of his quads since he could land a 4T? But then I think the toe jumps would be easier than the edge jumps since the toe assists help with the height and distance. And much as Yuzu is a stronger edge jump, his toe jumps aren't exactly weak....his lutz is quite niiiiceeee....

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1 hour ago, meoima said:

I would say it's not that Yuzuru decided without telling Brian. Because Brian didn't tell the media Yuzuru would do this or that. Brian simply said Yuzuru tested out something (which is normal for top skaters, even Kwan tried 3A in practice years ago) and that the final decision is Yuzuru's only. So Brian doesn't tell the media Yuzuru's plan. And Yuzuru also doesn't tell the media his whole plan yet. 


Yes, I agree with you, especially about this: the final decision is Yuzuru's only.


Just when I read that magazine, I read through Yuzu's detailed explanation of the plan of jumps in SEIMEI, "First I will do 4Lo, then 4S, 3F and then....."

I turned the page and found Brian saying "There's nothing definitive."  I was like "What?" :confused:


But now that I read it again, Brian also says, "It's a problem for Yuzu, not mine. He is testing Lutz and Axel, but we have to think strategically and intelligently. There are skaters who jump (4)Lutz and (4)Flip. We don't necessarily need to do those jumps.  I think we have many other weapons. (Brian explains about +3GOE jumps for both Yuzu and Javi) That's why we have to think about it really well. I think Yuzu and Javi have enough chance to win under the current situation."

If I would speculate from these words, perhaps Yuzu might have wanted to add 4Lutz or at least think of the possibility of adding it , but Brian is opposed to it?? Yuzu was finally convinced and decided to try the conservative jump plans at least for ACI?  I don't know...:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:  Only I can do is just wait and see how the things will go.  


4A seems unrealistic to me for now, but who knows? :tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid:

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34 minutes ago, Floria said:

Now that I think of it... has Yuzu ever mentioned himself that he is trying/training 4A? 


No mention of trying/training that I know of but at GPF16 post FS interview he said that he wanted to try 4A in a program and that he thinks he'll be able to do it. /Look at his cheeky smile though when they started asking about 4A/




RE: 4Lz - I agree with @robin that he was more interested in showing off the 4Lo because it's rarer than the 4Lz (and even now more guys are going for the 4Lz). I do feel he trained for the 4Lz pretty early on because he's anticipated that he might need it in his jump arsenal. We know that he has incredible foresight and has been talking about an upcoming quad era since 2012!



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1 hour ago, daisyjune said:


Yes, I agree with you, especially about this: the final decision is Yuzuru's only.


Just when I read that magazine, I read through Yuzu's detailed explanation of the plan of jumps in SEIMEI, "First I will do 4Lo, then 4S, 3F and then....."

I turned the page and found Brian saying "There's nothing definitive."  I was like "What?" :confused:


But now that I read it again, Brian also says, "It's a problem for Yuzu, not mine. He is testing Lutz and Axel, but we have to think strategically and intelligently. There are skaters who jump (4)Lutz and (4)Flip. We don't necessarily need to do those jumps.  I think we have many other weapons. (Brian explains about +3GOE jumps for both Yuzu and Javi) That's why we really think about it well. I think Yuzu and Javi have enough chance to win under the current situation."

If I would speculate from these words, perhaps Yuzu might have wanted to add 4Lutz or at least think of the possibility of adding it , but Brian is opposed to it?? Yuzu was finally convinced and decided to try the conservative jump plans at least for ACI?  I don't know...:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:  Only I can do is just wait and see how the things will go.  


4A seems unrealistic to me for now, but who knows? :tumblr_inline_ncmifdw7151rpglid:


Thanks for this translation! Within context Brian's words are in alignment with Yuzu's statements and it seems like Yuzu only seriously considered (is still considering?) adding the 4Lz and not the 4A.

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