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  1. a minority once again, but I get it, no one who wants to find happiness would've had studied law.
  2. Hola a todos, creo que esta es la red social que más he utilizado en años jaajajjja. Trato de estar lo más informada posible acerca de Yuzu pero el trabajo no me permite estar conectada tanto como lo quisiera. Me gustaría saber si hay más colombian@s en este sub porque no conozco y no he visto ni una solo banderita colombiana aparte de la mía
  3. This week I've completely fallen in love with Jason Brown and his skating
  4. Hi, I just recently joined, seeing the new guidelines imposed in the community! I'm relatively new into fs, is not really a sport that has any sort of following in Colombia so it's taking me a little time to understand all of what fs has to offer.
  5. This is such a good video, so well made thanks for sharing
  6. Hello! Sorry if maybe this has already been asked, but does anyone know where I can find the japanese commentary for the NHK 2015 men fs? thanks Insertar imagen desde URL
  7. I've fallen back into listening to SHINee after a couple of years back, and I've been obsessed with Like a Fire the live version.
  8. Hello everyone!! I've been scouting the whole internet trying to find 2015 NHK Semei with the japanese comentators, but it's been imposible to locate sooo if anybody has a link or a place I could find it, I would be eternally grateful.
  9. Bejing Olympics. I remember seeing the whole event with my dad, all of the fields, and while I was impressed by the jumps and whatnot, the only skater that captivated me was Yuzu. Been a fan ever since.
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