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What was your first time watching Yuzu?

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Hi, im new here. Just want to know what make you love him at first? any particular event or program?

I knew him on March 3rd when yt recommend this MAD to me( so i was late:'))))

I was impressed by his appearance, movement, outfit style, and that cup of china accident, like.. immediately fall for him

This video was made before Beijing a few days and looking at the comment section, i think yt still recommend it to many pp

6,3 MILLION VIEWS OMG :O (maybe a lot of other fanyus also fell for him becuz of this video)




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I watched his PyC Seimei in 2020 or 2021, I believe. I remember watching it multiple times. Also watched Ballade No. 1. Looked him up, but not in detail. I totally forgot about him then this year I saw the Euros and 4CC and knew Beijing was coming. So I joined Reddit, found a post talking about Yuzu, went to watch his well-known programs - THEN remembered I saw his PyC multiple times and here I am now

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The first time I saw Yuzu was on TV in 2015, at the GPF in Barcelona, my city. I wanted to see JF and while I was waiting to see his score Yuzu appeared. I remember that I thought he was very handsome, so I stayed to see how he skated. As soon as the music started playing and Yuzu started moving all I could think was "wow, can someone really skate like that??" But as @LiaRy it wasn't until last fall that his name came to mind again and to this day, here I am.

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First of all welcome!!


The very first time I watched Yuzu, was at the PC gala, not even on the day of the gala but a recording a few weeks after. At the time YT recommended Vitue/Moir Canadian National video so I wanted to see them at the gala. Of course I watched all the medallists so I watched Yuzu, too. I wan't into FS that time, I liked more ice dance but I wasn't even too much into it so nothing clicked for me in spite of Yuzu skating to an Italian song. After a few weeks, YT recommended Yuzu's CoC 2014, yes that video and I wanted to watch why this guy with a bandage on his head was skating and not in the hospital (I didn't know anything about the accident so I was just thinking about his health). I actually was surprised by the result but since I didn't know anything about FS I couldn't judge by myself (I said, well he must be that good to be 1st with all those falls - Kovtun was still to skate and I learned all of that accident and placement later). But still, nothing clicked with me. I knew his name because I knew he was a double olympic champion but I really didn't like watching the men event.


In 2020, during the very first lock down, I$U posted Helsinki world championship and I watched all disciplines (starting from ice dance to see V/M) and when I saw Hope and Legacy I fell in love with his skating. (and wondered how he could skate to this beautiful and peaceful music when the video before he was rocking in purple pants - of sin - ). From there I watched every program he skated and knew his history and background. And since then I learned all the jumps which sometimes I recognise better that the judges :P (joking of course).


This isn't actually my first FaOI. I watched FaOI in 2018 and 2019 because, again, V/M were there and I actually said to myself "Why Japanese TV don't show other skaters???" Now I want Japanese TV to show only Yuzu. What can I say, I grew up and understood what was important.

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Hello, welcome here!

I'm a pretty much like you that i get to know him in march or april? In my case, i'm a seiyuu fan. Do you know Hanae Natsuki? He's the voice actor who voiced Kaneki Ken, Yuzu's favorite anime character.  I found a video where Hanae congratulate Yuzu for winning Olympic in 2018 (also don't forget that Yuzu asked Kaneki to eat him on public TV lol), as i was just bored and wonder who Yuzuru is, so i just looked up his name on youtube. I just casually watched one of his programs and i don't really remember which one but i awed because of his flexibility. Then just like you, the CoC accident, for some fanyus it maybe not a good memory to mention because it was pretty traumatic. I'm sorry but actually CoC accident is the one that make me become a fanyu. For the very first time i become a fan isn't because of his looks but actually the way he didn't give up and still fighting even if he fell a lot and in pain at the same time. I remembered that my heart sunk when i saw him limping to K&C. There were a lot of things happened to me mentally, but when i saw him at that time i feel.. you know, motivated to push myself. 

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I first saw him in 2016 skating Chopin Ballade...the one where he sniffs ...I was mesmerized by his beautiful skating.  My biggest regret was I had just missed him in Lethbridge that year for Skate Canada, and missed out on seeing him skate live until 2019.  My life was so busy, but I told my family that I had to see him skate live before he retired.  He reminded me of my youngest son at first, but I grew to love him for his passion for skating, his neverending pursuit of excellence, and his admirable character.  Watching Yuzuru live is very nerve wracking, because one cares so much...

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Sochi 2014 when he did his single. I saw Parisienne Walkway for the first time and I was instantly struck by him. I rewound and watched it over and over. When I found out we were the same age and we both have asthma I became really inspired by him. 🥰

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