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  On 8/15/2022 at 10:26 PM, Yuzurella said:









Great new photos of Yuzu!:loveshower:

To say that these must have been taken after Yuzu's marathon of training and interviews. And he was not wearing makeup! This man is truly from another planet.:sigh:





  On 8/15/2022 at 10:35 PM, Yuzu_legend said:

Ethereal and so elegant...ahh Yuzu, how real are you at all?! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw ::tumblr_m230pl4UqL1qfamg6:



It seems to me ? that I had read that he did not wear make up ..... and for the photos  :girlsigh:and P Candeloro had said of him at worlds 2017 that he was an ALIEN and could become an superb mannequin without problem (which it already is) 

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Analysis of Yuzuru's header on YT; although the writer feels the graphic designer did not do any of the things she suggests in her analysis consciously, I think Yuzuru himself may well have thought of the meanings he wished to convey, and described to the designer what he wanted to achieve with his banner, especially the past, present, and future bit!

This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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Just a bit of rambling


Thinking about Yuzu and the 4A

When Yuzu feels that it is ready to his satisfaction he will show it, in a programme, glorious and complete.

If he wants to have it ratified, he will find a way, if that is still important to him. Even if it's  at a smaller comp- challenger series are still ISU comps. In 4 years time, who knows what will have occurred, maybe ISU will be in such disarray, financially and exposure of corruption etc. they may well need total reform and the existing council swept away with interim council appointed by external body. There may come a time where figure skating will need saving. If any super star hero can save the entire FS world from collapse it will need to be someone of mega star status to bring interest and money back. The only viable skater will be Yuzu - not just because he always was, is and will remain the best, in the history of FS, but because none of the created replacements are good enough. The scoring fiasco saw to that, they never needed to excel or push themselves. For most retirees, they also do not maintain their comp level or evolve. That's why shows can be a bit razzle dazzle and lots of fun but none of the thrills 'edge of seat moments' like comps.

In the future, just like the years that spectators have been spoiled for the last 12 comp seasons, only Yuzu captivates viewers. Hence, when FS needs overhauling as a whole and someone restores the essence of how men's FS should be, only Yuzu will be able to fit this bill ( and bring balance to the Force I mean FS )


Thank you kindly for your indulgence

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  On 8/16/2022 at 12:47 PM, Perelandra said:

Yay, YT Hanyu Yuzuru channel reached 650,000 subscribers. Crawling up. 


SharePractice views: 2,517,711

Comments: 40,431

Likes: 126K


See how truly amazing and valid the interest and support for Yuzu is



 Eh YES  :clapclap4:  :wink_star: and here he is again in his sharepractice with subtitles and we feel very well that he is out of breath and makes you laugh too..... 



This post has been tagged by yuzuangel as [NEWS].
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