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24 minutes ago, Aotoshiro said:

Regarding 4A, Japanese learning/speaking group might want to correct me on that one, but isn't the form of oriru in this tweet (降りれそうらしい) a double 'probably'? Like 'そう' means seems/looks like, and らしい is used like the English 'apparently' at the beginning of the sentence when you start a gossip? Then, the speaker continues to add 'so he says, but seriously/is that for serious?!' So the tweet meaning would mean somethign along the lines of 'Kobahiro-san said that apparently, Yuzuru-san looks like/seems like he's about to become able to land the 4A jump, but is this for real?!' So, it's basically the thing we know since that fateful hologram show (aka the Yuzuru 'Now that you've shown me, I feel like I can jump it!' Hanyu, the first of his name), so we're at the same risk of heart attacks as we were before... minus the current Yuzuru's watch-after-my-health tactics, which so far are actually applied*le gasp* and I pray it stays this way, though who knows him:xD:


Still, I don't get why 降りform, not just 降り...what that れ does there???

i read it as 降りれそう らしい 

I... couldn't tell you what that means to be honest, it gives me the feeling of "he looks like he might land it"? I am shit at explaining japanese :59227c768286a__s: sorry!

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I would seriously hope they would keep the BV of the 4A pretty high compared to other jumps. It is the holy grail, the loch ness monster and big foot of jumps. 


And, I think yuzu would want to do it just because he thinks he can... not really for marks. It is the prestige associated with it, I think. He wants to be a legend and doing it first would certainly cement that status even more. 

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13 minutes ago, xeyra said:

With ISU lowering quad BV for the season next to this, it might not be worth it for anyone to train a 4A anyway, considering the risk/reward.


I doubt Yuzu would care about risk/reward, it's about landing the first 4A in competition.

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5 minutes ago, robin said:


I doubt Yuzu would care about risk/reward, it's about landing the first 4A in competition.


He's also said he'd like to land the 4A, yes, but not necessarily in competition. Of course, this doesn't preclude him trying it in competition after all but his intentions regarding the 4A aren't as clear cut as that.

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11 minutes ago, xeyra said:


He's also said he'd like to land the 4A, yes, but not necessarily in competition. Of course, this doesn't preclude him trying it in competition after all but his intentions regarding the 4A aren't as clear cut as that.


Yeah but it's Yuzu we're talking about :darklordyuzu:

Of course he's not going to come out and say "I want to land an ISU ratified 4A one day" but I'm pretty sure that's what he dreams about at night.

Aside from that, if it were his ultimate goal, I doubt he would drop it bc the BV isn't as high anymore, there would be other reasons for that.

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7 minutes ago, liv said:

It is yuzu. If he can do it in practice, or in a show, he will do it in competition... somewhere, somehow. He is too competitive to have everyone see him do it, but let someone else do it for reals and claim the glory. 


I wouldn't be surprised if his nightmares include some other skater landing the 4A in comp before him :rofl:

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42 minutes ago, robin said:

Of course he's not going to come out and say "I want to land an ISU ratified 4A one day" but I'm pretty sure that's what he dreams about at night.


I don't think he considers a NOT Isu ratified 4A as a real "First 4A" :laughing: The kid has no chill. It HAS to be in competition.

Anyways, I'm really curious to know why this gossip spread at this time precisely... maybe someone saw something... something that we cannot see for ourselves but only imagine... just 17 cm more, not that hard to imagine...

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11 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


I don't think he considers a NOT Isu ratified 4A as a real "First 4A" :laughing: The kid has no chill. It HAS to be in competition.

Anyways, I'm really curious to know why this gossip spread at this time precisely... maybe someone saw something... something that we cannot see for ourselves but only imagine... just 17 cm more, not that hard to imagine...

Oh god... his reaction to the 17cm was gold. That laugh was definitely that of someone who's already managed to jump the extra 17cm. :space:

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4 minutes ago, robin said:

Oh god... his reaction to the 17cm was gold. That laugh was definitely that of someone who's already managed to jump the extra 17cm. :space:


But for reals, this kid... I admire him for making this face when he said that he didn't have plans for the Olympic season instead of when he was asked about the 4A:


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2 hours ago, Aotoshiro said:

Regarding 4A, Japanese learning/speaking group might want to correct me on that one, but isn't the form of oriru in this tweet (降りれそうらしい) a double 'probably'? Like 'そう' means seems/looks like, and らしい is used like the English 'apparently' at the beginning of the sentence when you start a gossip? Then, the speaker continues to add 'so he says, but seriously/is that for serious?!' So the tweet meaning would mean somethign along the lines of 'Kobahiro-san said that apparently, Yuzuru-san looks like/seems like he's about to become able to land the 4A jump, but is this for real?!' So, it's basically the thing we know since that fateful hologram show (aka the Yuzuru 'Now that you've shown me, I feel like I can jump it!' Hanyu, the first of his name), so we're at the same risk of heart attacks as we were before... minus the current Yuzuru's watch-after-my-health tactics, which so far are actually applied*le gasp* and I pray it stays this way, though who knows him:xD:


Still, I don't get why 降りform, not just 降り...what that れ does there???

Taking a stab at this (my Japanese grammar is rusty) but addition of れ could indicate potential form - 降りれそう = 'seems he might be able to land'. whereas 降りそう means 'he seems to have landed/seems like he will land'. I think it just adds another layer of uncertainty (especially in addition to らしい which suggests even more secondland reporting). I wouldn't really take this tweet too seriously unless Yuzu breaks out the 4A at the competition = u =

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It's the Olympic season and Yuzuru already has a new quad he's working on, the 4Lz. He's not going to go and seriously train the 4A, especially considering the issues with that jump, at this moment. He's always been very strategic in how he handles things, so no matter what that guy is implying, and honestly to me it seems more like second hand/spun info than anything else, the 4A at this point in a competition program is a dream.


Next season, a whole different story in terms of possibilities but we'll just have to sit tight and wait. Even with a BV reduction (if they even go for it, which I am not certain at all that they will), it's a matter of getting into the history books because a 4A is a 4A, no matter how many points you get for it and he will want that ratified if possible. Until then though, we have the Lz first! :yes:

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