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Everything posted by Aotoshiro

  1. Blame the ninja this time! Also, what is the closest related to Yuzu thing the whole Planet waits for? Cm? Documentary streaming party? Cos I think I need to start writing this stuff down, right next to my exam schedule... but what a motivation!
  2. If it helps you I've just (okay, not just, few hours ago) messed up one of the two today's exams...Set my second take on 12th to avoid schedule conflict Good thing that teacher is a lovely woman, she even went in and made it look in her notes as if I was absent today so that my 2nd counts as the first try...AND that's after I've messed up practically every qestion she set me up with... They are like: I' can't say it's impossible, because Plush teach showed us this guy, BUT IT IS impossible... poor little things
  3. Guys how... okay, maaaybe I've been away for more than 12 hours but still...6 pages? OF CONTENT??? You're the best^^
  4. Which of the commies was saying that this performance will be shown in the skating schools all over the world again? ITA Esp, I'm looking at you?
  5. My first one is at the same time (2nd at 12), so good luck to both of us! We have to pass to have unhindered middle-of-the-night stream parties for the Olys! And Yes, I gotta make another tea I guess...
  6. *Opens the site to check it out by the way, since she's talking with her mother on the phone anyway* *Nearly squeals into the phone* Me: Yes mom, I'm absolutely alright, it's just my throat acting up again, you know. Can I join you in for a study group? I still need to revise for tomorrow's exams, and it's almost 8pm here And my throat IS actually acting up again, damnit.
  7. Brian's hair: Aaaah yeah...Good ol' times... Pooh minions: When we were but a fellowship of the Pooh... Together: And Yuzuru was FS crazy anyway In the middle of the night to avoid crowds/adjust to the timezone...Knowing him it did happen...
  8. Wouldn't call that a week off-ice tbh >.<' even if definitely a week off-training, but at least he had to maintain the feel of the ice to jump two 4T and a 3A in this Ex? Just me nitpicking here, sorry. Yep, we really need a thread for all the students of Planet to commiserate together about THE WORST POSSIBLE DATES OF EXAMINATION PERIOD FOR FS FANS. I'm an indoor type of person and I have to make a fieldwork which consist of going for folk and popular music concerts...in the evening before philosophy exam (as in, day after tomorrow for me...). Sb shoot me, pls, and revive in time for Team Event.
  9. Don't care, still scary xD Now that you mention it, he does look Jason-ishy...I got suggested by the WR top6 I guess...
  10. When you see those 0.8something in ratio and think 'Well, Yuzu is a bit above one I guess?' And then Ratio comes and slams THE 3, and you're like...'where is the zero?? Where is the dot?? Oh, it's Chopin 3.0..."ouch my pun making skills suck so much...
  11. I;m more terrified at Blond Patrick (?) in the back... Anime??? You mean Ultraman! Or other super sentai...Hen-Shin! lol, my nerd showed up, sooooorryyy
  12. In tight spandex suit to make sure The fur will stay as brilliantly yellow (ahem, gold) for Yuzu as always... and fake mustache.
  13. That's the most accurate description I've seen of his intro and outro all second off-season Or backdoor, but you know, knowing the Lord of Extra, he might as well decide to go your route... Those were apparently regular autograph-robbers or something like that (forcing celebrity to make autographs for them, then reselling it-apparently they did tried to do the same to Mao few years back), and they were approached by Mai/Team Japan's fans as soon as they were spotted. Some of those (Chinese) fans threatened to call police on them for assaulting a 17 year old girl (thank god somebody remembered that skaters ARE on the younger side of age), then were so upset at the behavior of those goons (who apparently were saying things like since Mai's in China she HAS TO sign the stuff for them... I need to find that full message to quote properly but I'm so angry just thinking about that...) that Kobayashi had to go and comfort them that Mai is going to be all right. God bless the iron heart of Japanese athletes (and curse to hell those people I do not have a proper word for...or better yet, bless them with trying to approach Yuzu with HIS fans close by... they would be treated with so much poohs and salt, like some demons...)
  14. I just recalled translating this tidbit of interview with Kasai few months ago, so I was quicker inly thanks to that, plus, your translation is more coherent ^^'
  15. EVERY SINGLE SPIN OF HIS SP. have a difficult entey and a feature can be counted only once, so, say, for Chopin 3, only travelling into fly camel counts (which is two features btw), and illusion he does into his sit like, 5 seconds after exiting camel is already a measure of his extra, same goes for travelling camel into his combination spin at the end of the program. Let's go Crazy was basically the same, I still need to check PariSan, but I'm quite confident they also have 5+features on each spin (Normally you need to have 4 features to get the level, each feature is counted only once per program) Okay, checked, Parisienne's sit spin (Yuzuru keeps type of his spin and their order the same since coming to Canada at least) didn't have difficult entry/flying entry, but his combination had a travelling camel again as its entry... great now I need to check if the rules do not state that you don't get difficult entry if you go for flying entry as well...doesn't change Yuzuru is Extra. Loooot of nice/embarrassing things. He mentions the good old Garden meeting with the Emperor after Sochi, during which he was very stressed, bc it's a serious event and all that, but Yuzuru wouldn't shut up (he says that in an endearing way, like "Yuzuru-kun would talk to me all the time"). Then show CMs? I think, interrupt him to say something I didn't caught, but it sounded like they were suggesting that Yuzuru talks when he is nervous (He said so in Asaichi I think). Kasai then remcalls stuff about which Yuzuru was asking: Jumps (lol ofc), aren't you(Kasai) scared?, mentality, and all that stuff about their sport. Kasai then says that he was listening stoically(?), so Kasai thought that, even though he is so stressed, he's being listened to so much(?), and when he looked at Yuzuru's face, Yuzu was looking at him with a v.cute face and smiled adorably (he literally uses onomatopeia AND verb for 'smiling'), and by then the studio is full of giggling ladies. Magic of Yuzuru
  16. When JAPANESE media do a report of a report about some mention of you, you know you're the overlord... As for the POTO, I think I have a soft spot for it the same way I have for NDP? In that he was still learning to work with his choreographer, and literally each performance had this tidbit if his interpretation that wouldn't be there the previous or next time we will see the program...but I guess some fans just have it associated with the Season of Disasters, and it isn't like SEIMEI who has puryfying qualities kinda ingrained in it to counter the bad feelings...
  17. Weren't we actually going 'It's another form of PR, nowhis main opponents do not know what to ecxpect from him, we're only the unavoidable casualities' just few (hundred) pages ago? Lol, we've come a full circle(s) I love your rank Considering it's a guy who prompted his fans to joke like this: I would say that as long as he is confident and has his team by himself he can conquer the world, tbh.
  18. This this this! Yuzu is playful as if showing off new trick, where he is absolutely confident he will have fun, and his audience with him, while Nathan focuses himself too much on making the Stare That Will Bring The Audience In, so his whole body tenses, giving off the Do Not Approach Me body language vibe! I have this weird flashback to our horse riding instructor telling ius to never approach a horse with tensed shoulders or upper body at all, coz it will scare it. Nate would probably do just that. In Yuzu's case, the horse can at best be startled by all the sparkles and quick movements lol.
  19. Not everybody doing ballet like everything about it. A friend who finished nine years of ballet school HATES with al of her heart classical, even though you wouldn't say that from her performances (she always said it's too stiffy for her, lol). The compulsory dance/modern ballet on the other hand... It seems to be Nathan's horse as well. I know it was just salt speaking, but just wanted to drop in this piece of how 'balletic' people can hate actual classical, so Yuzu is even better off without any training than this friend of mine-who, by the way, still hate extended arabesques, which I guess are base of at least some spirals xD I'm forever salty at how fans of those two have a bad blood between themselves...I mean, can you imagine The Power those fandoms would have when fused? No show, competition or exhibition would go without the fancam/fan report! Also, isn't Kenji responsible for the kabedon accident with Nobu as well? That's why he actually have straighter back? xD Okay, let's just let it go, at this point I'm more salty than the most famous Polish saltmines...
  20. And if that wall of text isn't really convincing, it's just that people didn't see Yuzu's Swan, because three-fourth of it's movements are a perfect example of what a piece of art a good cognitive ability along with musicality can make of human body. As a bonus, I'm dropping the Bam!Lines post of x-monster here!
  21. Or, there will be major upset and say, everybody melts down, and top of the table ends up being straight Spain and Korea across the board xD If Yuzu go for Team SP it's the exact situation in which I can have my dream TCC podium, or rather, "podium", if every hopeful sans Yuzu falter and TCC finish they comback in an absolutely unexpected 1-2-3finish...yeah, girl can hope. Excuse wall of predictions (that probably should go into predictions thread??) from even not too well oriented fan, but I'm just reeeally hopeful for Japan doing Team FS (yeah, because I love losing sleep that much -,-''), and Yuzu's Japanese pride actually not gaining another helper in form of the 'if-you-don't-go-they-won't-qualify' pressure to push him into a 'I HAVE TO do team' decision, instead of it being just 'I wanna go, and Pros and Cons FOR ME AND NOT MY COUNTRY'S TEAM suggest I should go, too.' type of decision
  22. Re: Sing sing sing, it would probably be even crazier Let's go crazy St. Seq
  23. If those swimming classes happened only over course of one year, it's possible he skipped them because of commuting to and from Canada and he was allowed to drop the least important subjects (I remember that we could avoid all PE if we wrote a few pages paper on health and sport being connected to each other, not that he would be pleased) . In his second year...well, first Tohoku 2011, then he was jumping Japan from one end to the other for the shows and that would eat up his Spring trimester in which I think he was the most active in studying. Then the season started but I don't know if the sports facilities of the school were reconstructed by that time... in his first year of HS it would be probably the dance to acommodate Senior skater schedule with the school although with sports-oriented one it shouldn't be a problem...unless he learned that swimming causes irriitation which affects his performance/stamina which was his weakest point for a long time. Again, I might be putting too much importance on a 'sports-oriented' but if the school wanted results from its' students, they would probably allow a slight absence during the pool oriented lessons (which probably annoyed perfectionist Yuzu to no ends, bc c'mon, he's finally a Senior, and they again cut him slack because of something else xD) Arm quads are coming then xP Seriously tho, why we even think he was away from any practice for the whole month? Brian did point out in one of the Japanese interviews that Yuzu has been doing much more off-ice conditioning than in previous years, so as long as they could avoid offending his ankle, they might just've continued with that, and January serves more as a repeaking training/getting back the feel of the programs... The sniper got moved by the sight of his boss being for once treated according to his age, so he decided 'to heck, none important info has been shared'. Meanwhile residents of Planet Hanyu rejoice... Yay for positive scenarios dried cactuses come up with! So Yuzu's character and life keep conditioning him for a champion... and I'm actually amazed at that using consciously part, if I feel bad I think bad, regardless of what I say to myself...Also, I probably shouldn't bring that up, but is this a subtle answer of Yuzu's Alma Mater to Chukyo? Without answering, without criticizing, just showing a big smiling nope in their face...
  24. In director Brian we shall trust now I guess xD
  25. ...You really believe in a good side of every person, Skating senpai like Keiji included xD *Wanders off to search for that photo of the three of them from their Novice/junior days, where Keiji and Yuzu tag-team bully Shoma* That definitely was the case for Sochi, right? Where Brian stayed with Javi to leave slots for Kikuchi in Yuzu Team?
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