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  On 3/30/2021 at 1:14 AM, Flutterby said:

Call me petty but now I want Yuzuru to go full on Japanese for both the short and the free. Just to shove his Japanese-ness in the judges faces.


How about a medley by Arashi? Extra points if Arashi's own Sakurai Sho has to interview Yuzu about his "musical selections". I may die laughing. FYI for the non-Japanese crowd this is Sho. Only in Japan can one be an pop idol / rapper / actor ... and serious news caster?



Or One OK Rock if we want to keep a harder rock sound like LMEY. I want to see the fans rock out while the judges remain clueless. And we know Yuzu knows the words.:10814716:





Yeah man, Yuzu, just skate to One OK Rock or Tokyo Ghoul, complete with Japanese lyrics and choreography, 🖕 the judges, the media, and everyone else who thinks the world revolves around Western culture. 


  On 3/30/2021 at 12:48 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

Amen to that, I want to be packed in an arena with 5,000 other screaming fans cheering for him and raining Poohs upon him once again.



I wish for him to have one more moment as a skater, something that isn't just a stepping stone to some other match up but a standalone, decisive victory befitting his status as the GOAT, something that requires no asterisks. 


And I wish for us to have one more moment as fans, to be able to scream and cry and hug and throw poohs and dress up as poohs and trade clear files and not have to worry about scoring or COVID or corruption or feds or injuries or the media.


After the last 12 months up to this weekend I think I could be satisfied and happy forever if we could have that just one more time.


I've been crying on and off a lot lately. We don't deserve him.

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  On 3/30/2021 at 1:20 AM, rockstaryuzu said:

Oh there's a recipe for chaos. Yuzu and Shoma cooped up together for 14 days straight with nothing to do but practice? Can you just imagine what'll come out of that? :surprised_pikachu:


Shoma will teach Yuzu how to level up at gaming. By 10 levels. Lol.


Yuzu will teach Shoma how to jump a proper 4S. If he can get Shoma off the bed.


On a serious note, I'm sure they'll be in separate rooms as required by quarantine protocols.



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In a translation of Yuzu's comments to Sponichi News - "My mistakes were not as huge as the points I lost" being the first time I've read him saying what the rest of us have been saying for years.  He isn't saying it in so many words but he does know he's chronically underscored.

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  On 3/30/2021 at 2:48 AM, barbara said:

In a translation of Yuzu's comments to Sponichi News - "My mistakes were not as huge as the points I lost" being the first time I've read him saying what the rest of us have been saying for years.  He isn't saying it in so many words but he does know he's chronically underscored.


at the end of the day Yuzu is much more knowledgeable about figure skating than the vast majority of the audience and judges, so he has no reason to doubt his own judgment about his performances

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  On 3/30/2021 at 2:48 AM, barbara said:

In a translation of Yuzu's comments to Sponichi News - "My mistakes were not as huge as the points I lost" being the first time I've read him saying what the rest of us have been saying for years.  He isn't saying it in so many words but he does know he's chronically underscored.


I am here for this. :fire::fire::fire: Do you have a link? I have been so angry all weekend.

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  On 3/30/2021 at 2:59 AM, shanshani said:

at the end of the day Yuzu is much more knowledgeable about figure skating than the vast majority of the audience and judges, so he has no reason to doubt his own judgment about his performances


I recall an image of him watching Shoma get scored, and he even muttered something about it being low and just (frustrated) disbelief.

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  On 3/30/2021 at 3:01 AM, Kat said:

I recall an image of him watching Shoma get scored, and he even muttered something about it being low and just (frustrated) disbelief.


have Yuzu conduct score audits. he watches all the major competitions in all of the disciplines already, and the juniors, so it wouldn't be too much extra work :xD:

then the standings should be revised and medals reassigned to reflect his judgment

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Yuzu, thank you for saving the earth again, and now coming home safely.  Please stay healthy and away from covid, asthma and whatever evils out there


I have at least two more takeaways from this wc trip, other than securing the country quota and his 7th wc medals:

- he can control and perform at that high level even in such condition, as if his night-walking in a way!  I watched the free again and again yesterday and it wasnt that bad (but still underscored, right?!)  He is even better from his prior years as he said explicitly

- also reading from interview translations, think he has advanced his mental maturity to the next (or highest?!) level as an athlete, a profession, and a person.  Really amazing and unbelievable, no matter he has been thinking in this way even before the trip or just overnight after the free, or whether he thought through all these on his own or along with discussion or guidance from his mom onsite if she was there or with parents remotely from home.  Having come to this state, he will achieve his goals whatever he sets in the future


I keep rewatching, crying and laughing these 2 days.  His magic.  Peace and calm to go to bed now as boy is home too


All satellites, it’s so nice to be on this planet.  Stay healthy too!


May I use this too as they are too cute 


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  On 3/30/2021 at 12:12 AM, Paskud said:

I just want Yuzuru to have another moment of glory, with audience screaming so loud that you can't hear music anymore, commentators singing praises in every language possible and whole world falling down at his feet.

Good night.


And he shall have it :fire: 


(minus the NBC peeps, because Johnny is complete trash now) 

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  On 3/30/2021 at 3:08 AM, shanshani said:

have Yuzu conduct score audits. he watches all the major competitions in all of the disciplines already, and the juniors, so it wouldn't be too much extra work :xD:

then the standings should be revised and medals reassigned to reflect his judgment


😂😂 works for me

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