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Everything posted by Katt

  1. Iron Klaus is just a fan, and tbh his/her source is not always reliable. IMO, I don't think its relate to ISU. Its more between CSA, TCC and Boyang. Alot of chinese fans are quite sure he won't come to TCC. If his move is indeed cancelled, I don't know if he can go to TCC in the future. Whatever I hope he's ok.
  2. We don't know the junior boys and ice dance team training oversea for long term. I heard about Yu/Zhang too. Seem like her injuries are serious that they might skip GPs. I have to say I won't surprise that Boyang end up not going to TCC because of some last minute change. I said to a friend I only believe when I saw him on TCC's ice rink. After what happened with HanYan and Zijun, and the whole pairs spilt drama back in 2016, I can't trust CSA anymore
  3. Yeah better wait and see. But I can't help but worried about the whole situation. I always feel weird when Boyang's chinese coaches still with him when he got choreo from Lori. (And from what I heard, he's training in China with his coaches too). Can you imagine, Yuzuru still training with Nanami-san while prepare to move to TCC at the same time ?
  4. TSL is like TMZ, some info, lots of gossip and trash talk. I think they may hear abit about Boyang's move, the rest are just their nasty speculation. They like to paint everyone in a bad light so I'm not surprise. As for Boyang, I wonder what happened ? At the end of May, IFS and Brian confirmed he would go to TCC. A week later we saw him post about his training with Lori and thank CSA for give him a chance to prepare his new season in Canada. I think there's may be some communication problem between CSA, Boyang and Brian.
  5. TSL like gossip and enjoy talking how skater A has something against skater B. But their info about coaching and program are often right ( i hate to admit this). I think something indeed happened with Boyang's move. He may end up going, he may not. Sigh we have to wait. The Lori/ Tcc clash is just another TSL trash talk so nevermind
  6. When I log into twitter this morning and saw Yuzuru and Japan team in some tweets, I thought they were praised their fighting spirit becase I like the Japan-Belgium match too. Then I figured out what he actually said and I'm like " of all match why you had to choose that one ??????"
  7. Well, about the Japan vs Poland match, Japan basically walking in the last 10 mins, because if Poland had one more goal or Japan had one more yellow card, Japan wouldn't qualify. Poland had no chance to qualify so this was a deal between 2 team. There's alot of criticisms towards Japan because of poor sportmanship, alot of audience even booed after the match. As for Kozuka's comment, its a wrong and disrespecful comparision. No wonder I saw alot of japanese fans got angry this morning. And the fact that he said it on national TV could make alot of viewers misunderstand too. I'm not agree with people attack Kozuka but since I dont even know his SNS so I won't try to find and see what happened. I don't think he has anything against Yuzuru or any ill intention. People make mistake and say dumb thing. It happens. But I can say that, his words really ruin my day because it remind me of alot bad comments towards Yuzuru and his win at PC.
  8. Its still a flutz with a solid inside edge. She switch the edge right before the take off. Not surprising, no one can fix wrong edge in a few weeks but idk why she still keep that loop entry
  9. Most of music choices revealed at DOI are boring to me so I hope the choreo would be good enough ( although, I don't trust David Wilson for Mai, Kaori and Rika programs)
  10. The fact that CSA and chinese media only metion about Brian in the whole coaching change also make me . None of TCC skaters only work with Brian. And if Boyang want to improve his SS, he should spend more time with Tracy. Once the GPs start, from late Oct till late Dec, Brian will be away from TCC most of the time. Idk if its visa issue, considering he's already trained with Lori for a month a couple of time. Its not like he will stay in Canada for the whole year. If you look at the competition schedule, I think the longest he would stay in Canda might be around 2-4 months (mostly in off seasons) Whatever, I hope its work out for him. But I can't help but worried when he might move his traning base to a different country, with new training method and system, and language barrier, and figure out all other things just 3 months before his GP.
  11. He mentioned abit about his knee here, scroll down till the end : https://fstranslations.tumblr.com/post/175442420489/daisuke-takahashi-figure-skating-has-to-be-the
  12. You can say by his ACI silver (and WR ='D) Aside from Yuzuru and Shoma, I think JSF will choose whoever deliver good and consistent tech content. Its never easy to comeback, let alone back after 4 years. For me, if Dai can do 6 type of triples and stay on his feet (i'm not even talking about clean/ fully rotate jumps), its already a success, let alone quad.
  13. You can go to Nats by 3 ways : - Seeds aka medal at previous Nationals - Regionals/selections comp - International comp happen around the regionals (1 or 2 weeks before/after) So technically Yuzuru can go to Nats without JSF give him a bye by competing at senior B/GPs. Back to Dai, its too soon to predict anything when we have no clue about his form and his layout. He said he's hoping to do quads, not that he can do it now. Given his 4T back then were UR/two foot half of the time, I dont know if he can suddenly get a consitent one at the age of 32. His goal is to compete at Nat and final group, he himself set a very realistic goal. I wish him the best and look forward to his programs.
  14. I don't think so. JSF or domestic judges won't generous if he doesn't deliver on TES, especially he's out for 4 years. Fair or not, that's the truth
  15. No, its not a bye. His WC17 and OG18 spot earn by his medal at previous WC and his season's best and world standing. Nationals is not the only qualifying comp, the international results do play a big part. This is criteria for 4CC/WC/OG spot : 1/Japanese National Champion. 2/ Silver and bronze medalists at Nationals or top 2 Japanese skaters at the GPF. 3/ Above, or skaters who placed 4th-6th at Nationals, and skaters whose world standing/season’s best is within the top 3 among Japanese skaters. Yuzuru satisfy 2/ and 3/ for his 4CC/WC17 spot and the 3/ for his OG spot. So he did earn his spot by JSF's rule. As for JSF gave him seed position for Nationals twice, he can get a bye when he compete at senior B or GP. If skaters compete at a international comp around the regional's time (1 or 2 week before/after) and reach the nessesary points, it will be consider as a bye. When JSF give Yuzuru a bye for nationals, it actually they save themselves from lots of work if he compete at regionals. When Mao comeback in 2015, she want to do regionals but the local fed couldnt arrange big arena for a big star so they use Japan Open instead. And keep in mind, JO is not even a ISU event.
  16. Dai's SP choreo by David Wilson. His FS by Benoit Richaud. He only comeback for one season, aim for Nationals. I guess he want to retire in front of hometown crowd
  17. Nathan's technique is abit russian (develop by Mishin I think) and he's training in Mishin's camp so it make sense.
  18. I just think they both aware of the fanwars so they avoid appear together in front of media. Whatever they do/say will be heavily analyze and twist into something ugly. It already happen when there's no interaction. Whatever, there's always some bad apples in fandom. I hope Dai archive what he want, like he said, for himself. Its not about the medal or points, its his own satisfaction.
  19. Dai intend to do Kinki Regionals, to aim for Nationals. He hope to do 2 quads ( 1 in SP and 1 in FS ?) Don't know if he want to fight for WC/4CC spot because he will need TES min in international comp
  20. Yes. But if he really want to do GPs, he can get 2 easily as a comeback skater. I doubt JSF, or any fed would give the host spot to a skater return after 4 years without knowing his form. His situation is far different from Mao/Pchan/Carolina. I also don't think he hold a whole press con just to announce he's doing Japan open. We'll see
  21. I think if Dai want to do GPs, he would announce earlier, before GP's selection to get the spot as return skaters just like Gracie. One thing for sure, he has to do regionals, to get senior B and go to Nationals. He skipped 4 seasons, he's not in the world standing, he need to start from domestic comp to get to international. I'm not too worried about Kazuki and Keiji. They both have quite reliable quad and 3a, potential second quad. Let's be realistic, jumping in ice show =/= competition. You need to do full set of triples, and yes, triple axel. Training for competition, and the whole season is a different beast. He's amazing in PCS, but that alone won't save him if he doesn't deliver on TES. I would be very surprise if he can get near to Shoma's pcs in domestic comp. Let's wait and see. His press cont start soon
  22. We'll know more when his press con start. I asked some japanese fans and they said he can get NHK spot without minimum TES. But its whole another story for WC and 4CC. The japanese men's field is not Itatly's ladies field.
  23. Its true that Japanese men's field is not as depth as before, but still there's Kazuki who's very promosing, Keiji, Ryuji Hino... who's been competing in regionals for years for senior B/GP spot. Its not that easy to give him any spot just because he's Daisuke Takahashi. JSF or any fed has plenty of protocols when it comes to senior B/GPs, especially he announced after GPs assigments out, not before. He's amazing skater and performer, but he need to deliver on TES as anybody out there. I think he will do Japan open. Not sure about international comp
  24. Well Dai really need to do regionals to even get senior B and the GPs. Its not the fed can invite whoever they want, it depend alot on regionals/selection results. He skipped 4 seasons, not one. I wish the best for Dai and hope he archive what he want. There will be press con in the evening. We'll know more about this.
  25. I hope Yuzuru stay in Europe. I can see him back to canada if it is IDF but with COR, he would have only 5-6 days of training at TCC with long flights and jet lag. He used to train in Russia during GP in 2011/12 season so it can be arranged. My wish is that Ghislain would be with him.
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