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I really hope he will rest and heal.  Remembering how bad his injury was after season 15-16 when he had felt pain since the beginning of the season but stubbornly took painkillers to skate, I'm still scared. He didn't missed any competitions, even gala that season but in exchange he had to receive two-month off-ice treatment. As I said earlier, his decision to withdraw from NHK made me believe that it isn't minor injury, even could be much more serious than the one he sustained in the past. So I don't want it to happen again. 

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  On 2/26/2018 at 11:15 AM, Fresca said:


He seems to have a very straightforward approach to life. Focus on the priorities and don't pay much attention to the less important things.





Video games

Other food

Well-tailored suits









Everything else...


Very amusing. And puppy-like. :tumblr_inline_mqt4grU8ua1qz4rgp:





I wonder why he doesnt have a pet dog. Asthma?


Anyway when did he mention that he likes cake?? 

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  On 2/26/2018 at 9:44 AM, WinForPooh said:

Doesn't he look fed up? He's so cute. Like 'this is not what I was promised, I won a medal'. 



I was thinking the same thing:  "I won you a silver medal and all you do is torture me." 


Lucky for Shoma that he is so tiny and so cute. Because if he wasn't, I doubt looking half asleep and bored most of the time would get him such positive reactions from fans. :laughing:

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  On 2/26/2018 at 11:07 AM, Erin said:

Sorry for interrupting the gloomy thoughts, may i ask if we keep videos like these:




Yuzu's fans are featured. Are there any from this planet? 

And also, is there a better quality of the first one? 



I spot very familiar faces! The pins, I still have mine from ACI!

The nail art-daaaamn! And those grandmas in the pooh onesies...goals for later!

Though now a days, I think if you get to know him a bit better, you wonder why the heck are there still people confused about why he has the fandom he has? It's pretty obvious to me, and I think the fandom number is lower than it should be. :facepalm:

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  On 2/26/2018 at 11:22 AM, Fresca said:


He's going to be satisfied for 1 month...Competitors like him - Plushenko, Michael Jordan, Muhammed Ali - they always come back until their bodies tell them to stop even if the spirit is willing. I remember during Michael Jordan's retirement speech when he left basketball for the 3rd time that he was leaving because he felt "at peace with the game of basketball". Yuzu definitely doesn't feel that way about figure skating.



I bet his mind is already set on new goals and 4A is only one of these. Those 4-3-2 combos at gala practice... :laughing: The injury is an obstacle on this way and I understand why he is talking so much about the importance  of treatment now.

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  On 2/26/2018 at 11:30 AM, getsurenka said:

Looking at the clips, isn't the NHK documentary coming out? Today or soon? I saw someone posted how it was sad maybe?


yeah I checked NHK and the program is still going on, but different athletes' time now.. I'll download all of it when it is finished :laughing: and shoot I missed the youtube press con, luckily it can be playbacked.. aah so many contents today and tomorrow

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