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That article leaves such a bad taste in my mouth. The author can be a feminist or whatever, there are plenty of famous people and incidences in Japan that she can use to leverage her points, that much is true. However, writing an opiniated article on a straightforward announcement from a person who values privacy (heck, the entire Hanyu family is super private as we have all seen) is not it. Does it ever occur to the author that 1) not everything out there is a gender issue and 2) a person is free to choose what to reveal to the public and what not? Jeez. 

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11 hours ago, snowy said:

Excuse me but why no one considers that this might be his wife's decision and desire to not be known to the public? Could you imagine the level of discomfort (even alienation) that she is going to receive wherever she goes? This is a big adjustment for her than him especially if she is not a public figure. Maybe she needs more time to learn how to deal with the fans, press, and public. Maybe she decided never to go through the burden of being in the public eye altogether. It is no one's place (let it be a reporter or a fan) to assume his wife is an empty vessel that only follows her husband's decisions for her life. Such an assumption is not feminism but rather contrary.


11 hours ago, ZuCritter said:

So true. So on point. Given the scrutiny she will surely face and the hostility she will likely face, if only from a few twisted souls, it's entirely understandable if she would rather remain unknown. I assume that it was a joint decision.


Even if Yuzu's own feelings on the matter weighed heavily into their choice, we must remember what happened when a tabloid reported, falsely, that he was dating a young woman he'd gone to school with. She suffered all sorts of abuse, and Yuzu talked about how deeply it troubled him -- to the point that he questioned whether he wanted to remain alive.


That incident alone blows a huge hole in the supposition that he made a unilateral choice based on some sort of misogynistic impulse. He knows what it is to live in the public eye, he's endured all manner of vicious attacks. Why would he want the woman he loves to suffer the same? That's not some patriarchal over-reach, it's a well-founded, considerate position based on personal experience. If she were the ultra-famous one, they might make the choice to shield his identity for the very same reasons.





Yeah... empowerment takes many forms. For some it's wielding your popularity for a worthy cause, for others it's spurning them altogether and work on your cause in peace and quiet. His spouse seems to choose for the second path, as far as we can tell.


Really, who's to say that it was solely his decision? It could very well be a mutual decision (again, we know very little!). As for the phrasing, I believe it's because Yuzu is the public figure here, so in the public eye he is the only one who counts (sounds harsh but that's the situation 🤷🏽), hence he referring only to himself in his latest public statement.


Sure, women's invisibility is a worthy cause to talk about, but I think the author missed the whole picture here (like, really missed it, Big Time 🤦🏾🤦🏾🙈). Sure, one could view this event through a feminist lens, but if it ends up confusing the view rather than clarifying it (as I believe to be the case here), then I think one should rethink what's the underlying motive behind the situation. (I mean if she really wants to insist on her argument, why not talk about Gakki staying silent about her own marriage status? Because really, I don't think men (in this case Yuzu) or women (...yup) who are public figure not bringing up their own spouse/marriage status is motivated by antifeminist motives, but rather...a desire to protect their own privacy).


Anyhow, big Big L for the so-called fEmInIst online article writer 🤷🏽, maybe read the room first.

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[News] A special interview with Yuzuru Hanyu from the picture book "GIFT" has been released.
Until the release date, interviews about the picture book “GIFT” will be published on the official website from time to time.
This time, it's "Why #羽生結弦 decided to ask #CLAMP to draw."



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1 hour ago, YuzuJay said:
[News] A special interview with Yuzuru Hanyu from the picture book "GIFT" has been released.
Until the release date, interviews about the picture book “GIFT” will be published on the official website from time to time.
This time, it's "Why #羽生結弦 decided to ask #CLAMP to draw."



After watching this yeeeeah... only CLAMP can execute his vision.

I was really curious about why he approached CLAMP, they had an incredible impact on my life (i owe them the only reason why i began learning japanese) so learning how these two ended up collaborating was a must know hahaha

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Teaser trailer with English subs courtesy of Mocha


A thousand thanks to Mocha


It has been pointed out that there is clever word play with the word - kaiten, towards the end Yuzu performs a little twirl

Two different words with different kanji and meanings but which are homophones, one means to start or open, like a shop opens (actually the second part of that kanji looks like mise, a store) and the other is rotation

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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8 hours ago, TTT said:

Hi everyone! I'm usually late to Yuzu's news. The marriage thing, did he say where he entered his marriage registration or was it assumed in Japan?


Also, it seems tabloids like to bring up O player whenever Yuzu is mentioned. They play different sports and don't really relate to each other. Any idea why they would almost always mention them together?

They were born in the same year, and baseball is Japan's other national obsession.  I honestly don't think it's any more than that.

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19 minutes ago, Martina said:

No, both from Tohoku, but different prefectures.

Thanks for the info

17 minutes ago, Martina said:

If anyone is interested, yesterday on my blog I published a post in Italian and English about Yuzu's wedding:

Intorno a un matrimonio/Around a wedding | sportlandia (wpcomstaging.com)

Thank you for the link. It is an excellent piece

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