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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

A big BIG planet (like Jupiter and Saturn) can capture unsuspecting objects that pass close enough to said planet. They orbit around the planet and become satellites.

Just like many of us didn't expect to be captured by Yuzu and his wonderful skating, we are now happily trapped on an orbit around him:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:


51 minutes ago, robin said:


In addition, since the quote goes “Planet Hanyu: population one” (Yuzu alone) symbolically we can’t be inhabitants of the planet so what’s left are satellites orbiting the planet and watching its beauty from afar ^^ I guess we look like stars to Yuzu <3 



I kinda knew already but when you explain it like that it came more romantic that made me even more emotional i still havent recovered from CiONTU its all to much too sweet

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Just now, xeyra said:


Err... I didn't think that through yet! I'm still recovering from the crash landing, okay!?


I guess I can feed him paprika. 


You could make him do a 2A. An SE sandwich 2A.


You could avenge Mura.


I'd laugh forever. Talk about torture :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

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Just now, Yatagarasu said:


You could make him do a 2A. An SE sandwich 2A.


You could avenge Mura.


I'd laugh forever. Talk about torture :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:


Maybe I need a co-torturer, you have a good imagination. I'll be awaiting at these coordinates for you to crash land too. Be sneaky about it, we don't want to scare off the prey. 

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2 minutes ago, xeyra said:


Err... I didn't think that through yet! I'm still recovering from the crash landing, okay!?


I guess I can feed him paprika. 


1 minute ago, Yatagarasu said:


You could make him do a 2A. An SE sandwich 2A.


You could avenge Mura.


I'd laugh forever. Talk about torture :tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: :tumblr_inline_ncmifaymmi1rpglid:

are you trying to outドs the ドs King?

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Just now, xeyra said:


Maybe I need a co-torturer, you have a good imagination. I'll be awaiting at these coordinates for you to crash land too. Be sneaky about it, we don't want to scare off the prey. 


*packs bag*

I could probably think of a few more things. I'll be sneaky. 


@Hydroblade now, now, whatever gave you that idea? :tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid: be still my heart, what you must think of me.

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3 hours ago, ruruzest said:



Hi everyone.  Wanted to de-lurk to encourage everyone to write to ESPN.  I doubt it will do anything but if there's even a little chance of more features and more meaningful articles in NA, I want to try.


Also, thanks so much to Hydroblade for the drive link.  For days, I was getting sound but no image but I finally got it to work. Already saw all the Yuzu bits on Youtube but I'm so happy to be able to see Ciontu as a whole.


Finally, I suddenly had a thought that maybe Yuzu only wants to stay until worlds is held in Japan. Maybe that's why he said "Only a little bit longer".  Feeling crushed :(




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Just now, Old Cat Lady said:


Hi everyone.  Wanted to de-lurk to encourage everyone to write to ESPN.  I doubt it will do anything but if there's even a little chance of more features and more meaningful articles in NA, I want to try.


Also, thanks so much to Hydroblade for the drive link.  For days, I was getting sound but no image but I finally got it to work. Already saw all the Yuzu bits on Youtube but I'm so happy to be able to see Ciontu as a whole.


Finally, I suddenly had a thought that maybe Yuzu only wants to stay until worlds is held in Japan. Maybe that's why he said "Only a little bit longer".  Feeling crushed :(




But that's next year. I don't think he's intending to retire that early unless he's not healthy and with CiONTU, we can see that his rehabilitation is going well so far. 

And with him saying he wants to skate to whatever he wants, we can be ready for surprises.

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8 minutes ago, Old Cat Lady said:

Finally, I suddenly had a thought that maybe Yuzu only wants to stay until worlds is held in Japan. Maybe that's why he said "Only a little bit longer".  Feeling crushed :(


Welcome, welcome!! 


As for that, well unlikely because even with Yuzuru's abilities, it's going to take a while for that 4A, especially with his injury and who knows what else he wants or may want next. Plus I really do think that he meant more in the sense of how long it has already been, and everything that has happened, that it's just 'a bit more'. In any case, I think it's better to just get joy while we can and not think about it too much. It'll happen eventually at some point as that's just life, it's how it goes and we're lucky that he has been around for as long as he has. This is all a major bonus. He'll still be around even after, in shows, as a coach as skating is in his blood and he's not retired just yet. Plenty of stress for the good old nerves coming up in just a few months! 


Don't be crushed, there're so many things ahead of us!

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