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While I was hoping for new costumes - especially for Chopin, since I don't really like either of the previous incarnations - too, what disappoints me more is that we just saw an awesome interview - or two, rather; and I think even without understanding what he said, just his expressions should be enough to impress - but most of the discussion here is about the costume. Which we don't even really know the final version of.


Also, while the changes may seem insignificant, or virtually non-existent, we have to remember Yuzu's impression and feelings towards the costumes are very different. What to us may be no big deal may actually have a big significance for him. We're talking very delicate changes, detailing to the programs, so I guess - sadly, as I, too, was hoping for more - it makes sense that the changes to the costumes would be the same. But that doesn't mean they're either small or non-significant. The star on Seimei is probably the biggest example of this. It's small and I don't think most of us even realized it was there for a long time, but when we did it was an Oh wow moment.


I'm hoping when proper translations come out, we'll focus on more important things, like how freaking amazing this kid is! :P


Oh and about how he should have known what fans wanted, I'd much rather he not care and stay true to his own image and his own ideals than bend over to fan demand. He's an athlete and an artist, not an idol, whose primary job is to make his fans happy. Disappointment is natural, but let's be real. Yuzu shouldn't care what his fans want in terms of music and costumes and should choose according to his own ideas. I prefer him like that, at least. *shrugs*

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Yuzu and that pianist. Please let them... spend some time together I guess lol. She played Chopin so beautifully, I almost cried. And Yuzuru felt her every note. I was really touched by that video. She is an Artist, just like him. 


I am so happy to have all these new videos! Yuzuru is coming to slay. Good, very good. I have no doubt. Also, I bet all of his rivals see or at least hear part of what he's saying in this interviews... I wonder how the heck can they emotionally respond with that. I mean, it's really hard to try and go head to head with that kind of determination, that kind of passion. 


Regarding the costumes, I am kinda taken aback by some people here. Don't take this personally, but Yuzuru is a skater, not a fashion model. I find it superficial to put expectations in his costume choices. At least, put expectations on his skating skills, his performance abilities. 

I know most people here are joking and are not really feeling sad about the absence of costume changes, but... sometimes it's disheartening to come here, see a video of a superb interpretation of Chopin, that really thouches your soul, and instead find... another kind of discussion. 


Yeah, I kind of echoed what @KatjaThera wrote above me. 

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Hah, I come in today after work and this Chopin is what greets me. :smiley-laughing021: Seriously though, at this point, if Yuzu's goal was to troll us until we stopped caring about everything but his actual skating, he's succeeded.  I really don't care anymore, I just want to sit back and enjoy his skating, period, and let his skating do the talking (as he's always wanted, and as it always should be). 


Still, regardless of what he ends up with, I think both Chopin and Seimei are STILL two of the prettiest costumes out there for the men. I mean really, look at Pchiddy or Javi (banana nut muffin sleeves). 


I'm always amused by the jokes about regarding Yuzu and sparkes/glitter etc. In my opinion, he always struck me as a minimalist aesthetically. He's more focused on the costume serving the skating art, and elegance rather than beauty for beauty's sake. If the sparkle, glittery stuff serves no real purpose, then he'd do away with it. If anything I would probably vote him more likely to go for a nearly all light blue shirt with just faint light gold embroidery or lacing at the cuffs and neck (minimal but elegant victorian pattern) than sparkles and jewels if he could get away with it on ice or if the jewels serve no purpose. That would fit his personal aesthetics more. So IMO, if the current Chopin costume ends up highlighting his skating's art form, then it has served its purpose. 

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Just to be clear, I think discussing costumes is fine and not being serious all the time is fine, too. And being disappointed as well as having expectations is natural. Hell, I was one of those very open about being disappointed by the Chopin repeat.


It's just a bit sad if this drowns out the truly awesome stuff we've been given today.


Then again, I think there will be more talk about the interviews when proper translations come out. That's probably the problem and there'll be a delayed reaction then.

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I wish they hadn't dropped all of this promo stuff that Yuzu crammed in at once (did that boy get a rest at all this summer? jeez).


Matsuoka and Yuzu is always lovely together. Haven't watched it yet, but Yuzu always shows a part of himself when with Matsuoka that he doesn't show to other interviewers. I like the fire and ambition he expresses and maybe he does because he feels like Matsuoka can understand him.


Yuzu and the pianist and meeting new people in general is always a plus. I cannot respect enough the depths of his thinking. And interviewer-Yuzu is quite a thing to see. I hope if he ever retires can host special segments where he interacts with retired and current athletes too.


Ps. I have bad wifi and been trying to get this posted for a while. Don't know if there's been success the other times so pardon me if there are duplicates. I'll delete if so.

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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:37 PM, Xen said:

Hah, I come in today after work and this Chopin is what greets me. :smiley-laughing021: Seriously though, at this point, if Yuzu's goal was to troll us until we stopped caring about everything but his actual skating, he's succeeded.  I really don't care anymore, I just want to sit back and enjoy his skating, period, and let his skating do the talking (as he's always wanted, and as it always should be). 


Still, regardless of what he ends up with, I think both Chopin and Seimei are STILL two of the prettiest costumes out there for the men. I mean really, look at Pchiddy or Javi (banana nut muffin sleeves). 


I'm always amused by the jokes about regarding Yuzu and sparkes/glitter etc. In my opinion, he always struck me as a minimalist aesthetically. He's more focused on the costume serving the skating art, and elegance rather than beauty for beauty's sake. If the sparkle, glittery stuff serves no real purpose, then he'd do away with it. If anything I would probably vote him more likely to go for a nearly all light blue shirt with just faint light gold embroidery or lacing at the cuffs and neck (minimal but elegant victorian pattern) than sparkles and jewels if he could get away with it on ice or if the jewels serve no purpose. That would fit his personal aesthetics more. So IMO, if the current Chopin costume ends up highlighting his skating's art form, then it has served its purpose. 


I think he's mentioned the sparkles, especially on white costumes are to make him stand out against the ice? Or am I hallucinating? (again >_>) But that he has decreased the sparkles at times rather than increased them. Still, from what I've seen in fan videos, he's actually A LOT more sparkly in reality than on TV. I think that's fitting in a way, because he shines that much brighter. Like he has his own spotlight regardless of the rink lighting :P


(Also, I actually like Javi's costumes this year, compared to some of the stuff in his recent past. Form fitting clothes = <3 :P)


And I've fallen into the trap... discussing costumes :13877886: lol

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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:45 PM, KatjaThera said:

I think he's mentioned the sparkles, especially on white costumes are to make him stand out against the ice? Or am I hallucinating? (again >_>) But that he has decreased the sparkles at times rather than increased them. Still, from what I've seen in fan videos, he's actually A LOT more sparkly in reality than on TV. I think that's fitting in a way, because he shines that much brighter. Like he has his own spotlight regardless of the rink lighting :P


(Also, I actually like Javi's costumes this year, compared to some of the stuff in his recent past. Form fitting clothes = <3 :P)


And I've fallen into the trap... discussing costumes :13877886: lol


Lol, sorry. For me, Yuzu chooses some of the design of his costumes for a reason. I liked the ruffle on the H&L costume because it matched well and actually accentuated the music a bit (the wind through the trees for example-when he jumps the ruffles kind of accentuate and give off a more airy feel). Seimei of course, is quite literal. But if, IF, I had to say which costume felt most close to his personal aesthetics, I would actually pick Chopin 1.0. Simple, elegant and accentuates the music. 


Besides he gives off his own sparkles effect when skating, so naturally all artificial non-organic sparkles had to decrease. 


As for Javi...the long program costume was a bit better, but the SP, I cannot get over the black butt sparkles, and it all had to point in a triangle towards the bottom :facepalm:


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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:37 PM, KatjaThera said:

Just to be clear, I think discussing costumes is fine and not being serious all the time is fine, too. And being disappointed as well as having expectations is natural. Hell, I was one of those very open about being disappointed by the Chopin repeat.


It's just a bit sad if this drowns out the truly awesome stuff we've been given today.



Yep. Of course, everything is fine. This is a forum. Everyone is free to speak their minds. 

But I feel like Yuzuru brings everything to a certain depth of emotion and thinking, and that's what we love about him, so if the discussion stays on a superficial level, and all of that depth gets lost in between the lines... it's truly a pity. 
Yuzuru doesn't see himself as a celebrity nor as an idol, so I don't like to treat him/see him treated as one. 


Now I'll stop bugging everyone and be the moralist old lady of the group, sorry lol! 

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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:51 PM, Xen said:

Lol, sorry. For me, Yuzu chooses some of the design of his costumes for a reason. I liked the ruffle on the H&L costume because it matched well and actually accentuated the music a bit (the wind through the trees for example-when he jumps the ruffles kind of accentuate and give off a more airy feel). Seimei of course, is quite literal. But if, IF, I had to say which costume felt most close to his personal aesthetics, I would actually pick Chopin 1.0. Simple, elegant and accentuates the music. 


As for Javi...the long program costume was a bit better, but the SP, I cannot get over the black butt sparkles, and it all had to point in a triangle towards the bottom :facepalm:


Oh, I agree. As a person, especially, he's not a sparkles kind of guy. But sparkles suit his purpose as a skater, at times, IMO.


And if I had to choose a Chopin, I'd choose the first, too... It was more simple and elegant. If this turns out like the new Seimei, though, a prettier, more understated, yet still impressive and shiny, it could be very nice, though... *fingers crossed*

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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:56 PM, KatjaThera said:

Oh, I agree. As a person, especially, he's not a sparkles kind of guy. But sparkles suit his purpose as a skater, at times, IMO.


And if I had to choose a Chopin, I'd choose the first, too... It was more simple and elegant. If this turns out like the new Seimei, though, a prettier, more understated, yet still impressive and shiny, it could be very nice, though... *fingers crossed*


Looking at the video, the sleeves for the new one seemed more puffier, but the cut of the shirt itself seems more chopin 1.0 than chopin 2.0-a bit straighter from shoulder downwards with a slight puff out at the waist.  It's probably going to be some 1.0 and 2.0 love child. 


Okay, now I am off to watch the videos. 

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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:26 PM, KatjaThera said:

 Yuzu shouldn't care what his fans want in terms of music and costumes and should choose according to his own ideas. I prefer him like that, at least. *shrugs*


Oh I think the shenanigans of the past 4 months have shown that he doesn't - and quite right too - it's his life!

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  On 10/16/2017 at 4:26 PM, KatjaThera said:

I'm hoping when proper translations come out, we'll focus on more important things, like how freaking amazing this kid is!



There's no one 'right' way to be a fan. 


There are many different kinds of fans of Yuzuru Hanyu. Those who prefer to joke and those who like to talk about serious things, those who like both, and even those who like neither because they are just focused on his performances, and not Yuzuru the person. None of these are wrong and everyone should be at liberty to decide what is important to them and what they enjoy talking about. 


This is a big board, and knock on wood growing each day, and we have many members. Our numbers alone will mean that we're going to have shy members who don't feel comfortable about expressing themselves on the more serious topics and those who have no trouble doing so, engaging in many discussions. We have younger members and older ones, who are more or less used to some things. We have people who speak Japanese and can discuss a video without a translation and those who cannot because they don't or are reluctant to engage if only a partial is available. There are those who will be at ease expressing both criticism and praise, and those who won't. One good thing about a big board is that we have plenty of places to post and of course, this, our main 'home' thread, can support two or more concurrent conversations.

Please feel free to start many topics of discussion here. It doesn't matter if a group is talking about one thing; just start another topic. There is always going to be someone to pick the conversation up and it'll evolve. That's the beauty of our numbers; there'll always be someone with a shared interest.


All of our interests will mingle, and weave this tapestry that is this colorful, vibrant, incredible fandom of ours. We are different people but we have one core common interest. There's plenty of space for us all and so much room to grow! One of my greatest pleasures here is to see this, and see how everyone here is respectful of each other, and Yuzuru, whether we're joking, cooing, trying not to mother him, having a really serious conversation about music, his personality or any number of things, or simply helping each other out on this or that matter. The variety of the 'threads' and their ebb and flow is what makes it all so special.

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