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Everything posted by Katt

  1. Oh dear he knew the bad pics championship at the parade I always want him to see it I saved alot in my phone Seem like Nanami san choreo for Disney on ice
  2. I don't like the use of adios nonino in Satoko's FS ( the commentator talking non stop during her performance so I might miss something) but overall its a nice music cut. Tom Dickson is always good with music cut, even with warhorse. Lori and Danill should take a serious note. I guess I need to see Satoko skate this program in comp to have better judgement, for now, I like and don't like some parts but the 2nd half is great. The timing for her 3lz3t is good again, if only her jumps are better. The 3-2-2 is just bad, she can't rotate the triple (3lz or 3f) and 2lo most of the time. I like her packaging in both programs this year.
  3. I don't think its already film. In the past years, he skated live twice (2014, 2016), and pre record twice (2015, 2017). But the pre record thing happened just a few hours or a few day before the show, not months. So I guess he would comeback to Japan that week, for the show and often for his costume checking too. Edit : It seem like the children skating part was recorded. Don't know about his solo perf. As for the media day thing, there's a reason I always prefer to call it as Yuzuru's open practice . The word media day is bit easy to lead misunderstanding, mostly the new fans and fans of new TCC skaters, those who don't follow him and think it as a TCC thing that involve all skaters.
  4. I like Boyang's SP music, but the choreo is a bit genetic and simple. I wish Lori would give him a more challenging stsq ( and yeah his SS and spin need a lot of work) The program still empty and very little transition. His smile is cute but IMO its not fit to the mood of this song. His IN is abit off atm as if he skate to some cheerfuf high energy music. I hope to see him skate it more intense, sophisticated and hold some poses longer. But it may come later as the season goes. I dislike Nathan' SP music but I quite like the way he perform. He's having fun and trying to connect with audience. Both of his costumes need to go, especially the LP. A random uniqlo shirt or practice gear is better than that I still like Shoma's SP the most out of 3 programs. Watching him, Nathan and Boyang back to back here make his SS, speed and knee bend really stand out.
  5. According to this tweet, Yuzuru will appear in an ice show in Sendai ( probably him skate to a ex program like the past few years) for 24h TV (25,26/8). So I think media day would be in the next 2 weeks. Unless he decide to do it in early Sept
  6. I mistook this as his spiderman SP then I saw the opening/ending poses . I really want to see his SP.
  7. Of course but we would know their music cut ( very important !!!), the preview and the abit overall image of their new program. Some programs like Seimei already had great potential in ice show despite messy performance. Some programs are just bad no matter in ice show or comp and this time, I would say its Alina's SP.
  8. Just watch a bunch of new program. Some thoughts : - Marin's SP is ok. I didn't find any highlight but not bad either. The vocal during stsq hurt my ears. Hope she can skate with more power. I feel her interpretation is abit flat atm, but its still early. I can see some potential in this program. - Satoko's SP is so so. For now, I still like Sayuri more. And I don't like the music part they use for stsq and overall music cut. I like the timing for the 3lz3t, sigh, it would be so good if she has better jump. She has wonderful arm movements. Seriously, I hope Marin, Kaori, Mai ( and alot ladies) would watch and learn how she use her arms. - Alina's SP is yike. The problem with almost all POTO programs is the music cut when they often try to put all the songs into one program but this one take the cake. Her movement is so rushed and messy. The entry into 2A is nice Say what you want but Yuzuru's POTO has one of the best music cut, and to me, its how a choreographer (and skater) deal with a warhorse. - Shoma's LP is what I expected at this point. Empty and flat. I like the timing of the 3A and as always, his last spin. The cantilever need to go. The tricky with moonlight sonata is while the first movement is very beautiful (my fave part too), its also hard to skate and choreo without getting boring. His SP is much much better, his IN improve compare to the first time he perform, I think it has great potential. Also, that costume is terrible, its like a shirt for firebird program but I'm not worried because he will change it when GP start. -I like Nathan's LP music but once again, this highlight his stiff knee more than ever, especially I watch this right after Shoma's. This program is so empty and only come to life in the last minute. I hope they would put chsq/3rd spin somewhere in between or else it would be 7 jumping passes in a row Again, I have to say those 30s cut is gonna be a real challenge for all men this season.
  9. I don't like any music choice from Korean ladies Dabin why carmen why ???? I really Dai's SP music. I think it would be a very emotional program. As for the LP, who the hell think its right to mix that song with bell of moscow ?????? The vocal sounds terrible.
  10. Actually I think people start to call it media day from 16-17 season instead of open practice ( I have seen some people misunderstand and call it as TCC media day which never exit in the first place). He revealed POTO at 2014 open practice. Apart from 16/17, he usually only skate 1 competitive program in ice show and announce the other one in August. This year, there's rule changes and his rehab so it make sense that he couldn't debut any program in ice show. I think his open practice/media day is already a big deal after Sochi, just getting more and more interest and attention over the years.
  11. If I remember right, we found out the exact date of media day when some channel put in their program list that there's a report about Yuzuru's training in Toronto. Last year, it was about 3-4 days before. In 2016, its about 1-2 days before (although I think 1-2 week before some people knew it might be on mid Sept because of an Europe FS mag's article). In 2015, its 1 week before. So yeah, basically it woud be any time in August. I the past year, its on Tue or Thurs, so 7, 9, 14, 16 (?)
  12. Reading Gogolev's protocol is such an experience. 0 and +4 for the same element. And +3 for 1A. I failed to see any special about his spins for all +3,+4,+5. J1 is the only sane person in this panel. Back to his perfomance. Quite messy, as expect at this point. I hope they would take out 1 or even 2 quad and focus more on detail as right now, this program is just a jumping fest. Idk why they give him almost 70 pcs, 5 points higher than Joseph ? Also Joseph got -4 and +1 for his pop 4T
  13. The best costume today is Satoko's. Pray that Lori won't make her change it.
  14. I don't think it has anything with recovery time. He had 2 new programs in 16/17 season when his recovery was much slower. He repeated Chopin in Olys season when he's healthy at the beginning. Its depend on his approach this season. I think Yuzuru might want to have a new start when the olys is over so my guess is 2 brand new programs. My only wish is not tango this time.
  15. Gogolev's jumps are ok. Not outstanding but not bad. He has good flow out of the jumps at his age. His air position could be better. I think he has good potential but i'm not sure about his musicality. And I dislike his SP music The summer comp tend to be very generous when it comes to GOE/PCS. Nam usually get +1/+2 for his 4S internationally so I don't think too much. But the new GOE range is lol. The same element got 0 and +4 or -2 and +3
  16. That's what I wonder too. But DW (and most choreographers ) always want to take control in his programs. The problem with him is when he find a style/element that work for a skater, he will just stick to it. The same with Lori. I think Shae is more open that she actually let skater go out of the box sometime and challenge them. I need to see Evgenia's LP for a better judgement but I don't trust DW will come up with unique choreo for a warhorse.
  17. Both Evgenia's music choices are very very D.Wilson. Yo Yo Ma “Mumuki” is a bit meh. I'm more curious about the SP, it could be a cheerful, bright program if its done right.Again, I wish I could trust DW. But well, its indeed different from what she did before and that's the thing alot of people want and care about ( How can DW manage to pick the music I dislike most of the time )
  18. Last year media day was 9/8.The 24h TV is on 25, 26/8 if he do it this year. My guess is around 14-17/8 (or early Sept ) We will know the date before 4-7 days I think. I agree I need the exact date to prepare myself
  19. I'm abit worried about Kaori's SP, its soft music and its DW's choreo. And Wakaba's LP music though ....
  20. Nope that's her SP. She's gonna change another dress too.
  21. Wow finally someone skate to house of flying daggers OST. I have been waiting for it for years. I hope Lori will give her good choreo and I hope Marin watch this movie too if she portray the main female character. Its require a depth and very maturity interpretation, not just a beautiful lady with pretty smile. Tbh when I listen to this OST, I think of Satoko. So I'm very excited to see how Marin handle this. Its a challenge for her. I read Marin's interview. Seem like she watched the movie. Go for it, girl !!!!
  22. I like Nathan's music choice. I hope the choreo will be good and it won't end up like Nemesis and MLD Jeremy's ex is great. He has great posture and SS which is a need for this kind of music. A big challenge for Nathan I think
  23. I know his LP gonna be warhorse. My problem with most moonlight sonata's programs is the music cut. It could be very messy.
  24. I appreciate her effort in translating and she does very well alot of time. But sometime she use it as a tool to spread drama/negative news/speculation so I decide to mute her. I wonder how long all sides will keep silent about this. For sure Brian won't be the one to inform again. Japanese media may ask Boyang when he do The ice but he can choose to not answer.
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