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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. Raison has such depth and many layers to discover. If the performance is Yuzu's story condensed into a few minutes, each action/ movement/ expression will be infused with meaning. Cryptic message from an enigmatic being
  2. Raison d'Etre The reason for existence Yuzu always say he "was born for his skate" born to skate. Symbolism is the choreography and costuming aiding the story telling White clothing to represent 'purity' or perhaps integrity and to do so and skate in the the way he feels is right for him he needs almost perfect isolation. There is loneliness, but his style of skating becomes untouched by outside contamination. The purple perhaps represents a toxic stain from corrupting influence, maybe the corrupted scores. The unfairness and mistreatment of Yuzu as a competitor must have been crushing to his psyche and whatever he does is never rewarded, he is open to being hurt By isolating himself and taking solace from skating in his own way, he accepts that his efforts are poorly recognised, but he has remained untainted and can move forward finding freedom and joy once again from his own work, done for himself and his loyal supporters. Just a few thoughts, thank you for your indulgence
  3. This, Raison, showcases how immensely talented Yuzu is and how versatile his performance ability to able to interpret different genres of music. Enthralling to watch
  4. That's what I thought from the micro clips from twitter. As if it might be symbol of being held back 'unable to fly' or injured and unable to move freely
  5. Thank you Wintek. You have articulated some of the thoughts that I had had about this programme - working through pain and anguish I have read and revisited some of the recent interviews with Shae Lynn Bourne about Yuzu Shae Lynn really impresses with her thoughtfulness as both a choreographer but also as a loyal and caring friend to Yuzu. She seems to understand him and works with him to allow Yuzu to explore feelings and express them through his programmes. Clearly this is the job of any credible choreographer. However, from the Shae Lynn's articulate and considerate nature, she gives a very strong impression of a deeper connection and understanding of what Yuzu is really attempting to convey as a message through the medium of skating. One example, her own research into Japanese history and culture, visiting the Seimei shrine. There are not many people as committed to fully understanding a skater's programme. Reading Shae lynn's interviews made me feel incredibly grateful not only for her gifts as a choreographer but also her depth of genuine caring for Yuzu and their friendship. This an extrapolation from the expressions that she used and from Yuzu's interviews as well, that by providing astounding programme choreography, Yuzu is able to connect with the spectators and tell his story though the medium of skating. From previous programmes and these new show programmes, these maybe a means for Yuzu to articulate his feelings and hopefully have a cathartic experience, banishing the negativity of the past few years and move forward.
  6. He is actually watering the Planet!!!!
  7. If this is how Yuzu was made to feel about his shameful treatment over the last few years....... I will be very angry - you won't like me when I'm angry ( yeah Bruce Banner we hear you )
  8. More clues for the message deciphering
  9. Thank you for the pointers about the movements and lyrics Cryptic clues, still feels like one of the mystery coded messages to piece together and unravel I'm clearly missing something, like a jigsaw puzzle without the central pieces
  10. Wow that is some skill. I'm sure Yuzu would be flattered to see a dedication to him
  11. The more I see this scene: there is a look of anguish on Yuzu's face and for me, there is a strong impression of struggling against something pinning him down? a weight or burden ? and the arm movement seems very disjointed as if his arms / body isn't able to move properly. I'm guessing here that it all symbolic. Oh mysterious message, please let it be deciphered
  12. Not a silly question. It is also as @rockstaryuzu mentioned it is about high mastery of skills, like the arm stretch and one across for the 3A in Rondo at Beijing. Not many other skaters have that ability. Martina Frammantino always cites how awkward and afraid of falling some of the other skaters appear, in her articles
  13. Thank you for your account of the live stream. So glad for you that you were able to enjoy seeing Yuzu perform live on a huge screen with fellow fans Not to worry about not being able to d=find the right words, that in itself describes what must have been an awe inspiring viewing.
  14. Yuzu himself has mentioned this in interviews, that he feels the music and moves accordingly, not only because of the music itself but also how his mood or emotions make him feel with the music. So the movements which are planned may differ from one performance to another, depending how he is feeling A commentator once mentioned that the music seemed to be emanating from Yuzu's hands during the performance of Ballade The hand and arm movements are most expressive in Yuzu's performances compared with most other skaters, it is one of Yuzu's artistic trademarks. In comparison, a lot of other skaters look very wooden and unnatural, I've mentioned before it is almost like the arm movements peculiar to ski aerials, which is to aid rotation and turns in the air. In reality there are a lot of people in the world who are not very musical, so that may show in the skating performance. There has been a great deal of discussion about music for skating programmes, one of the reasons that war horses exist, because for many people musical interpretation is difficult, the warhorse is the guide through the music rather than battle. For Yuzu skating the ability to express and interpret the music is innate, which makes his performance and movement outstandingly and artistically complete
  15. Hi Chrace So sorry to hear about your diagnosis. I hope that you are in the right care pathway for treatment Take heart from friends here on the Planet and let Yuzu's skating give you a mood boost Stay strong and have courage. Sending healing thoughts
  16. Yuzuru san's skating can truly lift people's spirits. It sounds as if seeing Yuzu perform has really helped this lady, she will have wonderful memories of Yuzu to sustain her Hoping that Yuzu feels all of the support from his fans and can dispel the negativity from the last 4 years with warm healing joyful thoughts and feelings
  17. It sounds everyone enjoyed the show immensely, it is good that people were still observing COVID precautions by not cheering. Tremendous photos and tweet commentary, putting everything together is like solving a mystery with tantalising clues dropped her and there At the Oscars, to show appreciation for deaf actors the audience waved their hands in the air, kind of like a hand shimmy Jazz hands movement. Maybe that would be a way to let the performers know that the spectacle is adored by the audience, whilst still being able to be respectful of health and safety for everyone attending. May be the lighting might to show this but there will still be the effect of audience feedback, as well as applause. Yuzu and Nobu photos so lovely to see. Nobu and Yuzu appear to have a firm friendship
  18. @LiaRyposted 4T3A3T base values 9.5+8.0+4.2 = 21.7, if landed in competition. Please correct if wrong It is my understanding: Since ISU congress 2022 all elements of jumps will have full BV recognition, max number of jumps per combination 3, axel may be 2nd or 3rd jump
  19. Yes for you. In addition, there is something rather special. Score by Stravinsky and original performance featured Nijinsky. Was considered ground breaking in it's day Yuzu also performed Origin, as tribute to Plush and he in turn paid tribute to Nijinsky. Yuzu has been a groundbreaking skater, use of cultural music, exploring quad rotations jumps, keeping the artistic elements of skating when everyone else is abandoning those important special movements. Yuzu's costumes, Origin 2 with inspiration from costume worn by Nijinsky. 'It's all in his calculations'. Messages within messages, Yuzu man of mysteryand Ice Emperor
  20. It looks very intense and the movements are deliberate but also awkward as if forced, opposite from Yuzu's graceful, liquid movement. Like you I have seen this in modern dance, use of contrasting stylised movement to convey meanings of discord
  21. Interesting, might the movements on ice represent struggles, both within himself - coming to terms with things and external pressures and difficulties pinning him down and trying to overcome. Yuzu has such an expressive face, is he trying to convey hardship, turmoil and distress? Looks like an emotionally charged performance, with heavy lyrics to the music
  22. Yuzu seems to be showcasing his command of skating, his versatility, artistry and skills set during FaOI. So bringing the topic back on course (phew) it is great to see Yuzu reigniting his joy in skating. It will be exciting to see where this new direction will take him and how it will manifest in his new competition programmes. I hope that some of what has been seen in the shows will herald in a vibrant new cycle. I hope that this cycle will see Yuzu on top of the world
  23. @Henni147 Your statistical analyses are always illuminating. Thank you for all of your dedication collecting and collating these facts and figures, just brilliant
  24. Very special indeed, I only mentioned violin because Rondo is a violin piece originally. It has been said by virtuoso musicians who have played at show with Yuzu, that he impresses them with his musicality and they adore how he is able to interpret the musical pieces so eloquently. Yuzu explained during the interview with ?Scott Russell? that for him, his skating is like a universal language, that skating becomes the medium through which he can communicate a personal vision to the spectators and I suppose that the music choice is part of conveying Yuzu's message. That is part of the magic, this ability to connect with the audience through his skating, like the idea of collective consciousness
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