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13 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

On the other hand how unlucky would you be not to have either!


I would go out and buy them probably HAHAHA 

Today I'll spare my wallet, but tomorrow I'll have guests for the Free, so I will make a fort out of candies and fries

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Good news: I have yuzu sencha.

Bad news: I have yuzu sake...

Good news: ...which is on its last legs and I'm planning to make into heart shaped jelly...

Bad news: ...and I also have 50% off Valentine's Day chocolates. Did I mention I'm making creampuffs for a girls night out party on Saturday Canada time (aka 24 hours after the end of the men's competition)??

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55 minutes ago, OonsieHui said:

You mean the same Yuzu who also said in an interview that he hadn't planned what to do for Oly, and then proceeded to reveal that hey actually I've known since I did it two year ago that I would do seimei.... 

Yeah but he also made this face when he said that so how could anyone believe him


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5 minutes ago, Sammie said:

 :laughing: Ever since last season start I have been stress eating. I’m on a diet and tired of low cal popcorn. :13877886:


You could try and alternate fruits you like and dried fruit like almonds or nuts. I drink a lot of tea to always sip something sweet. Also, my sleeping schedule is completely fucked up and today I woke up at 1 pm LOL, so knowing I spend a lot of hours without eating, I don't feel particularily guilty about eating. Yesterday up until 10 pm I only ate coffee and a slice of bread and peanut butter xDDDD PB satisfies my cravings a lot. I could eat just that all day long. 

(the only American habit I have in my blood...)


The only problem being, I feel so nervous, I actually feel my stomach completely closed. :slinkaway: I wonder how the hell skaters manage these problems. I always remember Yuzu, Shoma and Nobu's interview in which they talk about having diarrhea before competitions :rofl: That's so much like me. If I were them, I would, like, stop eating at least 10 hours before a competition. But then, what if you don't have enough energy??? I guess only drink water with minerals. 


20 minutes ago, WinForPooh said:

Let us hope our tears tomorrow and the day after are only of joy. And indigestion.


I can't hope for that. I have SO MANY other things to cry about!! I'll be a crying mess for hours and at one point I'm gonna stop because I'll forget what I was crying about :laughing: I wonder if my period has something to say about this... 

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Today (and recent days...) I tried to catch up Japanese news clip about yuzu (thank you for LS of Japanese TV...).

 I really feel how he is happy to come back on the ice, free from anxiety and pain.  he enjoys the moment from bottom of his heart. 

He says he is filled with happiness to skate with his favorite music.


Of course, he knows and he has so much pressure, but he admits it and not to escape from it (The wrongest way for someone to tackle pressure is to try to ignore it although he feels pressure in order for him to look strong mentally.) .

I want to say again and again to yuzu "You've come so far.  The goal is here.  Your time has come to shine."


And a twitter says Nobu says yuzu was outstanding in official practices. 4 years ago, at Sochi, Takeshi honda said Yuzu and Plushy were way too  noticeable.  He must have something.  It is a good sign!


Personally, I became a fan of him at Sochi.  These 4 years were a long story with so many dramas.  He has brought me a lot and I cant fully say thank you to him.  There must be so many people like me in the world.  The circle to support him has been getting bigger and bigger.  Even dirty and huge powers cant prevent it. 


Go yuzu!  Believe in yourself.:peach:


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6 minutes ago, Murieleirum said:


You could try and alternate fruits you like and dried fruit like almonds or nuts. I drink a lot of tea to always sip something sweet. Also, my sleeping schedule is completely fucked up and today I woke up at 1 pm LOL, so knowing I spend a lot of hours without eating, I don't feel particularily guilty about eating. Yesterday up until 10 pm I only ate coffee and a slice of bread and peanut butter xDDDD PB satisfies my cravings a lot. I could eat just that all day long. 

(the only American habit I have in my blood...)


The only problem being, I feel so nervous, I actually feel my stomach completely closed. :slinkaway: I wonder how the hell skaters manage these problems. I always remember Yuzu, Shoma and Nobu's interview in which they talk about having diarrhea before competitions :rofl: That's so much like me. If I were them, I would, like, stop eating at least 10 hours before a competition. But then, what if you don't have enough energy??? I guess only drink water with minerals. 



I can't hope for that. I have SO MANY other things to cry about!! I'll be a crying mess for hours and at one point I'm gonna stop because I'll forget what I was crying about :laughing: I wonder if my period has something to say about this... 



...after I read your post, I remembered I woke up at one o clock at night the last two nights and had to get up...and now I wonder, if it MIGHT have something to do with the Olympics?:rofl:


( I usually sleep like a  log!]

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A great talk needed to be shared: 



I feel like... Yuzuru is showing the happiness he feels to be on ice and skate for people again. He feels grateful to be supported and loved, and he feels the power of positivity. 
I hope this power of positivity and calmness will speak up on ice in competition. Shizuka told Yuzuru to "Have Fun" instead of "Try your best", and he said yes. They both understand it. 
After all the struggles Yuzuru has gone through the last 4 years, to have fun and enjoy the Olympics is the most important experience. That's what we should hope for him.


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3 minutes ago, meoima said:

Shizuka told Yuzuru to "Have Fun" instead of "Try your best", and he said yes.

I don't feel like saying "do your best" because it doesn't feel right in this situation. When we were talking about the design of the current banner the talk about writing something on it came up, and well, what could we say?

Shizuka got the right words, imo. And it's clear how much he's enjoying every single moment there. No matter what happens i am sure we will see that reflected on his performances:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid: i am anxious but looking forward to what kind of Chopin and Seimei such a happy Yuzu will bring us

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