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General Yuzuru Chat

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Well, that was... return of the alien. And he's determined to take over the planet. Puny humans beware. (It's kind of funny how he pretty much rendered Matsuoka - and not just him, the whole studio seemed a bit :knc_tracy1: after his segment ended - speechless.)


And yes the costume... so, then why the red on the skate guards, Yuzu??

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  On 10/16/2017 at 2:33 PM, KatjaThera said:

Well, that was... return of the alien. And he's determined to take over the planet. Puny humans beware. (It's kind of funny how he pretty much rendered Matsuoka - and not just him, the whole studio seemed a bit :knc_tracy1: after his segment ended - speechless.)


And yes the costume... so, then why the red on the skate guards, Yuzu??





Ehem, I mean, Korean flag. 

  On 10/16/2017 at 2:34 PM, axelnojutsu said:

The costume was revealed and this is how I find out? :rofl: That's what I get for not keeping up with the gen chat



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But seriously, he's on fire. I really hope he'll manage everything he plans, because if he does, he'll blow our minds to the edges of the Universe and back. I have no doubt he can do it, but whether everything will fall into place... I'm particularly worried about the schedule at the Olympics. (Brian was pretty clear that he thought the schedule at Sochi was the main reason there were so many mistakes in the men's free.) Yuzu is still only human, after all (although I just said return of the alien :P)... But if he can handle that...

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  On 10/16/2017 at 7:15 AM, SparkleSalad said:


Why can't I find the photo? It was pretty yabai. There was also a giant vertical POTO ad on the side of a building and a whole bunch of ads inside train cars. Mass casualties.


I can imagine myself stopping to see that giant wall of Yuzu and end up being late... 


  On 10/16/2017 at 8:07 AM, kaeryth said:



This one was seen on Sendai bus stops:

  Reveal hidden contents


This one was (I think) the one at train stations:

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... and, of course, Giant POTO:

  Reveal hidden contents



:bow: The second was deadly!! :13877886:

Thanks! :tumblr_inline_mueoe3Yabh1qdlkyg:

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And there's more actually, in what Matsuoka says afterwards, what he's talked to Yuzu but wasn't included - yet? - but I can't figure out how to translate it well, that is both heartbreaking and heart soaring in the same time... when Matsuoka asked him if he enjoys skating, what with so many rivals and talented skaters, and injuries and suffering, and Yuzu said he enjoys it. That he has suffered many more times - dozens of times - more than the average person (not sure about this, but I think that's the meaning), but that he can also feel/find joy more than anyone else, too. Oh Yuzu... :sadPooh: (People with better Japanese, please check and correct, as this is in a way more interpretation than translation).

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  On 10/16/2017 at 3:00 PM, Pamigena said:

I spent the last five minutes LMAO about the 'new' costume :rofl: I swear if he continues this by recycling EX programs...... if you're anywhere near central Europe this weekend, you are going to hear me scream!!!



Guess we'll see this sunday :rofl:I won't even be surprised and just post a lot of laughing emojis here if it happens :xD: crying on the inside

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