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Everything posted by Louitunes

  1. Can anyone give an English translation 6:04 - 6.13 please?
  2. Hitchcock. Excuisite. Wow what SS. The first swung lift is just glorious and the later arabesque on Paul's boot. I'm in love with this programme. Thanks for putting it on the thread.
  3. Such innovative moves for Sweet Dreams. Double cantelever anyone? Gilles n Poirier... Edges to die for. ❤️
  4. Shout out for Chris Dean. Not only was he Chief Choreographer for team Torvill and Dean but he helped Aljona Savchenko and Bruno Massot win Gold at the Pyeongchang Olympics by choreographing their free programme. It's an absolute dream to watch.
  5. How interesting. I've a very old addition of the book from when I was young but never knew this story.
  6. Well I'm listening to "You Lost Me" by Christina Aguilera on a loop thanks to this thread. Great song. Hope Starr interprets it well.
  7. Wow. This song is hauntingly beautiful with Aguilera's crystal clear voice. Cannot wait to see Starr perform this.
  8. Strangely excited when '2019 Ice Shows' appears under 'Event Discussion.' Will be worse when the competitions are added with the 2019 date.
  9. His face it like that cos he's saying..."Come on Nate - hands off the butt - manner hands mate!!!! ". Nathan's response "Ooops sorry....hands too low!!". Vincent (through gritted teeth) "Phew...shoulder was the right way to go".
  10. Love it. That's the best one of the lot.
  11. Yes that would be glorious with his current ability.
  12. Just no........ doesn't suit him. You did a good job with Photoshop. Someone definitely needs to tackle origin hair, smooth suit and murder face though!!!
  13. It's that 'comma' parting. Well he did act in kdramas at one time. ...... "Action!"
  14. Thank you for the information @sallycinnamon Tayside Trophy, Dundee, Scotland GB. Open to Seniors.... Wonder if Yuzu would consider..... Where?????? No way ..... I think even if we lie a bit and say it's near where Nessie lives.... it would still be a no!!!! One can dream.
  15. Submitted. Thanks to all who organised. Great job.
  16. I'm a semi-dry cactus. Accept my fate. Hopefully tickets to GPF. Sighs at news. As none of it is really info re Yuzu. Will resurrect as soon as he leaves his cave but is happy for him to remain there for the time being ....in healing mode!!! I'd very much appreciate a streaming party.
  17. The control of flow throughout these sit spins is just stunning. Nice collection. Thank you for this.
  18. What a lovely way to talk about your mother and your relationship. I do hope my boys feel that way about me. That I am always there to support them and will always love them. A strong family base is what all children deserve in order to prosper, grow and develop into the adult they wish to be. I'm so happy that Yuzu had this.
  19. Gnarrrrrr!! I'm bored rigid. No competitions for months. Keeping a light lit by re-watching old Yuzu footage. Any streaming parties planned? Roll on Juniors.
  20. Sorry you've been ill. Hopefully you are feeling much better.
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