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27 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Looking at how he seems to be glaring at the other side of the rink, it made me think he was maybe looking at his mother in the audience... like "Mom, you packed the wrong gloves!!!" (Though it is hard to believe she'd make such a mistake after all these years).


I think this probably threw him off, too, actually, though it seems like a small thing to us.

I thought he was looking at his mother too because she was in the direction where he was looking, but he was looking way lower than where she was sitting, so I'm not sure who received the Hanyu Stare of Death...

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54 minutes ago, KatjaThera said:

Looking at how he seems to be glaring at the other side of the rink, it made me think he was maybe looking at his mother in the audience... like "Mom, you packed the wrong gloves!!!" (Though it is hard to believe she'd make such a mistake after all these years).


I think this probably threw him off, too, actually, though it seems like a small thing to us.

He seemed like he was glaring into space, which tbh he does a lot lol

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Well, I just got back from my trip.  I went to Bratislava for Nepele trophy. I did think if yuzu had a stability of MEDVEDEVA but yuzu was still yuzu!  He never keeps me in peace.lol

At the  end of the day, figure skating is a sport of mentality to such an extent. The change of the plan, something different in his knee, unexpected entry of Javi (Until last year, there was no substantial competitor for him.  It must have shaken him up slightly. Furthermore, it was right before the competition).  Those sort of the things affected  his rhythm made up precisely and he couldn't correct during the performance.  

He wanted to challenge, but he couldn't.  It was so frustrating to him, but at the same time, he knew he shouldn't and followed Brian's instruction.  He must realize how body condition is crucial to deliver the result that he wishes and will come to care about his body more.  He won't be hard on himself unnecessarily and work harder as he used to do.

The word he said to himself after the performance is impressive to me, しょうがねえ.  Yes, he learned something uncontrollable no matter how hard he has worked and no matter how much he has prepared. Of course he is kuyashii, but the attitude towards to this feeling is changing.  I don't think he minds too much a lack of concentration which he mentioned.  When he is kuyashii, he tends to talk more and must have thought too much about the reasons. 


We already saw comeback from devastation, at NHK to GPF.  He's had en successful experience and solid image of it.  Nothing to worry about. I trust him!

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Oh my god... his eyes while holding the gloves.. :003:


it's like '........ how dare you... gloves..... THIS. IS. WRONG!! Absolutely!!'



Now I'm really curious what happened with it.. it could be that it's the wrong pair, but then it's just black one. He could've used it if he really wanted to... but then maybe considering how he is, maybe he didn't wanna use the pair that isn't the real SEIMEI set. If that makes sense lol. 

But yea I could totally see why it's irritating.

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