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Everything posted by Perelandra

  1. So does the Emperor and the ice crackles in reply
  2. There is only one rink in Sheffield, it is called Ice Sheffield GP event is not listed as yet https://www.sheffieldcitytrust.org/leisure/ice-skating?gclid=Cj0KCQjwlK-WBhDjARIsAO2sErTOGCwbuYvbFgyS46IDakjAvpumM4L6V00hG7DOZjNjVtHtHaefJ8YaAlk
  3. Meanwhile in Ice Castle Sendai, Ice Emperor Yuzu is sitting on the Throne of Blades, stroking Hissing Pooh and watching the Delegation if Incompetents and Accountants pleading for his benisons, except that he is not really listening because Yuzu is wearing earbuds turned up to volume eleven ( from This is Spinal Tap!). Nessie flexes her claws and licks her teeth, who will be fed to her first? President, VP, Chair, Judge, eeny, meeny, miney, mo... yum
  4. Hull Philharmonic Orchestra played at Buxton Festival. Used to play with that orchestra when I was in sixth form
  5. @Whoopiewoop @Pammi Will go to Sheffield if Yuzu competing. I live near London. Grew up outside Hull, skated couple of times at Ice Sheffield in my teens.
  6. Well, if Sheffield has been moved on the ISU map from Yorkshire to Egypt, anything is possible in the land of make believe. The GP event location must have been a leak. Not sure if I can go to Finland. Just hoping for Sheffield and GPFinal in Turin. Very fortunate European satellites if Yuzu goes to 3 European events. Timezone wise, Yuzu could find a base in Europe, Finland possibly, 3h flight with minimal jet lag to UK. Skate at GP Sheffield, back to Helsinki. Skate at GP Helsinki, stay there until GP Final, fly to Turin 4h flight, no jet lag. Only problems, ice rink time, COVID and health insurance. Yuzu is sensible enough to manage suitable physical measures to reduce risk of contracting COVID, between ANA and Yuzu, they must be able to afford health insurance, this must be the case for any internationally competing athlete. There must be possibilities for Yuzu to find a suitable rink and avoid crazy travel schedule. Maybe he could appeal to Stephane and hang out in Champery whilst awaiting comps
  7. Just had a peep at the ISU website. Navigated to the GP page and the Sheffield section, clicked on the map - hahaha the location of Sheffield has moved to the middle of the desert just south west of Cairo
  8. Well done Ice Sheffield and BIS for saving the GP series Just hoping that Yuzu will participate and be allocated to UK event So many rumours that Yuzu will not take part in GP, don't know what to think
  9. The (non) discussion about Japanese music from commentators is frankly nonsense and culturally insensitive to say the least. Such people are tone deaf. That is the reason that warhorses are resurrected season after season, because people have little imagination and require the prompts of well worn scores to produce clone programmes. Yuzu has always been intellectually advanced with his programmes, including imaginative, thought provoking programmes which introduce spectators to new listening experiences combined with rich story telling. By contrast, it is quite apparent that the majority of skaters are not invested in their programmes, just skating around any old how, using well known pieces of music, punctuated with jumps. In fact, contrary to the opinion of the commentators, Joe Hisashi will be showcasing his music in a series concerts throughout August, tour dates include London and New York, as well as Japan. So much for the nonsense that Japanese music can't move a Western audience. The statement may be true for persons of an ignorant disposition, but for those with an open mind, being introduced to novel cultural experiences is very welcome and enriching. Having listened to the banal and inane platitudes offered by some commentators, narrow cultural knowledge is not surprising. It will be a shame if Yuzu decides to forego competing in the Grand Prix series, four out of seven events are due to be in Europe and potentially accessible for me
  10. ISU chose Lavoie as VP rather than Matsumura, bit of a thumbed nose at JSF
  11. Is that because it's difficult to get tickets or something else?
  12. Is this true or fake news? How does this person know? Anyone with any better info, please, please
  13. @Xiupia Many thanks for the translations. The interview is rather endearing and Miya, like so many people seems to be very taken with and inspired by Yuzu.
  14. https://athletistic.com/other-sports/44588.html Just found this article about GP series. Title quoted from unknown source Real or not real ?
  15. He is just in awe of Pooh san, probably getting up the courage to ask for his autograph or selfie
  16. Hmm, Wolfie looks a little ill at ease, is Piglet touching his waist maybe. Soohorang by contrast appears to be delighted, and just like Jun he is taller than the others, hehe
  17. @Liary A thousand thanks for the message. This is both mysterious and welcome news, if it is true. Annoyingly P H**sch has an uncanny ability to access a reliable information source. Dear heavens, I was joking about a UK event, but if it comes to pass it would be truly amazing. iirc Ice Dundee in Scotland has hosted some smaller events in the past, but this may be wishful thinking, it might just have been UK National championships and / or Curling I have been monitoring the ISU website on a daily basis, checking for GP information. The events calendar shows the Britannia Cup tournament for Synchronised Skating is being held at Ice Sheffield, which demonstrates that the infra structure does exist. Could it be that BIS have been persuaded by the Delegation of Accountants to grant a boon to ISU and save the GP series ????? Feeling quite freaked out with my wishing now. After Beijing I sent a letter of support and some small cheer up gifts to Yuzu extolled about Ashdown Forest aka One Hundred Acre Wood, with the letter I included some links to medical papers about Sports injuries and ligament repair using Platelet Enriched Plasma, PRP and Stem cell info and hoped that he was being given plenty of high quality medical advice and input, for his consideration. Of course I wished him speedy and good recuperation and that he and his ankle were receiving the best possible therapeutic interventions and for great overall general health and healing. Maybe Yuzu fancies a trip to UK or Pooh san wants to visit maybe he wants to poke me in the eye with a blunt stick for being so presumptuous on health matters Knowing how the world works, it will be THAT man PH trolling us in UK with a tantalising hope raising crumb ('Curses come upon me' I'm going to be really busy on July 15th and may not be able to get good internet access throughout the day. It's my daughter's Graduation)
  18. The costumes matched with the cocktails, just gorgeous, and Yuzu so cute too
  19. Dear Micaelis, The memory of the JFK assassination must have affected you deeply, as you have described. I'm truly sorry to hear that the assassination of Shinzo Abe has stirred up painful feelings for you. Hope you will be OK Sending caring thoughts to you and a virtual hug.
  20. Oh no that is a tragedy. Sincere Condolences and sympathies to the Abe family and the people of Japan
  21. Terrible news indeed Hoping for positive news about Shinzo Abe's condition. His family and the Japanese people are in my thoughts and prayers.
  22. I Of course, silly me. I was using my phone and was worried I'd mess everything up if I tried to be tooooo clever, main objective to be a Pooh rain drop. I rarely post stuff except on tumblr
  23. I didn't know how to add the flag. Just had to write that it was from UK. Hope that will be ok
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