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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Absolutely, Yuzu's step sequences are masterpieces. Yuzu has a vision to interpret the music that he has spent time choosing. It is wonderful that he and JB, SLB, DW have been the perfect collaborations to breathe life into each performance. Sorry to harp on about bringing back music from previous seasons, for me as an appreciator of ballet, opera and classical music, this doesn't really make sense. Sometimes exploring novel pieces is great, but if that was always the case nobody would return to theatres or concert halls. Giselle, Turandot, Beethoven's symphonies would have been one season wonders never to be seen again, as a few examples thrown off the top of my head. ( Confession as a terrible hoarder, I came across a programme for a 1976 performance featuring Rudolf Nureyev as the Prince in Sleeping Beauty. How many performances or seasons featured Nureyev in this role throughout his illustrious career? I don't know, but I would be willing to bet there would have been huge outcry if he had never reprised this role ever again once the '76 season finished) I realise competition is different Yuzu's music choices are superb and like all performing arts introduce the audience to new experiences to contemplate and invites them to expand their cultural knowledge base. Yuzu is attempting to create new classics. It does seem sad that in the main this has been met with a cold reception and vastly under- appreciated. Perhaps judges and feds are actually tone deaf amongst other deficiencies
  2. Yes, rondo in poet shirt with live violinist
  3. Personally, I'm consistently impressed by Yuzu's ability to explore new styles of programmes and deliver beautiful performances Years ago there were complaints about recycling programmes. My opinion this was shallow commentary. Yuzu was refining programmes, and so called repeats of music only occurred really due to the longevity of Yuzu's senior career. Other skaters don't repeat, because most OGM retire after their win. Only Yuzu and Plush stayed beyond 1 or 2 seasons following OGM. @Henni147 posted a clear table with this info Quoting from Max Ambesi's lecture the Complete Package About programmes, Max actually brings attention to the fact that some skaters might have new music and costume, but the programme is essentially the same, it's an illusion. He even suggested that overlaying the skating with different music, there's virtually no difference to the viewed skate Yuzu as a skater - I think that it was mentioned that the only missing element from Yuzu's performances was manifestation of eroticism or overtly displayed sexuality. Well, from the descriptions in this chat and twitter, it would seem that there has been a significant evolution from pure ethereal beauty to that of a mature equally beautiful but slightly roguish character portrayal. Hardly unexpected but pretty much unexplored by Yuzu previously. Anyway, much rejoicing for it would appear that Yuzu is now ready to deliver every representation or facet of human nature in his performances. Be prepared for spectator combustion and above all enjoy the show As for myself, can't wait to see footage
  4. @YuDai Yuzu suits the Anne Rice vampiric style, his Otonal 2 costume very Vampire Armand and this poet shirt Bohemian artist style very Louis Origin 1 and 2 reminds me of The Darkangel by Meredith Anne Pierce, storyline is about a winged Icarus like being who lives on the dark side of the moon
  5. Oooh I like the 'poet' shirt look, little bit 'interview with the vampire' aesthetic
  6. The pictured Bing Dwen Dwen in the scene is the limited edition New Year plushie that Shiyue and Xinyu queued up for ages to buy it for Yuzu. What a lovely scene
  7. Thank you letting me know. So happy to have the Planet and glad to help in this small Thank you also for helping to restore the Tickets thread
  8. Thank you, also trying to prove the point that Yuzu does indeed have fans in Antarctica. ( "act cute and cuddly boys, cute and cuddly" )
  9. Thanks Geo I have seen and saved to playlist the video of Reign of Pooh, love it The fancam is new to me and the giant bear is hilarious. Yuzu does seem to look in it's general direction. I wonder if the thought crossing his mind ( sorry wild speculation ) was actually " Good heavens one of the cosplay fans has fainted and fallen onto the ice, don't look, just skate on past, smile and wave, smile and wave " ( just channeling the penguins of Madagascar )
  10. Best wishes for the future to both Good to see Ashley Cain looking well. Lots of people were quite rightly concerned for her after she had fallen and banged her head at World's. I'm glad that she has recovered with no head injury sequelae
  11. Thank you, Merci bien for your uplifting sentiments. Yuzu and Satellites are always such kind people I do remember seeing at least one enormous Winnie and another huge bear in a Pooh Storm, just brilliant, I always hoped it was the satellite who had written about hoping to buy one to throw.
  12. Yes, please any info on ticket purchase would be tremendously useful. Should this discussion go in the event thread or the ticket thread? Thank you to all in advance for info We will have to wait for Yuzu to announce whether competing or not and also for allocations, as applicable
  13. Hi Lovely Satellites Couple of what might be really foolish questions and this might not be the correct thread, apologies in advance I was wondering, because I may have missed the project, did the Planet organise a message of support for Yuzu after Beijing? Ages ago, I recall that a satellite was going to attend ?COR? and was planning to buy a massive Pooh to throw "about the size of an average 3 yo". I really hope that whoever it was managed to attend that comp, find a huge Pooh and throw it. Sorry but it brings smile to my face even thinking about it and the logistics of finding said Pooh to purchase, getting him to the venue and launching him onto the ice I would really love to know how this venture went
  14. Thank you for the translation. Aaahhh, Katerina Witt, beautiful, legendary Ice Queen with her gorgeous mature, expressive performances There are many concerns about quad jumps, for instance the programme deficiencies which occur due to long run ups for jumps and lack of time for artistry and skating skills. I have real concerns about youngsters spending hours and hours on repetitive jump training and the strain on the developing musculoskeletal system. Logically this cannot be a good thing and must surely contribute to skaters having to retire at young ages, sometimes whilst still in teens. So sad for so many reasons
  15. Congratulations, have an amazing time
  16. " As I age " Really Yuzu? We all know that there is a fountain in a courtyard of Imperial residence on Planet Hanyu, whose waters imbue the drinker with eternal youth. Only the Ice Emperor may partake of the glacial meltwater from this fountain
  17. Really great news for you. Hope that Yuzu attends and that you will have a wonderful time
  18. What gorgeous horde of treasures, lucky you, enjoy. The Etude photo is lovely
  19. Hanyuconomy in action. Definitely hope to see more global access for ice shows on tv I'm always surprised by the fact that this has not been organised already and that the financial benefits cannot be seen by JSF or ISU. The money follows the Ice Emperor There is evidence that the core of Planet Hanyu contains a significant proportion of molten gold, previous eruptions of Mount Irene have sometimes been laden with gold glitter sized particles ( ISU congress revealed that the budget deficit for ISU is around 5 M CHF per year, £4130000, $5000000 - take heed, at risk of extinction organisations )
  20. Lucky you 4CC is due to be in Sydney 2023, to replace the championship that was cancelled in 2021, due to COVID Would love to attend but Oz is bit too far to travel atm, even for a sighting of our beloved Ice Emperor. Hope that you will be able to buy tickets and meet other satellites and be drenched with Pooh rain
  21. My main concern is getting ticket and also one which has good view + open practice + gala Most likely will just try to buy ticket as soon as available and assuming Yuzu is going to compete
  22. Thank you kindly for your explanation. As this is quite a novel event I was interested to know the format, for my own education. Again many thanks
  23. The VIP tickets are expensive What price dear friends would be fair to see a Magical Skating Unicorn?
  24. Correct, Yuzu mentioned in interview that healing was not yet complete. All the same Yuzu seemed to be able to perform jumps with good height and rotation during the show numbers. First event for the new season would be September, Challenger series and October for Grand Prix series. Yuzu skated in shows during 2018 summer, initially without jumps and then introducing jumps as is strength and rehab and healing was established. The physical demands of shows would help with physical conditioning, stamina and strengthening as well as the mental side of performing in front of spectators. Of course different from competition in may aspects, but it is still great for confidence boosting, knowing that there are hordes of loyal fans who want to watch him skate and support him It occurred to me that whilst there will always be medallists and lots of different ice shows. CiONTU would have fallen flat if Yuzu was only a jump skater. The programmes from Yuzu's archive were just as aesthetically pleasing minus jumps because they were so rich with movement and meaning and well crafted.
  25. Did anyone watch the Russian Channel One comp for Russian skaters? The competition had a separate event called 'Jump Festival' There has been a bit of debate recently about whether singles event might and up being split into an artistic programme and jumping programme or even to have these as discreet events If anyone did have chance to see this novel jumping festival, out of interest, please could you kindly describe the format, judging, scoring criteria. There isn't any information turning up from internet searching so far Many thanks
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