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Everything posted by rockstaryuzu

  1. Dang...sounds like his surgery and recovery went well. I was never so disappointed as when he had to withdraw from SCI last year. I was really looking forward to seeing him live.
  2. Honestly, it bugs me when that happens. Like, they should try not to be so obvious about their bias.
  3. Oh. I see. Didn't realize they were doing their own, and the photo was captioned 'Russian test skates' so I got mixed up. I wanna see what he's doing!
  4. Then why are photos of Kolyada supposedly at the test skates showing up in my Twitter? ...
  5. Ice dance is notorious for arcane and untransparent judging. Basically the top five couples in the world don't seem to have much actual difference in level beyond whether the judges decide to like them or not.
  6. Anyone watching the senior test skates? There's no thread in the events forum.
  7. Well, considering that JSF has already withdrawn all their junior skaters from international competition in the name of COVID-19 prevention and said they wouldn't send anyone to Challengers either, it would be more than a touch hypocritical of them to criticize Yuzu's decision to withdraw from the GP now. But I didn't expect them to come out and say they respect his decision. That's a big surprise and a definite acknowledgement of Yuzu's good sense.
  8. JSF openly backing Yuzu...is the world ending?! Sign of the times.
  9. To be frank that would be a lot easier on our nerves than him telling us he's landing it regularly
  10. Rabbit hole is a good description...doesn't help that they basically have their own TV channel...there is so much stuff! It's like the opposite of following Yuzu...rather than being a cactus, it's more like being a water lily...you're awash in a sea of great content. I don't have time for another fandom, but I guess I have to make an exception for RM* & the boys... //All right, back to Yuzu chat... *My bias. What can I say, I like the smart ones best.
  11. Ugh. This BS again. Always with the 'a Japanese would never ...blah blah blah'. Always, always trying to treat Yuzu like the nail that sticks up and hammer him down. Yuzu's basically the daimyo of figure skating at this point. He has earned every right to do whatever he sees fit! SMH. Edited to add: So this anti is in the casino business, huh? My mind goes immediately to sports gambling...I don't know if people place bets on figure skating, but if they do, then there's probably where the sour grapes are coming from... dude's ticked off at a loss of potential income for his business...
  12. I was around - but totally distracted by BTS...and Roman's fully to blame for that one. After he posted his DNA dance video, I started clicking on BTS vids, and, well, here I am missing skating streaming parties now... Dang all these cute talented boys... what's a woman to do...
  13. Maybe. I can't help but think that if he were in Canada right now, he'd probably go to SCI (if it gets held - still no announcement on that), just because otherwise it would seem like a waste. Meh. I'm starting to think the fall season will be a bust altogether. Russia's the only place that's proceeding with serious competition at the moment
  14. I wasn't expecting such a long extension on the travel ban. That's basically bad news for a good-sized portion of the TCC crew. On the other hand, I agree with you that this extended time at home in Japan could turn out to be really good for Yuzu. I hope he's able to make the most of it. This is only my own personal opinion so take it what it's worth but I feel like it might be a good opportunity for Yuzu if at this time he could try his hand at teaching some kids skating. If he's interested in coaching in the future, now would be a chance for him to start working towards that, since he's at home anyways. That is, assuming he could do it safely in a socially distanced way.
  15. @FlyingCamel yeah, this pandemic has gone on long enough.
  16. I applaud Yuzu's caution and the leadership he's showing in making this decision, and some of the things he's said about the pandemic have left me a little concerned for him. I hope he's not letting this situation prey on his mind too much. It's a scary time, especially for someone with asthma, but it will end eventually and in the meantime, it does no good to worry too much.
  17. Well, that's news I wasn't expecting today, but I think he's doing the right thing. Also, when you look at it, he's giving up one competition that doesn't count for world standing points, and potentially the GPF, which we're not even sure will be held. It won't affect his standing in the rankings or him qualifying for World's etc. Even so, it must have been a very painful decision for him to make. This is the first fall in a decade where he's not competing.
  18. Re Kose: Has there been official news, or just sponsor ads disappearing from event websites, like Worlds? I wouldn't want to jump to conclusions about their ongoing sponsorship when it might just be one of two events they're withdrawing from.
  19. Like a competition without the competition!
  20. I wonder if Brezina is done, or coming back for another year. Was there a retirement announcement?
  21. .... It will be interesting to see if he can do that music justice. So much looking forward to seeing what Kolyada's getting ready for us. I read that the FP was inspired by the life of Nureyev. Pretty ambitious subject to tackle.
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