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Everything posted by airi

  1. Wow, those are going to be loooong JGP events... I was prepared to watch both competitons happening in my city live from start to finish, but now I wonder if I can do it... mainly, if some parts of my body will survive it
  2. I'm just going to start a campaign now to give Rinka the GP spot, asap! Now she just won a challanger (where she beat a reigning world champion) she has to get one. Please? Wow, she was so good, and that has to be one of the best women's 3A ever PS. Katia is still as adorable as always PS 2. Lara Naki Gutmann has a fantastic program, I hope to see this clean this season, she already feels the music so well!
  3. Wow, Mrazkova/Mrazek broke a junior world record for RD ;0 and have to say, they were absolutely awesome
  4. yeah, Mao Shimada has that vibe of future greatness, with the hope of not early retirement I'm so excited to watch her for years, hopefully
  5. Did I promise myself that I won't miss sleep anymore over figure skating? Yes. Will I wake up to watch Yuzuru's streamed practice at 5AM? Also yes.
  6. The power of GOAT some amazing stats for first day of Yuzu's yt channel
  7. ISU competitions - no, I think that's definitely not happening anymore. Too much has happened really, and he did won all there was to win, honestly. 99% he's not coming back to that (and I say 99 only because I hate words "never" and "impossible" and almost never use them). But, he might be thinking about a way of developing something where he could still compete somehow, who knows...
  8. I love that he finally is so honest in his interviews... And, you know what they say about karma
  9. Ok, I feel better... and excited for whatever he's gonna do next. It may be true that we will hear and see him more often now as a pro skater and please, do a World Tour, pleaseee
  10. Ok, it's a sad day for this sport... but thank you for everything Yuzuru and good luck with everything you do ;;;;;;
  11. We had time to prepare but somehow I still feel shocked...
  12. I was chilling, probably the only one here not waiting anxiously for GP assignments (but still checking if the're out) and now this... and waiting entire day now for whatever it is... hello Yuzuru-induced stress my old friend
  13. Eh, time to calm down and be happy that Yuzuru won everything at a time when figure skating still resembled a sport
  14. Eh, I hate that they brought back qualifying rounds... I remember that everyone (especially skaters) always said that's too tiring and that this is really unfair for those who have to do it ;/ But well, short memory I guess...
  15. lol calm down Yuzu
  16. What a lucky audience today, they must be thankful for the awful ice lol Generally, wow
  17. People at work are asking why I'm smiling like a mad woman
  18. Yuzu looks good I have literally no time for anything right now, so can't get properly excited, but happy he gets to perform again soon
  19. Those reports make me sick... I'm glad at least Shcherbakova didn't go.
  20. I'm so bummed Wesley missed that medal, but happy for Tatsuya! (and, let's be honest, for Japanese juniors at JGP next season I was quite concerned for a while about that)
  21. He obviously shouldn't be here Not recovered from the injury as I feared... Wonder if he will WD from the free, the fall looked really, really bad
  22. We don't seem to have Junior Worlds thread, so I'm gonna say it here. I absolutely adore Wesley Chiu, to the point he is probably my favourite male skater after Yuzu right now. I hope he medals!
  23. Oh, somehow I wasn't ready for Satton retiring... I guess much more announcements is coming after Worlds
  24. Why isn't Shun going to JWC? I missed something... And Kao is likely to WD too...
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