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5 minutes ago, katonice said:

Since we're moving down memory lane, I saw this photo today on my Twitter TL and it made me smile remembering how what felt like the entire twitterverse and this forum went on the brink of full nuclear meltdown when it was released:tumblr_lkl6q24eyw1qfamg6: I thought we'd never recover :laughing:DbL5hJiV4AA-Nld?format=jpg


 He looks so pretty :tumblr_inline_mm2wbaeqQM1qz4rgp:


I wonder when will he reach peak beauty? Will he ever stop getting more beautiful? I thought WC17 Swanyu was peak beauty and then COR17 Gold Ribbon Swanyu and then PC 


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4 minutes ago, katonice said:


Yeah tbh I don't think I ever did recover. Looking at the photo again now, I'm thinking a full size HD one will be enough to kill me for sure :10742290:

Yuzu wearing kimono is deadly to me.

3 minutes ago, WSYZ said:

Ok, after seeing many fanarts of Yuzu around, I have to ask a serious question. Why does he have cat ears in so many fanarts???? Does he look or act like a cat sometimes? His personality is like a cat or something?


When I became his fan and found out he was born in 1994, I thought "Oh, a dog in Chinese Zodiacs, just like my favorite Japanese actor!" - who is 12 years older than Yuzu. I really like this coincidence so I always think of a Shiba Inu smiling face when I want to relate to Yuzu. But more and more cute and chubby chibi Yuzu with cat ears and tail are appearing on my Twitter feeds everyday... :rofl:


If anything, I would think he looks more like a fox, LOL

My scanner sucks so i took a pic

2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

You know what else was funny this season?


Remember that show, post Nats, where everyone from team Japan was there? And then they put Yuzuru the cardboard cutout to complete it? :rofl:


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2 minutes ago, Yatagarasu said:

You know what else was funny this season?


Remember that show, post Nats, where everyone from team Japan was there? And then they put Yuzuru the cardboard cutout to complete it? :rofl:


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8 hours ago, WSYZ said:

Ok, after seeing many fanarts of Yuzu around, I have to ask a serious question. Why does he have cat ears in so many fanarts????


Lots of peeps compared him to a cat but then FaOI this past summer happened and well. Say hi.


You can see a tonne of Yuzuru Neko in that old thread! he was ... lovely.

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12 minutes ago, katonice said:

Since we're moving down memory lane, I saw this photo today on my Twitter TL and it made me smile remembering how what felt like the entire twitterverse and this forum went on the brink of full nuclear meltdown when it was released:tumblr_lkl6q24eyw1qfamg6: I thought we'd never recover :laughing:DbL5hJiV4AA-Nld?format=jpg



Ahhhhhhh this sweet death. I remember rushing to google "Yuzuru kimono" "yuzuru traditional dress" "yuzuru hakama" etc when this slaps into my face. I was so determined to drown in that pit....

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Just now, Yatagarasu said:


That one! Ahahaha this brilliance, I swear! Thank you!


And his eyes, that is what sort of tops it! He's looking straight at where the guy doing the interview was sitting. Also Kaori's face :rofl: :rofl:


@Hydroblade yes yes, both! LOL forever tbh.

You know i wonder just HOW they got this.

Like, do they have an emergency Yuzu?

Where did they get such a high res image to make a life size cardboard Yuzu (and where can i get one too)?

Do they have more?

So many questions

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9 minutes ago, WSYZ said:

Ok, after seeing many fanarts of Yuzu around, I have to ask a serious question. Why does he have cat ears in so many fanarts???? Does he look or act like a cat sometimes? His personality is like a cat or something?


When I became his fan and found out he was born in 1994, I thought "Oh, a dog in Chinese Zodiacs, just like my favorite Japanese actor!" - who is 12 years older than Yuzu. I really like this coincidence so I always think of a Shiba Inu smiling face when I want to relate to Yuzu. But more and more cute and chubby chibi Yuzu with cat ears and tail are appearing on my Twitter feeds everyday... :rofl:


If anything, I would think he looks more like a fox, LOL



Here's some more. :P It doesn't have the ears, but still.

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7 minutes ago, Hydroblade said:

You know i wonder just HOW they got this.

Like, do they have an emergency Yuzu?

Where did they get such a high res image to make a life size cardboard Yuzu (and where can i get one too)?

Do they have more?

So many questions


I think they keep it hidden somewhere because they know Japan would get a sudden increase in burglaries otherwise. They're mean, so no offer to sell!





And more at @Pamigena's tumblr, because she was a darling and scanned them!

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