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Everything posted by Aotoshiro

  1. Baba Yaga. Don't forget Baba Yaga. If Yuzu's take on his culture turns out epically awesome (sorry for double here), Mikhail's epically memetic.
  2. "If Yuzuru Hanyu and Nathan Chen competed together and put out their best performances who would win?" Misha's answer was the best: 'Idk. Or, actually, I do know, but I'm not saying.' I'm paraphrasing a bit, but this was Yuzu master level of dodging the goading question, imo, considering that Nathan was sitting right next to him, and Shoma, kind-of TJ rep, just a seat apart...
  3. I can see the answers to that..."but...guys...it's Yuzu, not average skater. IT'S YUZU, JEFF YOU CHOREOGRAPH FOR HIM YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN. I ACTUALLY FEEL KINDA TRAUMATISED BY THAT ONE TIME 16YO DID EVERY EFFING THING I ASKED HIM TO DO, AND I DIDN'T INTEND TO SCREAM BUT IT'S YUZU." Knowing uncle Kurt, he would. With a winky/terrified emoji at the end.
  4. And I adore how it comes out right after Misha dodged the "Nathan vs Yuzu" question, like 'you're doing great, boy, dodge these questions, we're going to shade it all out for your sake too' In FS community Vs US Media Hype the latter is definitely on a losing end xD
  5. Afaik the closest we've had to this is that kiritoru mad to Ka zen kankaku dreamer they made of him xD Though I'm with you on being here for that...
  6. NSFW-CiY - Not safe For Work- Contains Yuzu (mute i)
  7. Well, TECHNICALLY they are right...he has a bigger chance, since now it's one-in-four, rather than one-in-seven, with three of the big 6 (big7 with Kolyada) are gone off the radar...too bad Nate actually wished for the lesser favorite if this meant he could compete with his half-idolised opponents... But, why keep a tone of the article coherent with the interview put in it, right? The showstealer even in the prev A bit off-topic, but I haven't seen this snippet about the bald Yuzu "Tono, Risaku de gozaru" promotional campaign? Lol, I love Nobu here (basically he's referring to the fact that although HE IS actually a descendant of the 'Tono' family [Odas] and he even have the title 'Lord on the ice" written in the headline of his blog, it's the 'white sking, pure smile, small face, perfect prince image' Yuzu that plays Tono. He finalises whining with a 'TONO Is-let's share that role, please![the grammar suggest much softer offer than the tone he is using which seriously adds to the comic effect]), and it has Spanish subs, for our Spanish-speaking users!
  8. Last I checked, the only known rule for assignments is that Feds can choose skaters for their events first, 1-3 place finishers cannot meet in the GPSeries, same with 4-6 places (so for example 1 can meet with 4 or 5 or 6, but not with 2 or 3), and max of three skaters/pair from one country can take part in one event (so we won't have six Japanese Ladies in NHK, that would be second bloodbath Nationals). Oh, and that Feds can request specific events on behalf of their skaters, but it's not always granted. Rest is ISU voodoo. I was going to link the exact same post on lines xD Edges also mean that you have a very good control of your movement on the ice-for example DEEP Edges held for a long time are what Patrick Chan's skating is all about basically. Yuzuru's edges are more of the 'unearthy beauty but blink and you'll miss them with their speed' type for me-it's not that they're not as deep as Patrick's or anything, but he makes you take them for granted with how quick he is to go from ridiculously deep inside to even deeper outside edge. Or holds himself basically parallel to the ice pretending it's absolutely natural state for human being on the ice, see his spread eagles in literally any bird program of his/Chopin: Just for nerds like me's information, it's close to impossible for most people to reach this near-perfect 45 degree angle on land, while not balancing on 4mm edge. Also, landing of his perfect 3A. Just, landing of his 3A. This should be the picture poppig once you type 'deep edge' in any search bar.
  9. multiple golds? With a chance of Canadian silver, just to prove he has enough of them and do not need another one xD
  10. 'Be right back, getting my jumps from the Narnia'
  11. Oh god, this dumbass dorky man-child :DDD Nao Kodaira reveals, that after she won her gold, in the Athlete's Village she got called out from behind with a "Gold Medallist FOUND~(In an endearing way)" and when she turned around, it was Yuzu. They then prolong the pun by saying that the gold medallist (Nao) was found by Gold medallist (yuzu) as well (or something along this lines, I never was good in the directional grammar, sorry >.<) Edit: Guys from above posted more correct translation
  12. That 100% in 12/13 is so.freaking.satisfying. to see. Kind of 'in your face' reason why he trains under mr.Triple Axel Well, the title sounds like the direct translation from Japanese, with the whole 'omitting the subject' thing. I mean, what continues? His winning streak? His career? FS overally? HE? But it also kind of have the tinge of Yuzu in it, so I would let that slip (btw apparently there is a new ad technique in my country that purposefully omits the actual topic even though it's not as usual in our language as it is in Japanese, so maybe he wanted to reference new trends? Lol, I guess I'm thinking too much into it :D)
  13. Lol, I see we're on the same page here xD Just found this(and if we did, wouldn't Overlord already listen to that like bazillion times?): Black? BLACK? You gotta joke, O Fortuna would be SUCH AN AMAZING PROGRAM for red costume (black lace can stay tho). It would be like POTO sans the cursed season, SINCE WE HAD ONE THIS YEAR (trying to scream this into existence...)
  14. Dance edges are apparently much deeper than the singles ones so Brian would have to work hard for it xD But yeah, it would be nice if the two of them could do this, especially since it will already be after those one week vacation Brian has promised to himself (sigh...workaholic vibe, anyone?) Or a super random medal ceremony where Tracy and Brian come out wearing their won medals and Javi and Yuzu just add their owns to the lot (though let's restrict it to the Oly medals or the coaches' backs won't hold, not with theirs and their pupils achievement mixed, lol)
  15. Well, but it is Japanese! Just in Roman letters...aaand now my brain produces two way to interpret the 'o' here - like the fight-O! in the fight call for the sports done in teams (with the number of syllabes and pronounciation it actually does sound similar) or the noun case of 'making/wanting something white(r)' which was used in some other Ad...ok, somebody stop me before I go overthinking a goddamn chewing gum's name xD
  16. And I think you just read rules and watched FS for much longer than them, but what do I know I'm not the random know-it-all fan Hey, hey, let's leave the erasure job for the US Media, shall we now Let Javi have his two World Golds, he did rise to the ocassion when he was given a chance Speaking of which, isn't it funny how we say 'rose tp the occassion' 'took chance he was being offered' about all the other skaters but with Yuzuru it's like 'He CAME, he SLAYED, He RIPPED what was his from judges' cold hands'? I mean, not that it isn't true or anything
  17. oh god how does people come up with that...I mean I know the whole Kanji talk but...this needs so much skill xD
  18. I wonder... clean SEIMEI also have to have 10s across the board for IN, CO, SS and TR (last two arguably, but with what the rest of the field does...) so thats also a point or three for PCS score, assuming he would get a perfect 3 for the 4t-lo-3S combo and positive Lutz GOE, I'd say H&L score would be in danger. But we're going down the 'what if' road, so the conclusion is, Yuzu has to participate in the next season just to make sure he breaks another record once 4A is ready xD First after disaster first triple after injury... I wish Brian just adopted him already, or idk became his godfather? Is that possible in nonbaptising religion? Before I started part time as a helper in a restaurant I was the same...sigh, good days.
  19. AND THAT IS WHY YOU DO NOT OPEN ARCHIVE OF OUR OWN AND SOCIAL MEDIA IN SIDE BY SIDE PAGES. I wish keeping those people at bay would be that simple...
  20. Welcome welcome! It's just usual cycle craziness of the fans. Re:Yuzu's popularity: As with any public person, he has people adoring him and being literally crazy about him (spoiler alert: you just joined a forum full of those people :D) like Sendai, but also there are people hating him, for how perfect, how kind and seemingly undisturbed by their pettines he is (and if he pays attention to them, it's with eloquence they cannot reach in their answers because well, Yuzuru has YEARS of hard work behind him), and how adored he is for that; in Japan you will probably meet only a fan, a hater, or a person knowing literally nothing of FS, though that is my exaggeration. Reason is pretty simple, if not nice at all: Japan has had SO.MANY.GOOD.SKATERS who didn't get as much recognition as Yuzuru(not his fault), and their fans will be bitter about that. Japan also has a lot of good skating schools based in Nagoya region, and they produced a lot of good skaters and have a lot of still competing ones, so they obviously want to push them and not Yuzuru coming from the small(in skating terms) Sendai. Which, while producing small amounts of international-leveled skaters, still manage to be the city of the only Olympic Gold medallists in FS for Japan (again, not Yuzu's fault). Plus, with all the overscoring going on, Yuzuru's scores are kind of '??? only this???' and most people actually UNDERSTANDING the rules are in Yuzuru's fandom, so people trying to argue against him are met with a hard wall of people who studied the rules probably more intensely than the judges themselves. So, the only way to fight us is to troll. So to sum this rant up, he's both feverishly loved and hated with the same amount of vigor (but, judging from the number of people registered here, guess which side is stronger :D) Also loving a person doesn't equal loving their fans, esp if you want to have that person a national treasure and international fans wants you to share him with them...you know kinda how you don't have to be friendly with your friend's friend. I wanted to comment on that, but I kept getting something sounding really insensitive/not what I really meant, so I ended up typing 'the art imitiates the art' and then keysmashed because wtf Ao?? I like yours better xD If that happens I petite for the Planet to set up some kind of fundraising page opened only for the Planet members to gather the cash and enter the bid as Planet Hanyu. We have Japanese speaking people, and while we might not reach 41million yen, we WILL for real want to give that cash to the recovery efforts. And if we win those boots we can start a mobile Hanyu museum to tour the world for all the fanyus to have a chance to visit somethign like that without the need to go to Japan.
  21. Thank you! You made me giddy too! Let's be giddy together
  22. And that he has a concrete diagnosis which he can follow! why we are so happy about wd...lol, if somebody didn't know the context they would assume we're antis xD
  23. Okay, so what happened to Mura T.T pls somebody tell me that he just refused/jsf decided to give Tomono more exp chances... Yes as if he will rest two weeks...endorsements, interviews, appearances, and after that he will ninja to rehab assuming this was enough rest...pls pls pls let me be wrong about this, let the boy rest, let ALL of TCC rest...
  24. Monchan has beaten me to it xD I still need to check for the sources(damn you, mobile) but sans this 0.01% being Yuzuru Hanyu, I think it is real.
  25. Most probably, lol. We still have four days so it's going to be amusing seeing people trying to get his skates into 10mln and then auctioners having to reset it... Just saying but 4mln is still a record afaik.
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