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Catching up a bit while being a zombie during my layover.


If we compare craziness, I guess traveling for aprox 20 hours plus to and 20 hours plus from to see him and then... not see him counts lol But I have my luggage full of Yuzu stuff, so I will not regret it.


I had hoped to see all sorts of Yuzu stuff around Haneda, as it's ANA's home, but there was nothing >.< Didn't even see that bag tag people identified on his bag in Russia (it probably sold out lol). I guess they're pretty serious in sponsoring him without asking for anything in return.


Oh, but there was this:29fdsug.jpg



Oh and speaking of Yuzu goods, aside from taking home a little bottle of hot yuzu drink (just the bottle...), I also got dissolve in water yuzu vitamin drinks, dried and candied yuzu and yuzupan... But I actually love the flavor of yuzu, even without the connection :P (as I think I mentioned in the NHK thread, I also got ingredients to re-create Yuzu's hot chocolate recipe...)


And done... back to zombying now... (it was such a weird flight... I couldn't keep my eyes open, but I couldn't really sleep either, as I couldn't get comfortable and my body hurt... I lost count how many times I woke up in 11 plus hours, but still the time passed pretty quickly... but if I look at the floor now, it's dancing ^_^; I'm so tired my eyes can't focus. Drinking energy drinks. Because fresh from Japan. Can't decide if to eat left ovet yuzupan. And sorry for

the randomness, nobody I know is awake at this hour ^_^; Or wait, I think they are...:embSwan: )

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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:26 AM, KatjaThera said:

And done... back to zombying now... (it was such a weird flight... I couldn't keep my eyes open, but I couldn't really sleep either, as I couldn't get comfortable and my body hurt... I lost count how many times I woke up in 11 plus hours, but still the time passed pretty quickly... but if I look at the floor now, it's dancing ^_^; I'm so tired my eyes can't focus. Drinking energy drinks. Because fresh from Japan. Can't decide if to eat left ovet yuzupan.


Oh dear rest well!!:tumblr_inline_ncmiffG34Z1rpglid:

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  On 11/20/2017 at 9:53 PM, MrPudding said:

it's an edit :laughing:


I'm so glad you made me check again because I just accepted JR was opening some sort of skiing line. The tagline on the side says 'Everything is Yuzuru's fault' and I was about to applaud the marketing team like wow someone really went for that :laughing: (tbh I think that would have been a hilarious ad tagline, albeit for a rather more niche audience that JR usually goes for)


  On 11/20/2017 at 9:09 PM, MrPudding said:


more CM please 




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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:26 AM, KatjaThera said:

Catching up a bit while being a zombie during my layover.


If we compare craziness, I guess traveling for aprox 20 hours plus to and 20 hours plus from to see him and then... not see him counts lol But I have my luggage full of Yuzu stuff, so I will not regret it.


I had hoped to see all sorts of Yuzu stuff around Haneda, as it's ANA's home, but there was nothing >.< Didn't even see that bag tag people identified on his bag in Russia (it probably sold out lol). I guess they're pretty serious in sponsoring him without asking for anything in return.


Oh, but there was this:29fdsug.jpg



Oh and speaking of Yuzu goods, aside from taking home a little bottle of hot yuzu drink (just the bottle...), I also got dissolve in water yuzu vitamin drinks, dried and candied yuzu and yuzupan... But I actually love the flavor of yuzu, even without the connection :P (as I think I mentioned in the NHK thread, I also got ingredients to re-create Yuzu's hot chocolate recipe...)


And done... back to zombying now... (it was such a weird flight... I couldn't keep my eyes open, but I couldn't really sleep either, as I couldn't get comfortable and my body hurt... I lost count how many times I woke up in 11 plus hours, but still the time passed pretty quickly... but if I look at the floor now, it's dancing ^_^; I'm so tired my eyes can't focus. Drinking energy drinks. Because fresh from Japan. Can't decide if to eat left ovet yuzupan. And sorry for

the randomness, nobody I know is awake at this hour ^_^; Or wait, I think they are...:embSwan: )



>_< I hope your next flight is a little more comfortable! I had a similarly awful flight. The seat was strangely hard and concave, like a carseat for a baby, and I kept falling asleep in 10 minute bursts and then having to DIY chiropractor my spine and repeat. Luckily my layover was in tropical Queensland so the blazing heat and humidity healed my aching aches (and not a bum crack in sight this time!)


I still haven't had Yuzu flavoured anything! Evidently, my mother and sister have become massive fanyus in my absence and as soon as I unpacked they snatched up all the yuzu lollies and those weird lollipops we were given. XD I did buy some Yuzu bath salts but I think I'll give those away, too. Ever since The Big Ol' Droughty Thing of 10 Years or Whenever Ago I feel too guilty to take a bath. 


Eat the yuzupan! Eat aaaall the yuzupan! Are you at the level of tiredness where food talks to you yet? Best eat it before it begs for its panny life.


Not OT :kitty: 

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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:50 AM, SparkleSalad said:


>_< I hope your next flight is a little more comfortable! I had a similarly awful flight. The seat was strangely hard and concave, like a carseat for a baby, and I kept falling asleep in 10 minute bursts and then having to DIY chiropractor my spine and repeat. Luckily my layover was in tropical Queensland so the blazing heat and humidity healed my aching aches (and not a bum crack in sight this time!)


I still haven't had Yuzu flavoured anything! Evidently, my mother and sister have become massive fanyus in my absence and as soon as I unpacked they snatched up all the yuzu lollies and those weird lollipops we were given. XD I did buy some Yuzu bath salts but I think I'll give those away, too. Ever since The Big Ol' Droughty Thing of 10 Years or Whenever Ago I feel too guilty to take a bath. 


Eat the yuzupan! Eat aaaall the yuzupan! Are you at the level of tiredness where food talks to you yet? Best eat it before it begs for its panny life.


Not OT :kitty: 


Omg I can’t believe there’s a name and Wiki page for the drought! How to know you spent your formative years in Australia in the 2000s: you still get MAD ANTSY about any water wastage. I always feel soo guilty about baths too lol


Are you Sydney-based? You can sometimes find some yuzu-flavoured snacks at Asian supermarkets. Yuzu and fresh youzi (its Chinese cousin/equivalent) were actually one of my favourite fruits before discovering Yuzuru so I always joke it’s fate ( : you should def try it! 

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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:50 AM, SparkleSalad said:


>_< I hope your next flight is a little more comfortable! I had a similarly awful flight. The seat was strangely hard and concave, like a carseat for a baby, and I kept falling asleep in 10 minute bursts and then having to DIY chiropractor my spine and repeat. Luckily my layover was in tropical Queensland so the blazing heat and humidity healed my aching aches (and not a bum crack in sight this time!)


I still haven't had Yuzu flavoured anything! Evidently, my mother and sister have become massive fanyus in my absence and as soon as I unpacked they snatched up all the yuzu lollies and those weird lollipops we were given. XD I did buy some Yuzu bath salts but I think I'll give those away, too. Ever since The Big Ol' Droughty Thing of 10 Years or Whenever Ago I feel too guilty to take a bath. 


Eat the yuzupan! Eat aaaall the yuzupan! Are you at the level of tiredness where food talks to you yet? Best eat it before it begs for its panny life.


Not OT :kitty: 


Thank you. The next is just around two hours at least... Last year I pretty much slept through it, as there was an empty seat next to me and I could actually move.


From Japan, I had seats that wouldn't lean back... In themselves not that uncomfortable, but... yeah.


(And although I normally love German food, the sandwiches/rolls they sell in airport mini markets are just awful... Should have stuck to Pringles... how I wish for an onigiri right now...)


Anyway Yuzu... oh at the Lawson near my hotel they were advertising sales for Medalists on Ice. I don't remember exactly, but expensive!


PS: It's cold here :war: *wants his hot chocolate*

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  On 11/21/2017 at 6:58 AM, kaerb said:

Omg I can’t believe there’s a name and Wiki page for the drought! How to know you spent your formative years in Australia in the 2000s: you still get MAD ANTSY about any water wastage. I always feel soo guilty about baths too lol


Are you Sydney-based? You can sometimes find some yuzu-flavoured snacks at Asian supermarkets. Yuzu and fresh youzi (its Chinese cousin/equivalent) were actually one of my favourite fruits before discovering Yuzuru so I always joke it’s fate ( : you should def try it! 



I didn't know there was a name for it either until this very day! I feel like we're lucky to have lived through it because now we're adequately trained to deal with the Mad Max future that awaits us.


Seriously, going to Japan during the drought was so weird. It took me until the day before I left to get used to not being insane about water and then I had to relearn the stinginess again. Seeing people throwing buckets of it on the footpath outside shops and houses was just mortifying! Our bathtub is still purely decorative. 


I'm in Melbourne but aparently a new Japanese cafe opened up nearby while I was away that serves yuzunade so that's the first thing on my list to try!

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