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Everything posted by Deliverpooh

  1. Was afraid of that. I think we're nearing the end of Elena's competitive career, unfortunately. Are they going to replace her?
  2. So, what are you listening to at the moment? Is it a hot new track, something that brings back fond memories or is it Carmen or the Romeo and Juliet soundtrack? I'm back into K-pop and the Queen of it has just brought out a new track: What about you?
  3. 3A animal special: Alexandra's instagram especially is one big dog party.
  4. Alena above Anna. Somehow I thought it was the other way around
  5. So four spots for the ladies in JGPF are now decided: Shcherbakova, Kostornaia, Tarakanova and Kim.
  6. Congratulations to Yelim Kim for making it to the JGPF -3 spots for Shcherbakova, Tarakanova and Kostornaia -Only Kanysheva and Trusova can end up above her still -Tarusina has two silvers as well, but a lower total score, meaning the sixth spot will be hers in any case.
  7. Not long ago I didn't even know whether or not she spoke English well, but she is so witty in the language. I love her more by the day.
  8. They can add pair skating as a discipline and win four gold medals in Beijing together.
  9. This is so funny! I imagine them doing it with giant scissors too
  10. That would be great EDIT: I just realized I made my 100th post talking about crocheted Nessies
  11. So, we had Anna and Anna competing last week in the JGP. This week it's Alena and Alena. And last week's ice dance ladies were both called Elizaveta. They are not doing too shabby either (from Elizaveta Khudaiberdieva's Insta)
  12. Oh no! I hope she will get another one. Though I guess they, like Russia will try to maximise their chances for the final.
  13. Poor Anastasia. I hope she can make it to a Challenger to set some scores.
  14. Not really. She wouldn't stand a chance against her compatriots anymore, anyway.
  15. Congratulations to Anna and Anna. Just entered the grand prix and got the top two spots. The Russian ladies are really great.
  16. She is phenomenal. And a mini interview with Anna Shcherbakova: Her English is really good.
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