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Everything posted by Katt

  1. I can see Lee Barkell as his main coach. So far, non of new TCC skaters has Ghislain in their announcement. I hope thats mean he can give more focus on Yuzuru. I wish to see his name listed as Yuzuru's coach in ISU bio
  2. Boy really has a bad luck with injuries. I'm still sad whenever I think about what happen at NHK, even after his 2nd OGM For sure, we won't see him push himself that hard like it was at this Oly or even Boston. That's why I think I should appreciate him more and cherish every competition. I'm so excited to see his new programs, the music, the theme, the costumes....
  3. Well he's taking season by season to see how its goes and its a right mindset for him at this point. No one can know his intention, yes, even his coaches. His original plan was retire after 2018 and he changed his mind about it. Thats prove he can change his mind again. If he aim for 2022, I think its what he himself want and no training mate could have enough influence to affect to his decision. His health will be the key for any decision in upcoming years.
  4. At this rate, I won't surprise if Shoma move to Orser. Yuzuru feel its too crowd for him and move to Raf. Nathan see it and decide to skip Yale to move to Eteri (joking ofcourse)
  5. Brian's not Gabby's main coach but for sure he still monitor her training. Ghislain is not listed as Yuzuru's coach but Yuzuru work with him more than with Brian at some points. Brian still behind the board with all Gabby's comp practice and K&C. I'm scared to think about media attention, noise, rumor and drama around TCC. Things can get really ugly.
  6. Training mate is totally more than just some cute moment/interection and praise in front of media. I think people take Yuzuru and Javi's situation as a standard and expect thing can only go that way. Just a imagine Yuzuru, boyang, jason, Junhwan in the same warm up group, its actually can happen soon at 4CC19. How they gonna give all skater equal attention, I dont know. Imagine Yuzuru does well at the same comp but Jason doesn't, oh all the drama from US media. I'm curious to see some of US fans reaction . They praise Jason as a god of artistry and shade Yuzuru and Javi as only jumper with reputation score for a long time I also have a feeling that Brian think Yuzuru won't go to 2022 and will retire soon, or Yuzuru give him some hints. I don't worried about Yuzuru as you said, he's at a very special point of his carrer. Also, at this rate, i don't see Javi will be back to TCC for another EU title
  7. Me too. Getting along well in ex, competition is different from traning together. Yuzuru and Javi worked out because they are the top priority and things also get tension at some points. I dont know if it could work between 3 or 4 people, not to mention they all come from big fed. I also don't think Jason fit TCC and god US fed is the biggest drama queen
  8. I think read somewhere that Junhwan mention he would be back to TCC after ice show to prepare for new season. I can see Gabby leaving. The same with Lil bet (for the love of god, if she goes back to Eteri !!!) Arhhh I wish we have confirmation soon. Phil, where are you ?????
  9. With alot of new elite skaters join, after a long time, the dynamic and atmosphere of the team will take a huge change. Brian and his team will have alot of work to balance things out so that all skaters can focus and feel comfortable. I hope they can manage to work it out, for everyone's sake. This will attract alot of media fenzy, attention, noise and drama and seriously I'm scared to think about it.
  10. I will wait for actual confirmation. Whether its true or not, its sad to see the the state of FS coaching at the moment.
  11. Things are getting too wild at this point
  12. I'm not going to deny or giving any other possibility. I just hope to hear more from federation but maybe CSA doesn't work like that. Anyway, we will find out soon or have more clue when the season start. I'll stop comment on this topic until they give more info
  13. Yeah, Boyang will do The ice so I'm sure Japanese media will ask him about it. What I found a bit odd is their wording, "join the team"/"permanent arrangement" instead of coach change or moving to toronto. From the statement, it looks like IFS has the info from Brian so its not a lost in translation. Whatever, I still hope we get confirmation soon.
  14. If you think about it, Jeff is always more a SP choreographer than LP, for all skater. And his choreo for Yuzuru is always on another level compare to what he did for most skaters out there. LP is another story since its longer, has more technical element and require way more stamina, especially for men with quad quad quad. Its a bit too much to expect the same level of transision and movement in SP for LP for men, even with Yuzuru. Great choreographer like Shae Lyn, David Wilson, Tom Dickson are capable of creating great SP and LP. Jeff didn't do any good LP, for both men and ladies as far as I saw. Most skaters have one or two signature moves that they always put it in their programs. Jason Brown with spilt jump, Shoma with cantilever and they do it in both programs. An overuse signature move is Vincent Zhou with his series of spread eagle. I think Yuzuru use his signature moves well, maybe I hope to see he does IB or hydroblade outside of chsp, but I don't mind as long as it fit the music. Just like I enjoy Satoko's spiral that I dont care if she put it into every chsq.
  15. Yeah i noticed they state boyang join the team not "moving to toronto" like Evgenia's. Anyway, i hope to hear from chinese fed soon
  16. I'm still wating for fed's statement its a bit weird that its not the first source for this kind of info. But IFS is quite reliable so yeah
  17. Uhm, it doesnt say a coaching change or fully transfer. I'm waiting for chinese fed's statement.
  18. Yuzuru's biellmann is not great but I will take it over A spin any day. Its impressive that he still can do biellman at the age of 23. I recall alot people predict he would lost biellman once he turned 18/19. There's a few thing that Yuzuru keep doing because they're his trademark and pride, not just for the sake of points. I feel pain in my back whenever I watch his Biellmann, but when he doesn't, I feel something's missing His layback spin is ok, I hope he can improve his free leg tho. Normally I'm not a fan of men's layback spin. Its ok to do in ex but in competition is another thing.
  19. Everything Yuzuru and his team did at Olys were well planned, from the Orser interview right before the Team event to the 1st practice. An exellent plan and show how experience his team is. It turn out they're right. As for the SP, I expected a WR as well, even with a lost level spin. In other disciplines, they gave WR once the top contender skate clean. But well, its not a big problem, he won and that's all matter.
  20. Comparing the UR jump in 2 systems is such a delight !!!! The quad BV were reduce so of course it will worth less but for the triples, actually the UR, lip/ flutz triple might worth more in new system. - Lets see if a lady UR all the jump in her free skate with -1 GOE Old system New system 2A< 1.8 2.23 3T< 2.3 2.83 3S< 2.4 2.91 3lo< 2.9 3.31 3F< or 3Fe 3.0 3.38 3lz< or 3lze 3.5 3.99 - And with falls : Old system New system 2A< 0.8 1.24 3T< 0.9 1.57 3S< 1.0 1.61 3lo< 1.5 1.84 3F< or 3Fe 1.6 1.99 3lz< or 3lze 2.1 2.21 Wow wow wow (Please let me know if I did the math right ....)
  21. I re-read the new goe bullets and seem like its easier to get +5 than the old +3 now. You need 5 bullets to archive +5, with the first 3 is a must. So a quad without steps can get +5. The 1,2,3 bullet are vague, how they measure very good height and length ? how you consider what's a good take off, good body position ? - The same for chsq. Ice coverage is bullet 4 which means they don't need good ice coverage to reach +5 - A jump lack of 1/4 rotation is UR. Its use to be more than 1/4 - ! sign on lz and F will get negative GOE. How ever I dont know if a good flutz (like Osmond's) can still get positve GOE if she fulfill other bullets ? - How the GOE work for jump bonus in 2nd half ? Is it base on raw BV or bonus BV ? In short, I dont know how these rule change can encourage skater not to focus on jump jump jump
  22. I think Yuzuru will be fine. The same for other top contenders. The new BV and GOE factor just give judges more power to inflate scoring and we know just top skaters get the benefit. Some get more and some get less but it barely change anything. I'm worried more about small fed skaters, and the direction of these change might lead. How can skater invest more into step/spin when the difference between so-so and great is around a point ? Better focus on those quads and pray for tech panel.
  23. The old system with +3 GOE and 3 factor (1.0 ; 0.7 ; 0.5) is already hard enough to remember and explain to new/casual fan let alone that every element might has it own GOE factor.I don't think I have enough patience and tolerence to read all of these SOV. Too many number hurt my eyes. If this get through the congress, I may need a new glasses This is a reason why FS will never become a high profile sport. Even long time fans can't understand the scoring most of the time.
  24. Wait, choreo sequence has higher BV with 3.0 and max GOE is 2.5 higher than stsq4, and the only element when GOE factor is not base on base value. And with the cut +30sec for men, watch a chsq with several crossover and a SE might worth almost the same with stsq4
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