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2 minutes ago, Neenah said:

Oops.. was I that harsh 



no I needed that reassurance :laughing:



3 minutes ago, Floria said:

Save money to go to competitions.


Someone stop me from buying more magazines  :help:

save it for when you will see 4A LIVE :9:

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3 hours ago, MrPudding said:

I want this too :sadPooh:

Haven't been enticed yet to buy the shirts, but I like the bracelets! Too bad they're not available online. 


ETA: I'm starting to imagine though at the next comp Yuzu's in, everyone will be wearing these shirts, and that I might be the only fanyu not wearing one... 

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8 minutes ago, singermelodie1 said:

Do you think we'll see the 4A next season? And do you think he'll retire after accomplishing it?


He says he still needs to stabilise 4Lo, master 4Lz (but has to wait awhile before trying it again), and he might want to try quints. :) I think he’s the type to never be satisfied, no matter what he says.

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7 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:

 I think he’s the type to never be satisfied, no matter what he says.

Oh gawds...remember how he kept on saying he's "satisfied" and "happy" after Olys, but within a week of the FS, the kuyashii monster reared its head...and we all collectively decided his painkillers dosage must have reduced? Heal happily first Zu, then talk about the rest.

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hace 10 minutos , SparkleSalad said:

He says he still needs to stabilise 4Lo, master 4Lz

When did he say that? probably I have missed some translation...but I can't see him leaving with 4Lz undefeated.

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hace 5 minutos , Xen said:

Oh gawds...remember how he kept on saying he's "satisfied" and "happy" after Olys, but within a week of the FS, the kuyashii monster reared its head...and we all collectively decided his painkillers dosage must have reduced? Heal happily first Zu, then talk about the rest.

I think it had nothing to do with painkillers, it was just euphoria. He gave his all and got what he wanted the most against all odds, so there was real, not drug-induced happyness. But happyness is transient and it couldn't change his competitive, perfectionist self.

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2 minutes ago, Floria said:

I think it had nothing to do with painkillers, it was just euphoria. He gave his all and got what he wanted the most against all odds, so there was real, not drug-induced happyness. But happyness is transient and it couldn't change his competitive, perfectionist self.

Yep. But that perfectionist part raised its head faster than we thought possible. 


I see both 4Lo and 4Lz making a come back within 2 seasons. And possibly nessie soon, though not sure how fast depending on how his right ankle heals.

The only one I see left out of the quads is general 3F-forever remembered for his earlier betrayl, he will have to work hard to repent and wait to be rewarded, in the form of his sister 4F being invited to the palace of Hanyu's court. General 3F has been working steadily, consistently for years, but sometimes, he looks at the signs and realizes, maybe that day of reward will never come, his name will not be cleared for a while-even chancellor BOrser has mentioned that perhaps the Flip family is not that well regarded by Hanyu afterall. But who knows, Hanyu is a benevolent ruler.

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hace 3 minutos , Xen said:

Yep. But that perfectionist part raised its head faster than we thought possible. 


I see both 4Lo and 4Lz making a come back within 2 seasons. And possibly nessie soon, though not sure how fast depending on how his right ankle heals.

The only one I see left out of the quads is general 3F-forever remembered for his earlier betrayl, he will have to work hard to repent and wait to be rewarded, in the form of his sister 4F being invited to the palace of Hanyu's court. General 3F has been working steadily, consistently for years, but sometimes, he looks at the signs and realizes, maybe that day of reward will never come, his name will not be cleared for a while-even chancellor BOrser has mentioned that perhaps the Flip family is not that well regarded by Hanyu afterall. But who knows, Hanyu is a benevolent ruler.

We still have to see what happens with 3F under the new rules. I'll miss it because it is the only jump I am never worried about :laughing:.

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1 hour ago, MrPudding said:

someone help me.. should I buy £30 chewing gum (xylitol one)..............

The gum is not worthy of £30.... BUT! If you use the bottle to store things.... it can be used for more that a year. Even a year usage means it will just cost a daily amount of £30/365...  :pouty:

I shall not be responsible for your finances....  :peekapooh:


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