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1 hour ago, Hydroblade said:

It feels like my heart WAS ripped outagainand i've been sighing the whole day. I am acting like a terrible employee but fuck this, i feel too sad. Someone asked me something and i swear i could hear the sadness in my voice...

I feel bad for feeling sad because i am not useful in this state (not that i can do much anyways)...

I’m the same way today



At least nobody expects me to be functional today and I’m with some friends that while not interested in FS at all are very understanding and trying to cheer me up :10742289:

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1 minute ago, SparkleSalad said:


Oh how I envy you!

So nice everyone really loved your swans. I’m sorry I was too tired to explain I didn’t make them so it was sort of a Seinfeld “big salad” situation.

oh that's fine. you're doing most of the work of talking to people and giving them out anyway. that's the actual hard part :P 


eta: oh yeah.......denial........he'll get better and back in no time!! :sadPooh:

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11 minutes ago, axelnojutsu said:

I’m the same way today



At least nobody expects me to be functional today and I’m with some friends that while not interested in FS at all are very understanding and trying to cheer me up :10742289:

I can hide under the "hey it's friday" thing. The actual work i have pending isn't anything urgent, more of messing around with stuff to see if i find a nice way to do something they said they'd like to do. And my brain was drained from creative juices...

6 minutes ago, SparkleSalad said:


Oh how I envy you!

So nice everyone really loved your swans. I’m sorry I was too tired to explain I didn’t make them so it was sort of a Seinfeld “big salad” situation.

They got them, and you helped spread the wish and i think that's enough <3 I'm sure they will learn about the real meaning soon:tumblr_inline_ncmif5EcBB1rpglid:

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3 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


honestly, I'm doing fine until I come across anything reminding me he was crying. I hope the boy won't blame himself too much and just focus on getting better ))):


Headline says 'When he withdrew from NHK, Hanyu cried', includes explanations about the injury, how he can still go to the Olympics and a comment from Kozuka with headline 'maybe it was more serious than he thought'. Not sure if anyone is going to do an in depth translation of that comment - lightly skimming it, seems like he's talking about how the injury will need time to recover and speculating as to why Yuzu withdrew and hoping he will rest. 

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8 minutes ago, MrPudding said:


My Japanese is not good enough yet, but what I gathered from this tweet was that:


Brian (Orser) was contacted and initially they agreed to leave out 4Lz and 4Lo in the competition. Mentioned the doctor's advice after Yuzu went to the hospital.


I think they mentioned that it's similar to dislocating your shoulder, that it's easier to sprain your ankle after you've sprained it before.


1-2 weeks of rest is a must.


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5 minutes ago, singcarcom said:

I think they mentioned that it's similar to dislocating your shoulder, that it's easier to sprain your ankle after you've sprained it before.

Yeah :/ I used to sprain my ankles and wrists left and right but I was a teenybopper so it healed easily. But spraining it again after it's not fully healed is incredibly easy. Wishing Yuzu a full recovery. 1-2 weeks is not so bad. Glad he didn't skate or it could have been more.

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1 minute ago, Hydroblade said:

Can i just say that i hate looking at that headline in BIG ASS LETTERING? It makes me sick...

well Japanese media LOOove drama and this is big hit for them so jackpot , you cant really skip it . . . journalism at its best ( or worse )

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