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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. All these kids copying greatness...so cute! Though I can't believe someone else beside Yuzu actually wanted to wear boobskirt!
  2. I remember watching that competition on TV and not being able to understand why Tracy and Rob didn't win...cue my lifelong consternation with ID judging... Happy Birthday, Tracy!
  3. How great is it that they included Pooh?
  4. Threats of this nature are crimes in almost all jurisdictions where the GPs are being held. If anyone receiving such a threat has reason to believe the threat was credible and specific as to location and/or time, then a phone call to local police is in order. Just sayin'.
  5. Yes. Tbh, I hold my breath every time he's in mid-air now, and get emotional when he lands safely. Fanyu PTSD. For me, every jump safely landed is the most beautiful right now.
  6. Oh, of course! It's his for Ice-chan that I saw, absolutely!
  7. I just saw the news. What a sad thing to happen. My heart goes out to them.
  8. When I watched last year's Origin, I really saw that creator/deity that Shae-Lynn referenced in her interview about it. I saw a story of a being so brimming over with energy that he couldn't help but create a world and humans to live in it, and then become intrigued and enamored with what he had made. I didn't see Yuzu in it - it was more like Yuzu became the means of expression for this incredible story. This year, though, Origin seems a lot more personal and more passionate. It feels more like Yuzu is showing us himself and trying to say something that he really wants to say, that only he can express. And I feel like there's a lot of love in it - strong, fierce, passionate love - though for what, I couldn't say. (Come to think of it, it reminds me of R&J 1.0 in that way). With Otonal, for me the feeling is similar between the two versions. If anything, I'd say this year's seems like it's been set free from constraints we didn't know were there.
  9. Every time I see him doing these I get jealous. I wanna skate like that too!
  10. Argh. I feel rung out like a wet dishrag after all the extra drama over World's ticket presales today... Anyone got some good new Yuzu art? I'm loving On Ice Perspectives ACI videos, btw. Great shots of everyone including Brian and Tracy.
  11. Well here's hoping they smarten up before then, and that he's wrong. Because separating technical and artistic aspects into different programs is not going to solve the problem of bad technical calls or PCS being basically a made-up score. And unless they go for an approach similar to ice dance, where one program is rigidly defined in content (like the RD) and one program is open to skater's choice (like FD), separating the programs will render skating unwatchable, so bye-bye TV revenues. Of all the scuttlebutt I've read about the ISU's decisions, this rumour is the one that upsets me the most. Why not just bring compulsory figures back, instead? At least they can be judged objectively from the very start.
  12. No, I've said my bit and am only suggesting design options now. And basically what I'm saying is that text-only might be our answer. Or we could just try collaring some of the commentators who keep insisting we're all Japanese and try to explain to them what they're getting wrong.
  13. Well, that's a shame. I know the Planet doesn't encourage politics so all I'm going to say is that the very fact we even have to have this discussion and/or give using the flags a second thought, is an indication of things being very, very wrong in places, and also that innocent people are suffering for no good reason. That aside, what about going back to words? "Hong Kong fans for Yuzu" , "Chinese fans for Yuzu" etc - would that work? I have no objections to carrying "Canuck fans for Yuzu"...hopefully he'd know what a Canuck is...
  14. Also, IMO Trusova didn't get calls that she should have.
  15. I'm just hearing about this now, I hope he's ok! Concussions can mess people's lives up, never mind his skating.
  16. It's been mentioned in past interviews (not by him, but by someone from JSF I believe) that he receives so much fan mail that there's a two-year backlog on even just reading it....
  17. Agree. I get that it's not easy to sit through an entire competition (especially when there's a large number of competitors), but once in your seat, at least wait until the next zamboni break or next 6 minute warmup before you get up, and when returning to your seat, only do it in between skaters. During one of the women's segments this year in Oakville, six or seven people in my row got up and ran off right in the middle of someone's program, disrupting everyone else in the row, to go try and get a photo with Javi who just happened to pop in for a moment. It was very disruptive and distracting and irritating. I wanted to watch that skate, and I couldn't concentrate because I kept having to stand up and sit down like a jack-in-the-box in order to let them by. I could have done without the rise in blood pressure. So, yeah, don't do it during competition. It's rude AF. You can make an argument that it's more acceptable to do this kind of thing during practices, and I say that it's better to be considerate of your seat-mates and stay put if possible.
  18. That's how I read it because he did similar things at ACI last year too. I think Yuzu wants every one of his fans to love skating and respect his opponents, not just to follow him.
  19. Agree wholeheartedly. Once the event has started, it's best to stay put in your seat for the whole thing and rude to leave in the middle.
  20. He loves that step sequence and it shows on his face and the audience responds to that, hence the roar. And in general, I think a lot of the screaming is just people's honest reactions to his performance. When you watch him skate, he is giving the audience so MUCH - it makes every part of your body want to respond to what he is doing. Just merely clapping doesn't feel like a big enough reaction; it feels like you're not showing enough gratitude. So I think that's why people scream. That being said, I try to save my screaming for the end LOL.
  21. The hushing at ACI last year was because people didn't stop screaming for him even though the next skater was about to start their skate. So he was fully in the right to shush. I've seen a different effect though - because people are in the habit of cheering for him during open practices, they start clapping for the other skaters, too, just to be polite. Sometimes these are skaters who no one's heard of or seen before, and they probably don't get a lot of support normally.
  22. I don't mind tackling Worlds. Can I just go ahead and create my own files following the template or do you need to send me things? Warning: it won't be fast. Just read Edges of Glory's interview with Ted Barton. Did you know he was instrumental in creating IJS? I wonder how he feels when he sees that system getting misused for bias despite all the efforts to try and make it fair?
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