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6 minutes ago, SummerMemories said:


Okay so for this tweet, I quickly translate half of it before I need to head to work LOL. Will do the remaining if no one else finish that before I come back tonight:


一般の方は今が1番スケートが上手いと思っている人が、これからも4Aに挑むという人が、現全日本王者がなぜ現役を辞めるという選択をしたのかわからないと思う。長年彼を見てきた松岡修造氏も「自分にとって負けは死も同然」というほど常に勝ちに拘り、戦略を練り、全身全霊で闘ってきた彼を知っているから驚いたろうし疑問だったと思う。彼は以前自分たちは(競技者は)ルールの枠の中で闘っていますと言っていたけれど、その枠が揺るぎないものであれば解析し戦略をたて努力の天才と言われる彼はまだそこにいたと思う。 その枠が人により大きな枠であったり、小さな枠であったり、ましてや形が変わってしまうとき彼は途方に暮れたんじゃないかな。
I think the general public might not truly understand why the person (Yuzu), who I believe is the most skillful figure skater, who talked about continue challenging 4A going forward, who stands as the top among all Japanese skaters, decided not to stay in (ISU) competitions as an amateur athlete. Even Shuzo Matsuoka, who has watched Yuzu for many years, was surprised and have questions about such decision, as he knows Yuzu as the person who feels "losing is the same as death", who has always been passion about winning, devising strategies and fighting with all his efforts.
Yuzu used to say that, as competitors / athletes, we are fighting within the rule framework, and as long as the framework is solid, he would stay there as a genius making efforts on developing analysis and strategy. Yet the current framework varies by person, could be large for some and small for others, not to mention (the latest framework) even change the shape of the sport, and I think he is at a loss when this happens.


From your translation-   

This is actually pointing out that it had been noted that there were scoring discrepancies, not only that but that the scoring rules were applied differently to different individuals. From this paragraph there seems to be an inference on the part of the tweeter, that this was a factor influencing the final decision making process to leave the competitive sphere.


Apologies if this is extrapolation on my part, if it is not, then this is serious information to be absorbed

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45 minutes ago, Perelandra said:


From your translation-   

This is actually pointing out that it had been noted that there were scoring discrepancies, not only that but that the scoring rules were applied differently to different individuals. From this paragraph there seems to be an inference on the part of the tweeter, that this was a factor influencing the final decision making process to leave the competitive sphere.


Apologies if this is extrapolation on my part, if it is not, then this is serious information to be absorbed

No I agree, that's my understanding of the original posts. At the end it's saying the audience, cameramen in the hall on 7/19, probably already sense what Yuzu want to tell and are aware of what he is referring to, which could partly contribute to all those kinds word to him after the presscon, even from some medias that are not that friendly to him earlier. 


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Skating Hong Kong posted the full short program they’ve been posting pics from!


2004/2005 Novice Championship, enjoy mushroom Yuzu already displaying good skating skills!



Also, for anyone who can, download it and leave a comment on the video itself! 


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Yuzuru, I just want to say that it was an honor for me to compete with you. You are a cool guy, a sunny and kind person, I wish you further success in everything, I hope to meet again (peace sign)

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2 hours ago, SummerMemories said:


Okay so for this tweet, I quickly translate half of it before I need to head to work LOL. Will do the remaining if no one else finish that before I come back tonight:


一般の方は今が1番スケートが上手いと思っている人が、これからも4Aに挑むという人が、現全日本王者がなぜ現役を辞めるという選択をしたのかわからないと思う。長年彼を見てきた松岡修造氏も「自分にとって負けは死も同然」というほど常に勝ちに拘り、戦略を練り、全身全霊で闘ってきた彼を知っているから驚いたろうし疑問だったと思う。彼は以前自分たちは(競技者は)ルールの枠の中で闘っていますと言っていたけれど、その枠が揺るぎないものであれば解析し戦略をたて努力の天才と言われる彼はまだそこにいたと思う。 その枠が人により大きな枠であったり、小さな枠であったり、ましてや形が変わってしまうとき彼は途方に暮れたんじゃないかな。
I think the general public might not truly understand why the person (Yuzu), who I believe is the most skillful figure skater, who talked about continue challenging 4A going forward, who stands as the top among all Japanese skaters, decided not to stay in (ISU) competitions as an amateur athlete. Even Shuzo Matsuoka, who has watched Yuzu for many years, was surprised and have questions about such decision, as he knows Yuzu as the person who feels "losing is the same as death", who has always been passion about winning, devising strategies and fighting with all his efforts.
Yuzu used to say that, as competitors / athletes, we are fighting within the rule framework, and as long as the framework is solid, he would stay there as a genius making efforts on developing analysis and strategy. Yet the current framework varies by person, could be large for some and small for others, not to mention (the latest framework) even change the shape of the sport, and I think he is at a loss when this happens.



I sometimes wish Yuzu was just honest with how the judging has been so corrupted against him in the last quad. 😕 

I really do believe ISU and their blatant push for Nathan and underscoring Yuzu partly drove Yuzu to early retirement and mental breakdown. Sure it's not all their fault that Yuzu is retiring early, but it sure is partly their fault. They definitely played a part in messing with Yuzu's psych over the last 4 years. It was so horrible to watch. I sometimes wish Yuzu should have gone into a non artistic sport like swimming races and such, where objective results trump out everything else. His personality would have fitted such sports too.

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