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2 minutes ago, maxcellwire said:

who's even watching this at 7am on a saturday morning in Japan anyway. . ... .


weed apparently


1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

I think it was marijuana possesion?

 Aww poor guy. If I'm not mistaken some of the other members are in the tv shows that feature yuzuru quite a few times right?


I have no clue why but looking at the vitamin supplements makes me weirdly hungry and thirsty for something cold.

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1 minute ago, maxcellwire said:

wow this is a really exciting segment on vitamin supplements!! amazing!! すごい!!!

I thought my country is too much into supplements, but now I think I was wrong- we doesn't have shops like that!

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1 minute ago, Valkyria said:

Food and Despair, all the sustenance a figure skating fan needs :thumbsup:

(I don't know how you people who drink alcohol survive the season, with the amounts needed XD)


I don't drink alcohol, but I am in binge-danger mode pretty much all the time, so I do have to control my impulses as well! 

(btw your avatar. lemme stare at it for a couple of hours.)

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Just now, Murieleirum said:


I don't drink alcohol, but I am in binge-danger mode pretty much all the time, so I do have to control my impulses as well! 

(btw your avatar. lemme stare at it for a couple of hours.)

Eating all the things when stessed, I know the feeling (finals are doing a number on me right now).


(I know. He looks so regal :heart:)

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