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4 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Fun medical fact time: hyperflexible people have more porous soft tissue which makes them more sensitive to chemicals. I'm the same and had a hard time with the chlorine.


Oh this is actually an interesting fact I didn't know about! And considering people usually learn to actually swim in pools and not actually on the sea, it makes sense that he and many other people might not be able to learn. Not to mention the overcrowding aspect (that picture above was... yeah).

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On 5/24/2017 at 4:57 PM, AsteroidB-612 said:

Omg now that you mentioned it... He totally looks like cute kid anakin with cute baby cheeks in that pic‼ (with the robe looking similar)


Haha do you think so?!?!

My two favorite men ever...hehehe.  I had such a crush on Anakin in high school! yes I know youre talking about baby mushroomheads but maybe I do have a type after all:girlsigh:


I need Yuzu to act in a sci-fi movie.

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On 5/24/2017 at 5:11 PM, yuzuangel said:

Haha do you think so?!?!

My two favorite men ever...hehehe. I had such a crush on Anakin in high school! yes I know youre talking about baby mushroomheads but maybe I do have a type after all:girlsigh:


I need Yuzu to act in a sci-fi movie.

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1 minute ago, xeyra said:


Oh this is actually an interesting fact I didn't know about! And considering people usually learn to actually swim in pools and not actually on the sea, it makes sense that he and many other people might not be able to learn. Not to mention the overcrowding aspect (that picture above was... yeah).


If you want to learn more there is a medical condition called Ehlers Danlos Type III which varies in severity. Basically the cause of hyperflexibility is the same among people who are just very bendy and people who are quite disabled by it. A pale complexion, youthful appearnce, very soft skin, shortsightedness, sensitivity to chemicals are all related to hyperflexibility and collagen deficiency. It's very interesting and something that still needs a lot of studying but once you know you have it you can more or less pick others out of a crowd. It's like a secret club. :P

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Re: Swimming :img_20:


Probably, the same as his 2A, he seemed to forget how to...

But, I'd rather say he just has no confidence in it as he has

been devoting his time to his skating for a long-long time.

And as sb who's really tough to himself or as a perfectionist,

you won't say you can when you mean you can't really do it

well enough. Also, as we all know that he's always humble.

Say, remember when he said to the press that seeing the

others who did Quad Lutz,... it made him realize he could

only do "simple"jumps (QT/QS) :68556364: And...if only he wants to,

whatever, I trust that sb like him can do it for sure, can't he?


Well, unlike the Netherlands, it's not a must to be able to swim at

schools, but kids here do have lessons in their curriculums, for

example, once a week for about 2-3 month time before and after

summer every year. There are specialists who are there to help

those who cannot swim, too. Anyway, that depends. Of course, public/prefectural/municipal schools or private schools are also

the point. And even so, still, different schools can have different

regulations. After all, parents often have their children learning

how to swim at swimming schools apart from the school's 



Another thing that shouldn't be forgotten, it seems that there is

a case study insisting on the fact that in general it may not be

easy for some sports players to swim such as Judo, Figure

Skating,...One of the reasons is said to be the difference of 

how you use your muscle or sth like that. Well, everything

often has an exception as well, jmo. 


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9 minutes ago, meoima said:

Collection of various skaters's single Axel: https://twitter.com/nagi_y1/status/816661527352647681

I have to say... Kozuka and Plushy's single Axel are not as good as the rest.

and our dear Yuzuru's single axel is super.


Yuzu's delayed axel is unbelievable. At first I thought there must be somethung wrong with the video because it just doesn't look physically possible. Then I remembered that gravity on planet Hanyu isn't the same as Earth.

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5 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


If you want to learn more there is a medical condition called Ehlers Danlos Type III which varies in severity. Basically the cause of hyperflexibility is the same among people who are just very bendy and people who are quite disabled by it. A pale complexion, youthful appearnce, very soft skin, shortsightedness, sensitivity to chemicals are all related to hyperflexibility and collagen deficiency. It's very interesting and something that still needs a lot of studying but once you know you have it you can more or less pick others out of a crowd. It's like a secret club. :P


This is interesting - Arakawa is very bendy too and has the skin and youthful appearance- she might be a member as well

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Publisher of “Team Brian” shared Brian’s answer to a question from a reader.



Q: My question is about “Notte Stellatta”.

1.    How did you feel when Tatiana Tarasova presented the tune to Yuzuru?

2.    It’s been a long time since David choreographed Yuzuru last time. If you’ve seen how they worked together this time, would you please share us what you felt at that time, or things which were memorable for you?


A: Notte Stellatta is a beautiful exhibition program. I think Yuzuru was happy and honored to receive the tune from Ms. Tarasova. He committed himself to making this program with the deepest respect for her. I saw Yuzuru and David working on this program, and it was magical. The beautiful thing about this program is that it emphasizes Yuzu’s skating skill more than his jumping skill. What I love most in this program is the delayed axel. It’s a jump which was popular in the past. It reminds me of skaters like Robin Cousins, Jozef Sabovčík, and myself  :)))

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1 minute ago, Sombreuil said:


This is interesting - Arakawa is very bendy too and has the skin and youthful appearance- she might be a member too.


I left out no appetite which is caused by the stomach emptying a lot slower than normal. There is another Japanese celebrity, Ninomiya Kazunari, who is still being cast as a highschooler in his 30s. He has all the same things I mentioned and is incredibly flexible and prone to injury.

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