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  On 4/10/2018 at 2:28 AM, Hydroblade said:

Honestly, and i think you can take my word for it, when he's on the ice it's hard to think about anything else than what a wonderful skater he is.



As I hoped, and as it should be! :tumblr_inline_n18qr5lPWB1qid2nw:


  On 4/10/2018 at 2:28 AM, yumeaki said:

Oops, sorry if it disturbs you for using the word 'tight ass'. It's obviously a joke and I believe the scene was cut at just the time his eyes was looking down. Tough to figure out what joke is acceptable at times on a platform with various culture. Will tone it down. 



Thank you for your consideration! I was like 98% sure that everything was just said in jest but it's nice to have it confirmed :smiley-love017: 

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  On 4/10/2018 at 2:31 AM, Xen said:

Subconcious or not, I would rather not. Yuzu lurks, so not a good idea for him to stumble in our forum and see us all ogling him.



That's a really good rule I personally try to abide by actually. If I wouldn't feel comfortable saying something in front of the person him/herself, I probably shouldn't be saying it at all... 

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  On 4/10/2018 at 2:31 AM, Xen said:

Subconcious or not, I would rather not. Yuzu lurks, so not a good idea for him to stumble in our forum and see us all ogling him.


Yes. I'd prefer if he stumbles upon court ramblings and victorian flowery art :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:

Remember the time we went from chocolate to discussing his singing voice+isolating his voice from a video where he sings the first line of "hana ha saku" :rofl:

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  On 4/10/2018 at 2:33 AM, Hydroblade said:

Yes. I'd prefer if he stumbles upon court ramblings and victorian flowery art :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:

Remember the time we went from chocolate to discussing his singing voice+isolating his voice from a video where he sings the first line of "hana ha saku" :rofl:


Do you have the video?

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  On 4/10/2018 at 2:29 AM, Hydroblade said:

We have a rule regarding sexually loaded discussions :) purely aesthethic appreciation is fine here, anything else well... That goes somewhere else


Hahaha. Nah. My mind can't tune towards anything sensual with regards to him.

I once saw a photo of him in shorts showing his leg muscles and all i can think is 'damn, this boy has been training really hard. How the hell do you get those muscles with gliding on the ice? What is your training schedule? Did you jump 24/7?' :facepalm:

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  On 4/10/2018 at 2:33 AM, Hydroblade said:

Yes. I'd prefer if he stumbles upon court ramblings and victorian flowery art :animated-smileys-hands-fingers-01:

Remember the time we went from chocolate to discussing his singing voice+isolating his voice from a video where he sings the first line of "hana ha saku" :rofl:


Thanks for reminding me there are still the outstanding sengoku quads, kindergarten quads etc....

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For me, a final thought about the sellout/non-sellout question.  Coming shortly down the pike (April 22 to be exact) will be what everyone expects to be a huge day in Sendai when the city celebrates its Number One citizen.  There is almost certainly going to be live TV coverage of the event and it's only to be expected that the forthcoming ice show under Yuzu's direction coming in mid-summer will be mentioned.  If there is anybody in Japan who doesn't know about the show right now, they will probably learn about it while watching the victory celebration.  I wouldn't be surprised to see some major Japanese non-skating heavy-hitters there, such as the prime minister and even one of the members of the imperial family (not the emperor, though perhaps Crown Prince Naruhito).  Yuzu is a rarity in public life in Japan, indeed almost anywhere, being totally non-controversial, unattached to any controversial movement or opinions.  As such, he's very desirable for other public figures to be seen in his proximity. This does not mean he's a conformist in what he thinks but that he conforms to Japanese norms in terms of action and etiquette.  But getting back to the celebration which, based on stories about hotels booked solid and such, makes me fully expect that this time there are going to be a lot more than 90,000 people there.  Part of what is happening that day is bound to consist of references to the quake and tsunami in 2011, particularly with the story of how Yuzu was practicing on the ice and had to flee the rink, fearing that it might collapse on him.  Hollywood could not have come up with a better scene. 


With the quake raised as a subject, then it would be logical to connect ongoing quake relief to Yuzu's forthcoming ice show.  In that context it would not even be seen as an advertisement unless one wishes to see it as a very sophisticated product placement.  I have no ways of knowing (and perhaps some of the Japanese here could confirm or deny) but I suspect that Yuzu might be one of the most prominent quake survivors and so be a symbol of resilience in the face of the disaster.  Of course much of his time since has been in the geologically stable environs of Toronto, Canada, but all the evidence is that he has never been reluctant to do what he can to aid those still in Japan in dealing with the quake/tsunami and the aftermath.  Remember, it was guilt that by going to Toronto he was turning his back on what was needed to aid in the recovery that had him seriously contemplating leaving skating.  Fortunately wiser heads prevailed and the world has been celebrating the fruits of his decision to stay the course since then.  In any case the framing of Yuzu at the event we are quickly nearing will be emphasizing not simply his skating skills but his human achievements, his humility and willingness to go to schools and senior citizen centers and such and interact with those there.  Yuzu realizes that he is not simply a skater but one of the most highly-placed public figures in Japan and he takes the attendant responsibilities very seriously.  That is one of the reasons I so admire him.


I know there are some who have said that it is very unlikely that those 66 theaters will be filled this July.  But the thing is that there are millions of Yuzu fans in Japan and the ice arena will only hold considerably less than one percent of them.  The victory celebration coming up will be a major advertisement for the show and it will remind those fans just how much joy he has given them over the years.  It will be worth it to fork over the small amount of money to get into those theaters to watch him, even though he's not going to skate.  The show offers all of those who have been unable to see him live over these past few years an opportunity to thank him.

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This could go in a few threads but look! Taisuke Goto has a new book out and LOOK WHO DID THE COVER! WTF SKATING DOODLES! SEIMEI Yuzu is on there, too! 



ETA The title is "Figure Skating and Gender - The power of a sport in which we draw close to each other." Or something like that (please correct me)


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